群雞正亂叫,Chickens were crowing noisily.
客至雞斗爭。They even started to fight when the guests were coming.
驅雞上樹木,I dispersed them to the brush,
始聞叩柴荊。Then I could hear knocking on the wood door.
父老四五人,Couples of seniors in the village came,
問我久遠行。welcoming my return from afar.
手中各有攜,They all brought gifts with them.
傾榼濁復清。 pouring clean and murky wine into the vessel.
莫辭酒味薄, They explained why the wine did not taste strong enough.
黍地無人耕。 because the wheat fields were left uncultivated.
兵戈既未息, The fighting has yet to cease.
兒童盡東征。 and all the young boys drifted to the east.
請為父老歌, Let me sing my verses for the seniors.
艱難愧深情。 for appreciating their kindness.
歌罷仰天嘆, After singing, I raised my head and sighed a deep sigh.
四座淚縱橫。 The old guests were all shedding tears of sorrow.
- 1樓. 人神佛魔上帝各種萬年禍害沒必要再丟臉萬代2023/06/27 09:56打擾了!!
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