- 2025/01/26 08:54
詩 趣🌵 前清時期,益陽筆架山附近有對夫妻,男女皆有文才。只因家境貧窮,時日都揭不開鍋地過著貧困日子。 是日,為逢端午節的前日。飽讀詩書的妻子,對家庭的困境感慨動情,隨即吟成...
瀏覽:59迴響:0推薦:6 - 2025/01/25 09:40
Should DDP administration stop propagating LGBT? Because your Trump Dad does not like it. 刻不容緩,特朗普炮打...
瀏覽:109迴響:0推薦:8 - 2025/01/24 10:05
No comparison, no harm. 中國領先全球的幾個巨大優勢,要名揚天下了_風聞
瀏覽:162迴響:0推薦:7 - 2025/01/23 19:36
油壁香車不再逢, Not see your aromatic lacquered cart again 峽雲無跡任西東。Like wayward clouds drifting by their ow...
瀏覽:204迴響:0推薦:12 - 2025/01/22 09:05
Americans have better known the lives of their counterparts in China through the cross-fertilization...
瀏覽:249迴響:0推薦:11 - 2025/01/21 09:13
三日柴門擁不開, The firewood door closed for three days. 階平庭滿白皚皚。 Because the snow piled on the doorsteps. ...
瀏覽:297迴響:0推薦:16 - 2025/01/20 11:17
苦思搜詩燈下吟, Under the lamp I cudgeled my brains 不眠長夜怕寒衾。For making poems in the sleepless night. 滿庭木葉愁...
瀏覽:288迴響:0推薦:13 - 2025/01/19 10:02
冷燭無煙綠蠟乾, Like jade wax on a smokeless candle. 芳心猶卷怯春寒。Wrapped in leaves before the cold spring. 一緘書札...
瀏覽:301迴響:0推薦:14 - 2025/01/18 09:47
Today is the doomsday for TikTok in America: be banned or an American company. Reports said a swarm ...
瀏覽:263迴響:0推薦:10 - 2025/01/17 08:51
母別子,子別母, The wrench between the mother and kids 白日無光哭聲苦。 Their wailing had made the sun dull. 關西驃騎大將...