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2023/02/26 02:16





美國國內決策菁英中頭腦比較清楚的也替世界發聲,哈佛大學政府學教授杭廷頓(Samuel P. Huntington)提到美國「逐漸變成超級流氓大國....是對全球社會最大的單一外來威脅」

美國政治學會會長傑維斯(Robert Jervis)也說:「今天頭號流氓國家是美國」


中華民國一向不依賴美國,不論是中華民國在大陸或是中華民國在台灣,最親美的兩蔣時期,中華民國都留下被美國尊重的獨立自主空間,一直到蔡英文執政才改變。「依美論」一直都是台灣台獨份子一廂情願的幻想。儘管美國政治人物,包括 最近余茂春也一再的澄清,但是民進黨一部分人還是一直用這種依美論在欺騙台灣民眾。自由時報《對台海局勢的三大錯誤認知》:

  • 以我在美國政府工作的所有的經歷,以及我所有打過交道的美國政治外交領袖,從來沒有聽說過有任何一個台灣的政治領袖來華盛頓遊說鼓吹所謂的台灣獨立
  • 美國對台的防務承諾,除了是反對中共在亞太地區的侵略擴張之外,更大意義上是受到保護普世價值和民主自由制度的驅使 (不是保護台獨)





最近的「毀滅台灣論」則是有所本,他是來自2021年美國陸軍戰略季刊《Broken Nest: Deterring China from Invading Taiwan》





To start, the United States and Taiwan should lay plans for a targeted scorched-earth strategy that would render Taiwan not just unattractive if ever seized by force, but positively costly to maintain. This could be done most effectively by threatening to destroy facilities belonging to the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, the most important chipmaker in the world and China’s most important supplier. Samsung based in South Korea (a US ally) is the only alternative for cutting-edge designs. Despite a huge Chinese effort for a “Made in China” chip industry, only 6 percent of semiconductors used in China were produced domestically in 2020.27 If Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company’s facilities went offline, companies around the globe would find it difficult to continue operations.28 This development would mean China’s high-tech industries would be immobilized at precisely the same time the nation was embroiled in a massive war effort. Even when the formal war ended, the economic costs would persist for years. This problem would be a dangerous cocktail from the perspective of the Chinese Communist Party, the legitimacy of which is predicated on promises of domestic tranquility, national resilience, and sustained economic growth.

The challenge, of course, is to make such a threat credible to Chinese decisionmakers. They must absolutely believe Taiwan’s semiconductor industry would be destroyed in the event of an invasion. If China suspects Taipei would not follow through on such a threat, then deterrence will fail. An automatic mechanism might be designed, which would be triggered once an invasion was confirmed. In addition, Taiwan’s leaders could make it known now they will not allow these industries to fall into the hands of an adversary.29 The United States and its allies could support this endeavor by announcing plans to give refuge to highly skilled Taiwanese working in this sector, creating contingency plans with Taipei for the rapid evacuation and processing of the human capital that operates the physical semiconductor foundries.


