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Excerpt:Scott Fitzgerald’s My Lost City
2012/02/25 09:21

ExcerptScott Fitzgerald’s My Lost City

村上春樹 2006.9



取而代之,我找到了這一篇費茲傑羅的隨筆,試著摘要其中的部份內容,索性讓我們一起漫遊這一位失落的一代 (Lost Generation) 的代表性作家所描繪的這一座失落的城市。

書名:我失落的城市 My Lost City
作者:史考特‧費茲傑羅 F. Scott Fitzgerald

    There was first the ferry boat moving softly from the Jersey shore at dawn? the moment crystalized into my first symbol of New York. Five years later when I was fifteen I went into the city from school to see Ina Claire in The Quaker Girl and Gertrude Bryan in Little Boy Blue. Confused by my hopeless and melancholy love for them both, I was unable to choose between them? so they blurred into one lovely entity, the girl. She was my second symbol of New York. The ferry boat stood for triumph, the girl for romance. In time I was to achieve some of both, but there was a third symbol that I have lost somewhere, and lost forever.
    But that night, in Bunny's apartment, life was mellow and safe, a finer distillation of all that I had come to love at Princeton. The gentle playing of an oboe mingled with city noises from the street outside, which penetrated into the room with difficulty through great barricades of books; only the crisp tearing open of invitations by one man was a discordant note. I had found a third symbol of New York and I began wondering about the rent of such apartments and casting about for the appropriate friends to share one with me.
    New York had all the iridescence of the beginning of the world. The returning troops marched up

Fifth Avenue
and girls were instinctively drawn East and North toward them? this was the greatest nation and there was gala in the air. As I hovered ghost-like in the Plaza Red Room of a Saturday afternoon, or went to lush and liquid garden parties in the East Sixties or tippled with Princetonians in the Biltmore Bar I was haunted always by my other life? my drab room in the Bronx, my square foot of the subway, my fixation upon the day's letter from Alabama? would it come and what would it say?? my shabby suits, my poverty, and love. While my friends were launching decently into life I had muscled my inadequate bark into midstream.

    ...Incalculable city. What ensued was only one of a thousand success stories of those gaudy days, but it plays a part in my own movie of New York. When I returned six months later the offices of editors and publishers were open to me, impresarios begged plays, the movies panted for screen material. To my bewilderment, I was adopted, not as a Middle Westerner, not even as a detached observer, but as the arch type of what New York wanted. …
…Within a few months after our embarkation on the Metropolitan venture we scarcely knew any more who we were and we hadn't a notion what we were. A dive into a civic fountain, a casual brush with the law, was enough to get us into the gossip columns, and we were quoted on a variety of subjects we knew nothing about. Actually our "contacts" included half a dozen unmarried college friends and a few new literary acquaintances? I remember a lonesome Christmas when we had not one friend in the city, nor one house we could go to. Finding no nucleus to which we could cling, we became a small nucleus ourselves and gradually we fitted our disruptive personalities into the contemporary scene of New York. Or rather New York forgot us and let us stay.
    …And lastly from that period I remember riding in a taxi one afternoon between very tall buildings under a mauve and rosy sky; I began to bawl because I had everything I wanted and knew I would never be so happy again.
    It was too late? or too soon. For us the city was inevitably linked up with Bacchic diversions, mild or fantastic. We could organize ourselves only on our return to Long Island and not always there. We had no incentive to meet the city half way. My first symbol was now a memory, for I knew that triumph is in oneself; my second one had grown commonplace? two of the actresses whom I had worshipped from afar in 1913 had dined in our house. But it filled me with a certain fear that even the third symbol had grown dim? the tranquillity of Bunny's apartment was not to be found in the ever-quickening city.
   …From the ruins, lonely and inexplicable as the sphinx, rose the Empire State Building and, just as it had been a tradition of mine to climb to the Plaza Roof to take leave of the beautiful city, extending as far as eyes could reach, so now went to the roof of the last and most magnificent of towers. Then understood-everything was explained: I had discovered the crowning error of the city, its Pandora's box. Full of vaunting pride the New Yorker had climbed here and seen with dismay what he had never suspected, that the city was not the endless succession of canyons that he had supposed but that it had limits?
    Thus I take leave of my lost city. Seen from the ferry boat in the early morning, it no longer whispers of fantastic success and eternal youth. The whoopee mamas who prance before its empty parquets do not suggest to me the ineffable beauty of my dream girls of 1914


    All is lost save memory,
yet sometimes I imagine myself reading, with curious interest, a Daily News of the issue of 1945…
    So perhaps I am destined to return some day and find in the city new experiences that so far I have only read about. For the moment I can only cry out that I have lost my splendid mirage. Come back, come back, O glittering and white!

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全站分類:知識學習 隨堂筆記
自訂分類:Selected & Extracts

迴響(2) :
2樓. 黃郁棋(灰狼)
2012/02/25 22:24


le14nov2012/02/26 08:08回覆
1樓. ■♀醫楊曉萍
2012/02/25 21:36
我與您重複了Proust之餘, 原來還有"漫長的告別" .....

另一本, 可能要選約翰克里斯朵夫

至於大亨小傳....沒讀英文版, 或許說的都是上階層人士, 缺乏同感......抱歉得不到與您一樣的感受, 但我相信您的判斷 ^^


但假如 您要問我這相同的問題,老實說,我的的閱讀經驗有限(或者我應該說我相信未來還更多的閱讀經驗),我好像沒辦法像村上春樹一樣篤定,除了普魯斯特的《追憶似水年華》。
le14nov2012/02/26 07:52回覆