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試譯 林徽因 (你是)人間四月天
2022/04/06 00:39


我說你是人間的四月天;You are April on earth, I say.

笑響點亮了四面風 Your laughter is lightening the wind from all directions.

輕靈在春的光艷中交舞著變。softly swinging, dancing, and changing amid the splendor of spring.

你是四月早天裡的雲煙,You are wafting clouds in the aurora of April,

黃昏吹著風的軟,gentle wind blowing in the dusk,

星子無意中閃,starlets sparkling inadvertently,

細雨點灑在花前,drizzles dropping in front of flowers.

那輕,那娉婷你是,So light, so slender, you are.

鮮妍百花的冠冕 Wearing the crown made of flowers of brilliant colors, you are:

你是天真,莊嚴,你是夜夜的月圓。Innocent but majestic, you are the full moon of every night.

雪化後那篇鵝黃,你像;新鮮 The light-yellow stretch after thawing makes you look like:

初放芽的綠,你是;柔嫩喜悅  the fresh green of first buds, you are; so tender, so delicate, and so joyful.

水光浮動著你們期待的白蓮。rippled and sparkled water carrying the white lotus in your dream.

你是一樹一樹的花開,You are the efflorescence, tree by tree;

是燕在梁間呢喃,you are the chirping swallow on beams;

你是愛,是暖,是希望,You are love, warmth, and hope.

你是人間的四月天! You are April on earth!

