- 3樓. Sir Norton 魯賓遜,救命!2024/07/05 18:16I never stopped writing. I only stopped posting it here in UDN to reserve the first exposure privilege for paid publication. 🤓Understood.
Let me know when it is published to purchase.
My vanity would be reached to the highest to claim I know the author. nothing special 於 2024/07/09 07:19回覆 - 2樓. BEVO2024/05/07 21:40Shangri-la is nowhere to be found. All I do is to bury head in sand. Don't want to imagine what will happen in November.
Only hope the size of voter great then the size of idiots who belive tRump is the chosen one, and most importantly they/we go voting that day-doing the right thing.
All I could do is stay on my Shan-gri-la-zyboy (not my head in sand, instead, I have unplugged my TV ((since someone refused the 'peaceful transition' )) to deny the outside chaos.)
Don't worry, Life is Always Goes On!!
nothing special 於 2024/05/08 21:31回覆The risky of Supreme Court turns to a MAGA kangaroo court really is my fear of tRump 2nd term. I have watched more of relate pocasts similar as the one below:
'A MAGA court majority': Former Obama aide warns about SCOTUS if Trump elected - YouTube
nothing special 於 2024/05/23 01:14回覆 - 1樓. Sir Norton 魯賓遜,救命!2024/04/06 12:52這些日子以來,更常的不禁要臆測人類伊止何方,我心早有定見,但不知您這位小妹的想法?😵💫
NS不才,哪有膽子對那些嶄新的玩意嗤之以鼻? 人哪,活到某一時段、某一定點還不知自己的斤兩是挺有些白活了。
nothing special 於 2024/04/07 12:50回覆I mean I might have been 有些白活了 at certain time, unknowingly. Life and the World have been dramatically changed after Covid pandemic that triggered self-mortification a bit.
The disgusting feeling toward tRump remains the same; however, I would be in deep depressing and felt hopeless if someone has his undeserved 2nd term.
It will be imprisonment for many, especially for me, who can't bear situation of 美利堅的道義倫常的徹底崩壞. Want to hide but where to? 香格里拉? Shangri-La is nothing but a fiction, you know that, right?
Er, why am I talking fantasy to a fiction writer? Because you're a submarine under water now?
Well, this is it. For the purpose of completing my response that had been interrupted in the middle of typing, thinking... yesterday (not in Chinese, too lazy to get my older laptop, again.) nothing special 於 2024/04/08 15:24回覆