虬髯簇簇 披星追宿
眼前盡是青綠樹 暗裡多少險路
百結青衫襟 一口舊包袱
倦憩客途 大呼飯廚
問店家何以果腹 沽白乾 探有無
小棧雖遐遠 惡未減江湖
青鋒過處 劍氣吞虎
豎子奔竄如敗鼠 逃生天 各忙碌
復取未盡杯 殷切催庖婦
讀《虬髯客》有感 ,成此戲作。
- 4樓. 阿帝2009/11/06 08:14逃不掉哈
阿ㄜ帝出國於加拿大發文 - 3樓. 北橋客2009/11/02 12:51鬍子與虱子
北橋客 - 2樓.2009/10/31 10:21The answers to your question...
Top five advices you would have given to the Curly Beard had he had another shot at the lady in red:
5. It’s your manner – No sane woman would seriously consider a guy leaning on the couch like a potato, rubbing his belly while complaining that he’s hungry.
4. It’s your untraceable wealth – Makes them wonder if you’re running a drug cartel, or worse even, a chain porn shop.
3. It’s your car – Dude, WTF? Dump the donkey and get a horse!
2. It’s your diet – Personally slicing up then serving a plate of human flesh as beer foods provides them reasonable doubts about their long term futures with you, especially during the lean years.
And the No. 1 advice I would have given to the curly beard guy is...
...It’s your beard – watching them lice crawling in and out of those ill-maintained curly beard doesn’t really turn a chick on.
Hmmm, that is a great enlightenment. I was only looking at my heroine and financial sides.
Ok, I will be
1. Trimming up my burly mustache
2. Banning eating bad guy's flesh anymore
3. Getting a high horse
4. Creatinga xls file for my detail in/out dough
5. Losing 30 pounds and stop ranting.
Fair ?
普希金 酷不停囉 於 2009/10/31 22:42回覆 - 1樓.2009/10/31 08:47Rage, rage against the ...
The Rage of the Kitchen Lady -
Sweats and bloods toiled, day and night up,
All that I could hear, clamors of these once shining pots.
How many meals cooked, I wouldn't count but remember well,
Mixing thousands of herbs and spices, a lousy worn-out spoon I used.In the middle of the heat, some bearded scoundrel showed up,
What was he to have, for foods and for drink and what's not?
Making a scene he did, drunk and rude like hell,
But dare he ask me, where're his meal and Mao-Niao?I slapped his right with a saucepan, I punched his left with a soup pot,
Sending his arse rolling, I made sure he regretted for having the guts.
Massing with me and thinking it could be so swell?
You bearded M*******cker, for dessert, a pair of fists for you!READ: We reserve the rights of NOT to serve!