- 2010/03/20 22:49
瀏覽:4,253迴響:1推薦:16 - 2010/02/01 23:41
An Ordinary Man with a Great Mind On this lesson, we talked about two guys, Wu Shin-Chuan and Chang ...
瀏覽:2,190迴響:0推薦:8 - 2010/02/01 23:17
學習單分享,給與學生生活上的資訊學習英語 Taipei Metro Service Information Danshui -- Xindian Line Y Terminal Stations:...
瀏覽:2,588迴響:0推薦:2 - 2009/11/09 22:13
更新日期:2009/11/09 04:09 〔記者胡清暉、林曉雲/台北報導〕校園霸凌事件層出不窮,根據兒福聯盟去年度兒童諮商專線年度報告,高達三分之一的孩子「擔心被同儕排擠」,已連續六年高居兒童煩惱第...
瀏覽:2,185迴響:0推薦:16 - 2009/10/15 20:14
Halloween is coming! The ancient Gaels believed that on October 31, the boundaries between the world...
瀏覽:1,717迴響:0推薦:7 - 2009/05/02 22:56
To collect yourself/collect your thoughts: to make an effort to remain calm and think clearly and ca...
瀏覽:2,210迴響:1推薦:27 - 2009/05/02 22:38
Keep your hair on. Your hair isn't really going anywhere. This expression really means stay calm. Fo...
瀏覽:1,720迴響:0推薦:5 - 2009/04/30 22:22
A feather in your cap is an achievement you can be proud of. For example, "It will be a feather in J...
瀏覽:1,517迴響:0推薦:7 - 2009/04/30 00:01
"When pigs fly?" Now that just doesn't make sense. When did pigs grow wings? Yet, to a native Englis...
瀏覽:1,496迴響:0推薦:6 - 2009/04/05 09:33
自從部落格大賽結束之後,很久沒跟大家見面了, 日前剛考完了教師檢定考,最近開始準備教師甄試, 希望很快能再與大家見面。