I miss you, Suzanne.
這張黃色的長椅靜悄悄的躺在Monterey Bay Lovers Point的幾棵松樹下,
Happy birthday Suzanne
I miss your happy smile and loving ways.
You are always with me.
Loving you always
腦海中浮現一位傷心的母親坐在這張紀念Suzanne M. Calley 的椅子上,
這個海灣是Suzanne 經常潛水的地方,
Dear Suzanne, 你知道母親在想你嗎?
- 9樓. 烏拉瑰本尊在此2014/03/21 14:12悲傷
近日馬航失踪,機上近300的旅客的家人是如何焦灼的等待每一天? 這個世界有時真是悲慘啊.劫機去交換人質的可能性很大.受難者和家屬真倒霉啊!
母親的思戀永遠無法停息,馬航的親友一樣焦急等待,生離死別人間的慘事,謝謝留言。 葉子~ 於 2014/03/21 17:39回覆 - 8樓. 山下阿哥2013/01/24 00:05天下母親
令人心痛又 感動的媽媽。
- 7樓. 甜水窩蜂鳥2012/12/06 23:10一張椅子
我很喜歡這樣的習俗,為了紀念家人或愛人,以他的名捐贈椅子,讓人休息也讓人懷念。 葉子~ 於 2012/12/16 13:25回覆 - 6樓. 吹牛皮 大俠2012/12/02 07:17尤其最後–次的三個字
這位母親應該是個七, 八十歲的老太太了, 女兒42歲喪生.
她的丈夫說了下列這些話, 也很動人. 尤其最後–次的三個字.
"We were both instructors in Monterey, [Calif.] She just loved getting in the water and used to say that she had a salt water addiction. We took groups on diving trips all over the world, and had just returned from Turks and Caicos [Islands] when September 11 happened. We would have been celebrating our 20th anniversary the next day. I talked to Suzanne about 10 minutes before she got on the plane, and 'I love you' were the last words we said to each other. It is one of the few things that has let me continue on." -- Frank Jensen, husband
謝謝你的來訪, 我為你又寫了下列文章, 請您來賜教批評:
Yes, she must be an old lady now. It was a tragedy for her and Suzanne's husband. Too sad.
Thank you.
葉子~ 於 2012/12/03 13:46回覆 - 5樓. Gioia2012/11/27 20:19天上人間
為活在世上的,傷心的這位母親祈禱.Thank you so much. 葉子~ 於 2012/12/03 13:47回覆 - 4樓. Apple *2012/11/26 21:05from internet
This is the smile remembered by many.
Thank you Apple, her happy smile on her face made her shine. 葉子~ 於 2012/11/27 05:11回覆 - 3樓. 石蕊2012/11/26 18:01安撫之句
上帝僅是賜於母親所摯愛的 Suzanne 以好眠。Thank you, you are so kind. 葉子~ 於 2012/11/27 04:27回覆 - 2樓. connie F2012/11/26 13:33傷心
還是傷心 - 1樓. 嵐山2012/11/26 10:15傷悲
嵐山(Blue Mt.) 敬上Thanks. 葉子~ 於 2012/11/26 12:28回覆