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The Person I Most Admire
2012/03/20 17:15

he Person I Admire Most


It was a rainy night, and I was crying sadly in my room. I just failed my math test again.  Being a daughter of a math teacher, this kind of failure always frustrated me a lot. 


Right at that moment, my father knocked on my door and brought me a piece of cake.  He sat down with a smile on his face and said, “Are you worried about your math grades again?”  I nodded.  “Try this cake and let me tell you a story.”


“The baker of the cake used to be one of my students.  He studied very hard, but never had he once passed the exams. He was very depressed, and asked for my advice for the future. I just told him to do what he really liked instead of worrying about schoolwork.”


“What did he do instead?” I asked.


“He was interested in bakery.  Therefore, after he graduated from school, he worked as an apprentice in a small bakery.  He paid attention to any tips that would make bread delicious, and he spent long hours in front of the oven.  Whenever you saw him, he was covered in white flour.  Yet, he didn't mind.  He was happy and satisfied with the job.  He even worked over time on new recipes which would make his cake catchy, healthy, and tasty.


“No wonder the cake is so different!” I said.


“Yes.  All his dedication to bakery soon helped win popularity of customers.  Later, his career reached the peak when he won the world bakery championship in France.”


 That night, Father’s story of the baker not only wiped away my tears but also released me from my fears.  I was inspired that other than academic performance, there are still many other possibilities ahead of me.  What I have to do is learn to be a persistent fighter like the baker.


The baker seems like a stranger, yet he has become the person I most admire. 

全站分類:心情隨筆 心情日記
下一則: 英語演講稿
迴響(3) :
3樓. Sir Norton 魯賓遜,救命!
2012/08/11 10:51
A well put excerpt
I enjoyed reading your written speech with curiosity. This speech is meant to inspire younger generation and it did by conveying the principle of “being the best self.” I would love to see more of your English writing. Writing in English often opens up additional dimensions of thoughts for novel insights and creativity.
2樓. 烏拉瑰本尊在此
2012/03/21 11:29
同鞋的學生寫出這樣的英文作文,不簡單。 老師看了,一定也很開心。 多日不見, 一起都好?! 雪人都好?!

This is the content of a speech.  I wrote most of it for my student, who attended the speech contest and won the third place.  It was a pleasure to help her conquer difficulties and find her own merits to face the challenge.

雪人娘2012/03/27 17:29回覆
1樓. 時和
2012/03/21 10:49



Thanks for your response.  This was the speech I wrote for my student to attend the speech contest held by Taoyuan Government.

The girl was good at speaking English with a strong will to perform in public.  That helped her win the third place. 

雪人娘2012/03/27 06:44回覆
