美國歌壇的吟唱詩人[蘇珊薇格]出道曲──民謠搖滾──[Marlene on the Wall/牆上的瑪琳]
Even if I am in love with you
All this to say, whats it to you
Observe the blood, the rose tattoo
Of the fingerprints on me from you
Other evidence has shown that
You and I are still alone
We skirt around the danger zone
And dont talk about it later
Marlene watches from the wall
Her mocking smile says it all
She records the rise and fall
Of every soldier passing
But the only soldier now is me
Im fighting things I cannot see
I think its called my destiny
That I am changing
Marlene on the wall
Well, I walked to your house in the afternoon
By the butcher shop with the sawdust strewn
Dont give away the goods too soon
Is what she might have told me
And I tried so hard to resist
When you held me in your handsome fist
And reminded me of the night we kissed
And of why I should be leaving
Marlene watches from the wall
Her mocking smile says it all
She records the rise and fall
Of every soldier passing
But the only soldier now is me
Im fighting things I cannot see
I think its called my destiny
That I am changing
Marlene on the wall
Marlene watches from the wall
Her mocking smile says it all
She records the rise and fall
Of every soldier passing
But the only soldier now is me
Im fighting things I cannot see
I think its called my destiny
That I am changing
Marlene on the wall
And even if I am in love with you
All this to say, whats it to you
Observe the blood, the rose tattoo
Of the fingerprints on me from you
Other evidence has shown
That you and I are still alone
We skirt around the danger zone
And dont talk about it later
And I tried so hard to resist
When you held me in your handsome fist
And reminded me of the night we kissed
And of why I should be leaving
Marlene watches from the wall
Her mocking smile says it all
She records the rise and fall
Of every man whos been here
But the only one here now is me
Im fighting things I cannot see
I think its called my destiny
That I am changing
Changing, changing, changing, changing
Marlene watches from the wall
Her mocking smile says it all
She records the rise and fall
Of every soldier passing
But the only soldier now is me
Im fighting things I cannot see
I think its called my destiny
That I am changing
Marlene on the wall
1959年7月生於加州聖塔莫尼卡的蘇珊薇格(Suzanne Vega)是美國創作歌手,
母親Pat Vega(娘家姓née Schumacher)是一位具有德國-瑞典血統的電腦系統分析師。父親Richard Peck擁有英國、愛爾蘭和蘇格蘭血統。
繼父Edgardo Vega Yunqué──也被稱為埃德·維加(Ed Vega),是一位來自波多黎各的作家和教師。蘇珊隨繼父姓.
薇格和生父在 20 多歲時第一次見面,至今仍保持聯繫。
,是傑克哈迪星期一晚上在科妮莉亞街咖啡館舉辦的詞曲作者小組的定期撰稿人,她的一些第一首歌曲發表在[Fast Folk/快速民謠]選集專輯中。
1984年,薇格獲得A&M的唱片合同,使她成為第一批在大廠牌上嶄露頭角的“Fast Folk”藝術家之一。
1985年5月,25歲半的蘇珊推出首張同名大碟[Suzanne Vega](A&M唱片發行)
由Steve Addabbo和 Lenny Kaye製作.
《Allmusic》稱:儘管早期有人將蘇珊薇格與Joni Mitchell進行比較,但她的真正前身是Janis Ian和 Leonard Cohen。
大碟首支單曲是[Marlene on the Wall/牆上的瑪琳],由蘇珊創作,被製作成一首民謠搖滾曲.
歌曲標題指的是德國傳奇演員瑪琳黛德麗(Marlene Dietrich)。
雖然薇格一開始對這首歌感到不確定,認為它過於私密和晦澀,但她當時的吉他手John Gordon說服她保留這首歌作為演出開場曲,因為它樂觀輕快的性質。
[Marlene on the Wall/牆上的瑪琳]在首次發行時成績不佳,只拿到英國單曲榜#93,
大碟[Suzanne Vega]表現超出A&M 和 Vega 的預期。
荷蘭#11 澳洲#23 芬蘭#34 瑞典#42 德國#54
[Marlene on the Wall]後來成為薇格最著名的歌曲之一.
大碟[Suzanne Vega]後來在滾石雜誌的「八十年代百張最佳專輯」名單中名列第 80 位。
下一則: 美國創作歌手[蘇珊薇格]──民謠搖滾/流行搖滾──[Solitude Standing/孤獨站立]
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