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(4/7). Tips - English Oral Presentation in 1 Semester 撇步 - 3個月讓成都學生說流利英文
2013/07/27 17:08

(IV)                 Tips - English Oral Presentation in 1 Semester  撇步 - 3個月讓成都學生說流利英文

Besides the two methods I mentioned in the last writings, I will teach you some more useful tips. Everybody, please set your mobile phone language system into English!


For method one practicing with siblings, to cultivate your interest and motivation in learning English is the most important purpose of all. However, the following ones will be very realistic and related to your normal life! For instance, when you pick up your mobile to check the time now, it’s already different!


3.   Watch movies or series with/without English subtitles 看電影或影集(英文字幕/不要字幕)

Movies or TV shows are one of the main sources of English slangs and useful phrases, especially the TV series, because the movies are sometimes too exaggerated. In addition, when you are watching these series, remember to turn off the Chinese subtitles! Otherwise it will be all in vain if you rely on them. You may start with English subtitles first and then turn them off later when you think you understand what’s going on in the show or when you get some progress on English listening comprehension. By this way, it will not only help you with some oral usages, but you will also improve your English listening skill!


When I was in Chengdu, I had longer teaching hours per week for some classes. So I spent some time guiding my student there to the first step of this way. But since that watching series is still your own entertainment in your free time, I can only tell you the way! Go watch them yourself when you are back home.


4. Read English newspaper 讀報

Recommending you guys to read newspapers in English is not only for reading comprehension and speed, come on, Chinese students read too much already! But newspapers can also help you to keep up with the time, informing you the current events. Most importantly, giving you contents to talk about when it's your turn to speak.


I suggested my dean in the university I was teaching in to add an extra course called "Current Events Discussion" last year. I could offer some good articles I collected from papers in a week to talk about. I would say the "Current Events Discussion"  is the second important thing after the oral training for learning English.

However, due to the upcoming IELTS, this plan was not adopted then.

I’m recently arranging for the next few months. If I finally decide to stay in Taiwan and continue my oral training career here, I will definitely add the "Current Events Discussion" as extra hours!



迴響(3) :
3樓. 柔怡
2013/07/30 02:21



差點認不出來了呢哈哈哈 好久不見 最近好不好? 

Arthur Wong2013/08/02 17:14回覆
2樓. 浮雲子晏
2013/07/29 01:01





Arthur Wong2013/08/02 17:12回覆
1樓. 李莉老师
2013/07/27 20:36

看到您的这些文字就仿佛再听一次您当时的演讲 活泼生动 极有帮助

我学老半天 教英文一年 还是在听过您这些方法之后才变得特别效率

谢谢你的分享   不过这样大家都知道了以后的演讲该讲什么呢?


好久不見,最近好不好?別擔心,我以後總會有辦法的 哈哈哈

謝謝來訪 保持聯絡 我會上QQ

Arthur Wong2013/08/02 17:11回覆
