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(1/7). Wrong Method - English Oral Presentation in 1 Semester 迷思 - 3個月讓成都學生說流利英文
2013/07/22 19:43

(I)                 Wrong Way - English Oral Presentation in 1 Semester  迷思 - 3個月讓成都學生說流利英文

Being a foreign English teacher in Chengdu for some time, all my friends asked me the standard question out of curiosity, "How was your time with the ‘hardworking’ Chinese students?" I always told them, "Yeah, they do work super hard. I’m just concerned that they might be using the wrong method!" They could pretty well be joking, yet still manage to pack a punch in terms of my feelings--reason? I’m going to share the whole story of this semester in China and the way I managed to solve it back then!

In fact, so was it here in Taipei. I came to Taipei in 2013 for a short while and commenced to do my English oral training courses online/in person. A student of mine told me about the situation here before the education reform.



My job in Chengdu was to make hundreds of undergraduate students of the first and second year to open their mouth and speak English, whatsoever. I thought it would be a simple task, just talk, having such a nice payment. However, it unexpectedly turned out that I faced one of the most frustrating difficulties in my 22-years life. No matter what I told them, they would merely nod to me and remain at their seats, having the education I called “ordering education” which was accepting all I gave them without any reaction. With this ordering education, they would never be able to deliver any speech apart from reading from the notes or repeating after me.

In the first lesson, I asked all of them to come to the podium and say something they could. To be exact, they were supposed to tell their own name and three sentences related to their current experience which should be two truths and one lie for the audience to guess.

Hereafter, these dudes came up to the stage and read from a sheet (that’s cheating!), telling me some names they just made up -- at least I'm sure Adidas and Sprite did it --  “My name is Adidas.”, “I have a sister”, “I love Pizza” and then they paused for seconds, looking at me, to make the lie. Okay, such a decent honest student!




So I decided to drink up the wine in my water holder(I believed everyone thought that’s tea or coffee at 8 o’clock in the morning) and give up all the materials I prepared for this very first lesson. I knew my job here was only to make them speak(and I thought sharing my wine with them would just work). In this regard, I just asked everyone to make some simple sentences in turn to pass my 90 minutes for the day, which made the majority of them feel bored and, I guessed, insulted.

I gave the easiest example “party” to a kid who looked very nervous while he was introducing himself as Sprite. I swear to God, I was really trying to make him relaxed. But, you know, a few minutes later, the kid went, "Under the leading of the Chinese Communism Party, China successfully protected the Diaoyu Island from Japan." (It was in September, 2012 in Chengdu when the anti-Japan protest just finished)



The experience forced me to rethink the courses for them. Hopefully, I had a whole semester to go and it should be enough to guide them step by step from the very beginning.

I gave in a bit, allowing them to bring the notes with them. Write it down, read it aloud and try to speak without it…

A week before the midterm, ​​the dean of the Foreign Language College came to me asking me to have one-on-one interview as midterm exam with some students from one of my classes who were going to New Zealand as exchange students in the upcoming semester, so that they would perform better on the university entrance test in a few months. In this regard, I finished my course a bit earlier in the class a week before their midterm interview. I told them, "In the rest of the time today, I’ll need you all to prepare a piece of paper, write down the story you are gonna tell me in the interview next week. And I will help you guys check the grammatical mistakes."

For this 5-minute-interview, all my decent hardworking students filled up their sheets with hundreds of words from childhood talent class to profound astronomy knowledge, giving me a super tough reading time before I finished my job that day.

When I was finally checking for the last few students, a quiet girl came to the lineup again and told me, “Arthur, I have memorized the whole corrected writing already. May I have my interview today? ”

To my surprise, surprise, surprise! I did tell them before they wrote it, “ It’s just your own note for the interview. Even if the contents are different from the things you are telling me in the interview next week. Who knows? Just tell me in the way you are comfortable with then. Now I’m just helping you to reduce the grammatical mistakes.” What’s more, I realized the girl was the one who composed the astronomy things. I would never be able to memorize it in such a short time!






After the midterm, I did lots of changes on my teaching for each class again.

For the final exam, I followed my own way. I held a couple rounds of debate in each of my class, which I had been very satisfied with. In this last lecture, I spent most of my time listening, laughing, and getting my paid of the oral training course without speaking much. I knew I finally made it!



I am absolutely not referring to the poor English proficiency of these students. But when a kid could write well but not speak at all, we knew there’s something wrong. It was that all the Chinese students were using the wrong method to learn English! And it’s definitely not the way they had used to learn Chinese. Therefore, the English level of each student in the same group might be very different by the method they used. Some students who knew how to use and spell a word but couldn’t pronounce it; those with more outgoing personalities usually did better; girls did better than guys in general as well.

I collected these results along with my teaching materials last Christmas hopefully to share with all those kids with the same issue, and luckily soon I got chances since the dean wanted me to deliver speeches to other colleges in Sichuan province.

I will share all of these methods in my next six writings.



迴響(8) :
8樓. 通霄客
2013/07/25 05:50
Invite to discuss English w/you

I found your name/blog from the recommendation list on my recent article. If you wish, I would like to discuss the usage/grammar on some of your sentences. We all have rooms to improve; after all, English is not our mother tongue.

Here are some examples: I did try for [a] few times.

We [were] supposed to do that day.

A week after [the] midterm.  The dean of [the] Foreign Language College.

Ahh...thanks for helping. I've corrected them already.

I should have checked it carefully before publishing.

I even found one more in one of the paragrahs, 被 instead of 背,    ... just now lol

this is always my problem. I need someone else to double check for me....

Three years ago, i published a book in Taipei. i found so many misused Chinese characters after printing.....


Arthur Wong2013/07/25 16:50回覆
7樓. JKTsai 老鼠嫁女兒
2013/07/24 08:10



是啊! 在那udn和facebook一樣


謝謝JK Tsai還記得我的網站!

我們台灣學生現在比較混吧   哈哈哈

Arthur Wong2013/07/25 16:41回覆
6樓. 乔子懿
2013/07/23 15:14



我要是開微博你們可要捧場耶 不然沒人看!

最近沒有在教書 在台灣、陪家人


Arthur Wong2013/07/23 18:05回覆
5樓. Emily
2013/07/23 14:55
老师好久不见 ^^

好久不见哦老师。。。无意间翻墙出来逛逛就点到连接看到您的文章 哈哈哈


(其实我以前以为你不会讲汉语   呵呵呵  :P )



哈哈哈 大嘴巴Emily Arthur Wong2013/07/23 18:03回覆
4樓. 東村James
2013/07/23 10:42




Arthur Wong2013/07/23 18:03回覆
3樓. 真糊塗
2013/07/23 09:35
學生很幸運!! 碰到好老師!! 哈哈哈!!!

歡迎 回來!!


雖然 我是看中文的....哈哈哈!!!

但感受 你是位用心的好老師!!

隨時調整自己的步奏....去適應學生 引導學生....真棒!!

很多事.不是裝糊塗就裝得過.不裝糊塗怎麼過? 哈哈哈!!!

哈哈 謝謝謝謝



Arthur Wong2013/07/23 18:01回覆
2樓. 韶關
2013/07/23 00:16




加油!! ^^



嗯嗯 我們台灣的孩子可厲害多了 背對東西



Arthur Wong2013/07/23 01:02回覆
1樓. 老查居士新書4-明月依然在心底
2013/07/22 23:04







Arthur Wong2013/07/23 00:55回覆
