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(3/7). Surroundings - English Oral Presentation in 1 Semester 環境 - 3個月讓成都學生說流利英文
2013/07/25 16:37

(3/7). The Surroundings - The Way to Learn English 創造環境 - 如

(III)      The Surroundings  - English Oral Presentation in 1 Semester  環境 - 3個月讓成都學生說流利英文

The following writings were collected from my speeches in 2012-13.

In the last few years, I have already adjusted these tips a lot to adapt different groups audience. But the things I’m gonna share today will be the very core part which I talked about every time, everywhere.


How to learn English? Again. Simply speaking, well, just go to the UK or U.S.A.!


However, this is absolutely not doable for everyone, no matter the time or the financial part. Moreover, if so, I will have no more reason to go around the planet talking over this issue all the time. In my opinion, we should consider that even if you are not going abroad, what can you do to reach the similar learning effect? This is our target issue!

As we know, going United States is the most helpful way to pick up English. (for the US English, to be precise) In this regard, we can look into what we will get if we go to US and what can we do instead when we are here in China. I will tell you, to create this English-learning-surroundings! I will share the following methods which I suggested my students in Chengdu to do.



1.       Create the English-speaking-surroundings  創造說英文環境

The most significant purpose of learning a language is to communicate with it! That is, to deliver messages in our daily lives. So it is our daily lives that we can find this useful words in, and that we can get some new words which will never appear on the textbooks.

When you meet a new word, look it up in the dictionary IMMEDIATELY!

It is so convenient nowadays. In the past, lots of Chinese students in US had to carry an electronic dictionary in their pocket, but now, you can easily get the results with a few slides on your smartphone! Moreover, you can also check the searching history after a while to repeat these words. ( I will talk about the tips of using dictionary later.)



How to create the English-learning-surroundings?

If you have siblings, the problem will be much easier. You should reach an agreement with your brothers or sisters in advance, for example, “In this week, no Chinese. The one who speaks any language apart from English, he or she should buy a drink for the other people who take part in this game. ”

Of course, you should also reach some consensus with your siblings about the conversations involved the third guy who doesn’t join the game, or there might be some interesting situations! A student once told me his brother tried to order a cup of coffee in Starbucks with sign language to avoid speaking Chinese in front of him. What’s more, some told me that they tried hard to show the direction to an old Chinese lady in English.

There were also cases like, the siblings of my students refused to speak to them for a whole week!




Last year, I spent most of my time in Chengdu, some cities in Sichuan province, and later in Xi'an, Chongqing, Guizhou, Guangxi, Guangdong, Hainan and Beijing. However, most of the families in China have only one kid due to the policy, so I started to think about the alternatives for them. But, after a while, I found that they actually have better relationships among friends or even cousins due to the boring lives without siblings. Okay……It’s also not too bad to practice with your peer group.

Anyway, if you are active enough, you will always find an alternative to create this English-learning-surroundings.


2.       Think in English! Rap in English! Dream in English! 用英文想事情、說唱、做夢

Creating the English-learning-surroundings is not enough. The most important thing is your own way thinking. You need to have such a strong motivation. For example, “A decent hardworking Taiwanese American teacher delivered an amazing lecture today”, then you are supposed to think about how to say “Taiwan” and ” lecture” in English.

Only when you have such an active attitude, we can go on to the next step--to think in English.

When you are driving, learning in class, or listening to boring speeches, think in English! Dream in English. (if you fall asleep then)




In addition, if you love to sing, sing in English! It’s actually the best and the most interesting way in my opinion. I knew lots of people or public figures who were not fluent in English but were able to imitate singing like the original. If you are this kind of people, congratulations! Go pick up hundreds of English songs and sing from now on!

I was also using this way to learn Cantonese.

As to which kind of music works the best….hmm… you know… I will of course suggest you to rap in English!




Finally, my previous Spanish teacher once told me, dreaming in Spanish means that you’ve mastered it already! So does it for learning English. If you can use the methods above well, living in English, then you will certainly get a dream in English in the not so far future!


Besides these two methods above, I have a lot of extra details and will write them all to you in the next one!


迴響(6) :
6樓. 。满洲里过暑假。
2013/07/26 21:18


by Kathy

5樓. James Zhou
2013/07/26 21:12
Alice says real
Alice says you are very cool so she put that picture on your weibo
Hey guys I will talk to you all on QQ Arthur Wong2013/07/26 23:23回覆
4樓. real Alice
2013/07/26 20:36

Arthur, I am the real Alice. the Alice under gave you photo is not me, it's James!

I'm sorry he has problem, he made fun. He is idiot.

3樓. Alice Zheng
2013/07/26 17:16

Arthur, you cool!


2樓. JKTsai 老鼠嫁女兒
2013/07/26 09:25

標題「How to Learn a Language Well」,為什麼中文標題是如何學好「英文」呢?


謝謝提醒,這以前是我講稿改編的,最近打算貼出來,所以就翻成中文。在翻時就想說我其他語言也不是那麼有把握、就寫英文而已。原文沒改,想說讀的人既然都看懂英文了那就看有沒有機會用在別的語言上吧 哈哈哈


Arthur Wong2013/07/26 23:32回覆
1樓. Emily
2013/07/26 01:05
How r u? I am fine thank you.
