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(2/7). Observation - English Oral Presentation in 1 Semester 觀察 - 3個月讓成都學生說流利英文
2013/07/23 17:59

(II)                 Observation - English Oral Presentation in 1 Semester  觀察 - 3個月讓成都學生說流利英文

Let's look into this problem.

To begin with, we set our target issue--why didn’t most of the Chinese people learn English well? In my observation, they didn’t have much of a chance to speak English. Well, that sounds useless. In addition, Pinyin romanized phonetic system for Chinese language confused most of the kids with the pronunciation of the same alphabets in English.

Let’s look back a little bit, in the English-speaking countries, how do the locals learn English? Is it similar to the way Chinese people learned Mandarin Chinese or their own local dialects? I believe the answer is yes.

At least, at the very least, I'm sure about one thing--Chinese mothers

didn't make

their infants to repeat any single word for 100 times!









We all started with speaking instead of writing for our first language

when we were young, that is, speaking at 2 years old, spelling words at

4, writing theses at 18. But in China, in my classes, when most of the

students finished their bachelor degree, reading tons of papers in

English, however, they did not even speak English. On the

the contrary, back in the States, there are still lots of illiterates, and

movies without subtitles as the result. So the fact is, for the Chinese

English learner, there is no English-illiterate, instead, there are 1.3

billion "English dumbs".

It happened once in my class when I just took over the job for a couple

weeks. From the podium, I found one of a girl squirm at her seat and

keep looking around when I was teaching. In the meanwhile, she stood

up and walked to me. I knew there’s some situation she needed to talk

to me, but she suddenly rushed back to her seat as I realized it. She

asked the guy next to her in Sichuan dialect, “How to say restroom in

English?” I was requested not to speak any Chinese in class though, I

nod to her meaning “Okay, go ahead. Take your time!” as it was a

special situation.

We can see how wrong it is here.







To pick up a new language, we should speak, of course. But for these

Chinese kids under a long period of spoon-fed education, they had

totally lost their creativity and ability for critical thinking already.

When my assignment went as, "Come on, just say something,

whatever.", they would rather take the handwriting ones.

So I came up with an idea then. I made my students to comment on

photos and videos, writing practice with minimum creativity. It was

partly because that these freshmen were definitely active on social

networks, and that I had better take both creating and speaking into


I loved to travel and used to do it often. I selected some of the most

interesting photos in my current trips for my students to “imagine”

commenting on Facebook in class. Sounds like some easy money for

me! (Oops…Facebook was not accessible in China, and I, of course

didn’t dare to install proxy servers for everyone in my class.

Fortunately I joined the QQ groups of my classes soon after and it was

like something I expected.)







來,要學生們想像在Facebook上評論 (只能想像,在大陸沒辦法用



In the beginning, I wrote captions for the photos I uploaded as sample,

and asked each and every student to comment on them and read it

aloud in class. The effect was surprisingly good while everyone was

super concentrated! Students at this age tend to spend a lot of time on

social networks, so I basically just successfully switched the whole

activity into English and got good results from it easily.

Soon, we moved forward to the second step -- every student uploaded

their own interesting photos and described for me. Never

underestimate these sentences of descriptions! With a little help, they


soon able to compose them into a short paragraph very well.








I took the advantage of this moment and assigned them with more

exercises bycommenting on some videos. Later, I gradually cut down

the time for them to prepare. With these steps, most of them got

incredibly great improvement. Not until this moment I started my Oral

Training course officially, including the informative speech and the

persuasive speech.




In fact, adding social networks exercise into my course was actually

the main idea of the speeches “The way to learn English” that I

delivered in other colleges in Sichuan. I called it “the surroundings”.

The thing I did this time was just the same, making it as simple as

possible to the very last detail. Besides, the comments on social

networks might be quite useful in the future if they were going to New

Zealand or somewhere else in the world for culture exchange.

As to the main idea of my speech, the surroundings, I will share it with

you in the next part!






迴響(6) :
6樓. 通霄客
2013/07/25 18:27
Further discussion
Glad to see your gracefulness in accepting my invitation. Surprised to learn that you are my grandchild's age. You are quite a promising young man. I live and worked in Maryland state in a mid-Atlantic . You said in your article that you teach in Chengdu. A few months ago, my daughter had a chance to work there as a director of an oil company, but she declined the offer. Where are you working now? Still teaching English? If you wish, I have a few articles about English grammar and Chinese writing in my blog. We can always do more discussions in this aspect.

Sweet! Hahaha....It's a pity she didn't go eventually. Chengdu is a nice city, devoloping, so there're lots of opportunities to work for and business to do. I finished my job in January 2013 already, and then delivering speeches about learning English in other colleges in Sichuan and other provinces the dean recomended me to in the last few months this year. Recently back home in Taipei spending time with my family until September, I'm also thinking about doing something here before it...Not sure yet, but i think teaching English will be easier for me to handle in the situation present.... kind of competitive here though

So i decided to share all my works in mainland China on UDN first to see how the people here in Taipei think and to get some advices from experienced people like you. Thanks again. Of course, it will be nice to have further disccusion about it with you.  

Arthur Wong2013/07/26 00:12回覆
5樓. 通霄客
2013/07/25 06:10
聞過則喜 ─ an invitation todiscuss
I have been living in the United States for over 44 years, since I joined UDN blog, I corrected some fellow-bloggers English. Most of them are happy to discuss this language w/me; yet some shied away. I told those who have advanced degrees and have been living in the U.S. for many decades: the right attitude to learn a foreign language is:  聞過則喜. Again, I extend my invitation to you on this undertaking.
Yeah, exactly, I'm just going to be 22 next month, half of the time that you were in the States. There's always a lot more to learn from you. Btw which part of the states are you living in? Arthur Wong2013/07/25 17:17回覆
4樓. 乔子懿
2013/07/25 00:49
刚刚没说清楚,她是print screen你的博客XD 所以大家看见了,想来朝圣却望尘莫及
了解。。。 Arthur Wong2013/07/25 17:11回覆
3樓. 眼皮很重的乔子懿
2013/07/25 00:42


不过他们傻儿。。。 不会用代理器 就翻不出来看了呗~


Johnson @青岛老家



倒是你們有人想看最近寫的這中文版的話 我也可以轉發上QQ

Arthur Wong2013/07/25 17:11回覆
2樓. JKTsai 老鼠嫁女兒
2013/07/24 08:23



當然當然 蔡大哥您現在不都住在加州了



Arthur Wong2013/07/25 17:09回覆
1樓. KittiO
2013/07/24 07:05


(建議頭兩句可以斷開來,因為好像是run-on sentences)。

哈哈 謝謝你  改過來了

我不是叫大家讀英文啦 沒那麼偉大 我寫的這些是以前說給英文課學生聽的

Arthur Wong2013/07/25 17:05回覆
