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2019/01/10 10:35

李大哥平安:非常感激您費心費時,擬具文情並茂"英文內容"聯繫我三位"不懂中文的"親生兒女們關懷及報佳音! 您又釋善意,願為後續"有學識,有睿智,又懂英文的溝通請益長輩,實用心良多,必銘記在心,感激不盡!敬祝 天天快樂 闔家安康 境界更擴張 豐盛又祥和 主內弟許登昭敬上

寄件者: George H Lee []
寄件日期: Wed, 9 Jan 2019 12:55:23 +0800
收件者: Denise [], Derrick Chiang [], Angela []
主旨: Re: I like to have an appointment with you ASAP for mutual benefit business : 我期待儘快大家可有歡喜談敘機會

Dear Prospective Young Friends, Denise, Derick and Angela;  How are you ? Hoping you are doing all well and in good health.
I am at age of 80+ years old businessman, living in Canada since 1967 from Taiwan after Graduated Waseda University, and as a Christine having privilege to learn " Great Love " from BIBLE, the most important thing in LIFE is LOVE to love your neighbors...... to help others like brothers/sisters.....
I visited Taiwan last November for election and Memorandum on "name change to Taiwan",  It is possibly a divine guide I happened to know Mr. Derick Hsu in a gathering, after each other self-introduction  he has been so eager to share with me his family story and what happened with his beloved 3 children departed almost last 2 decades!!  I was quite shocked for these unfortunates facts, I do know how to maintain a good human relationship is a highly desirable and most difficult science in our modern society !?
I deeply understand and insist that money or honor are not necessary our life goal, it simply should be " Happy and Healthy " !!  A harmony Society is a most desirable and must try effort !!
I have accepted and promised trying hard to achieve what can I do, as I am eager to build my dream legacy to assist less privileged people and social just. 
I had delivered 3 Christmas Cards for you each of you beloved with a token gift  to your 7270 Dow Avenue, Barnaby on Dec. 22, likely a tenant Mr. Chang accepted and agreed to pass to you. I wonder if you have received them !? For your information I also had talked with Mr. Paul Chang over telephone and I also emailed him ( as below) request for an Appointment if we could meet and discuss what could I offer/contribute any business experience and solving any misunderstanding or misfortune within the family, as I also have 3 children in Canada, often I had committed over expected my own children too,  please forgive me acting like a professor too eager only to share my humble observation or opinions, my sincerely hope at least I have not offended your feelings, but let us open the door for all better tomorrow,  more harmony normal families.  May God bless us all with abundant Mercy,Glory, Peace, Prosperity and Wisdom in 2019 and thereafter.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me any time any topics 
Best Regards,

Heng George Lee, DBM, LL.M. FRI
CEO & Chairmen
The Creative Canasia Gropup
1-604-683-8686 wechat gleeviva
寄件者: George H Lee [] 於 2019年1月9日 週三 下午8:25寫道:
親愛的準青年朋友,Denise丹妮絲,Derrick 德里克和Angela 安吉拉;你好嗎 ?希望你們一切安好,身體健康
我年僅80歲以上的商人,自1967年畢業於早稻田大學以來一直居住在加拿大,作為基督徒有幸從BIBLE聖經 學習“大愛”,生活中最重要的事情就是愛你的鄰居......幫助像兄弟姐妹這樣的人......
我已經為你們送了3張聖誕卡片,你們每個人都可以在12月22日給你的7270 Dow Avenue,Barnaby贈送禮物,很可能是Paul Chang張書銘先生接受並同意傳遞給你。我想知道你是否收到了它們!為了您的信息,我還通過電話與Paul Chang先生進行了交談,如果我們能夠見面並討論我可以提供些什麼貢獻任何商業經驗的幫助並解決任何疑問或委屈誤解等不幸處境,我也會通過電子郵件向他發送(如下所示)預約請求。一家人,因為我在加拿大也有三個孩子,我經常對自己的孩子也有所承諾,請原諒我表現得像一位教授太渴望只分享我謙卑的觀察或意見,我真心希望至少我沒有冒犯過你感情,但讓我們為明天的一切美好開門,更加和諧正常的家庭。願上帝在2019年及之後以豐富的憐憫,榮耀,和平,繁榮和智慧祝福我們所有人。
Heng George Lee,DBM,LL.M。 FRI
Creative Canasia Gropup
1-604-683-8686 wechat gleeviva
Skype george.lee21; 1604-712-0099行
 George Lee台灣護照2023年10月22日
 中國頒發了George Lee和Stamp .pdf
來自:George H Lee <>
李先生的問候親愛的Paul Chang張書銘Paul Chang,相信你一切順利。
Heng George Lee,DBM,LL.M。 FRI
Creative Canasia Gropup
1-604-683-8686 wechat gleeviva
Skype george.lee21; 1604-712-0099
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: George H Lee <>
Date: Thu, Dec 27, 2018 at 1:50 PM
Subject: I like to have an appointment with you ASAP for mutual benefit business
To: <>
Dear Mr. Paul Chang  Seasons Greetings, trusting you are doing all well.
As earlier telephone conversation with brief myself introduction; I had been in Vancouver Real estate business including brokerage firm, develop construction; project management, investment financing..... but now retired just wishing to do some charity related work to promote community well being, social justice and senior welfare and care projects...  all these I believe not along but with a team work together may be more meaningful and better results !?
Hoping my legal training and long time and broad real estate business experience may be some kinds of sharing benefits to you !?  New Year is soon approaching wish you all the best, prosper and good health. May God bless us all with peace and happiness. 
Best Regards,

Heng George Lee, DBM, LL.M. FRI
CEO & Chairmen
The Creative Canasia Gropup
1-604-683-8686 wechat gleeviva
Skype george.lee21; line 1604-712-0099

基督徒大家都是朋友,互助甚益於遠親!所以我相信若能把握機遇 ,多聊聊,交流商務,商機興趣,經驗,專業...壹."有關"確立行銷廣告策略"貳."行銷廣告"參."展覽實務"等經驗,必能因集思廣益,而獲益無窮,非常歡迎聯絡指教.  


21年多了,個人不行,朋友不行,基督徒不行,政府單位亦不行,2019新年到了 !敬致台灣總統蔡英文大鑒:近知她們自台灣住家被拐帶到溫哥華已21年多的三兒女們被藏匿地點 7270 Dow Ave, Burnaby, BC V5J 3X4,期盼台灣政府援助 二十一來向政府 陳情求援,均各部會繞來繞去,索資料後,都不了了之,再祈求援助,


2019年1月7日 週一許先生您好自2018年6月14日12月27日間曾一再向本部提供綁架幼童出國通緝犯及被害者地址(7270 Dow AVE, Burnaby, BC V5J 3X4)本部請我駐溫哥華辦事處同仁依多次前往查看,惟均無人應門,經留名片等相關資訊,迄無任何回應。已完成"打草驚蛇,通風報信"等行為等情形,請查照。外交部北美司敬

2018年12月27日 週四 下午10:21台灣駐加拿大代表處林秘書 於 寫道:許先生您好:我是台灣駐加拿大代表處林秘書亞緒,日前接獲您致已離開本處之蕭小姐電郵盼本處協查女兒下落,看得出來您十分焦急,是否能煩請您電郵說明來龍去脈以及以下資訊,方便我們協助?
2018年12月24日 週一 上午10:13蕭秘書於 2018年12月24日 週一 上午10:13寫道:許先生鈞安,收到電郵,已轉致駐温哥華辦事處及駐加拿大代表處相關承辦電郵如上副本,如有需要,敬請續洽該兩處,謝謝,敬祝聖誕新年平安!
2018年6月14日 :台灣外交部蕭秘書 許先生您好,本部已接到您的來信並將盡快處理,一有進展會主動通知您,謝謝。 敬致 中華民國外交部執事鑒察:盼請求協助尋找自我台灣住家誘拐國外至今被藏匿21年多及惠助賜回報目前兒女健康,生活平安等相關訊息,以解懸念.懇求幫忙,感激不盡!

哈利路亞!奉主耶穌聖名祈求,祈神伸出大能手臂,主持正義,恢復人倫的溫馨家庭,及原有家產啊!!求神速速允成..."2019年1月7日 週一許先生您好本部曾依您多次所提供之綁架幼童出國通緝犯及被害者地址7270 Dow AVE, Burnaby, BC V5J 3X4請我駐溫哥華辦事處同仁多次前往查看均無人應門,已留名片等相關資訊,迄無任何回應。已完成"打草驚蛇,通風報信"等行為等情形,請查照。外交部北美司敬啟 "21年多了,個人不行,朋友不行,基督徒不行,政府單位亦不行,奉主耶穌聖名祈求.阿們!

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1樓. 許登昭
2019/01/10 11:23
2019年1月7日 週一許先生您好本部曾依您多次所提供之綁架幼童出國通緝犯及被害者地址7270 Dow AVE, Burnaby, BC V5J 3X4請我駐溫哥華辦事處同仁多次前往查看均無人應門,已留名片等相關資訊,迄無任何回應。已完成"打草驚蛇,通風報信"等行為等情形,請查照。外交部北美司敬啟
