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國際新聞媒體又篡改新聞了-- 此次有點奇特
2024/12/01 23:16

國際媒體遭指控於報導阿娒斯特丹暴動有偏頗及撒謊 International media accused of skewing and lying in coverage of Amsterdam riots • 《FRANCE 24》



話說以色列因為轟炸加薩、貝魯特、敍利亞等地,殺死大量平民,多為婦孺兒童,搞得天怒人怨,數國甚至與其斷交。二零二四年十一月七日,以色列的 Maccabi Tel Aviv 足球隊與荷蘭的 AFC Ajax 隊於阿姆斯特丹比賽。一些以色列球迷見到荷蘭建築掛著巴勒斯坦旗幟,以示支持,遂上前將之撕毀,引發暴亂。這些人報紙以流氓(hooligans)稱之,其中不乏以色列退役士兵。

英國的 Sky News 報導此事時,先是誠實報導。但後來卻剪輯該影片,將公正的報導改為偏以色列的不公報導。將正確公平的的改為偏頗不公的,實所罕見。


(以下是上面影片的文本。英文文本乃 youtube 依語音自動生成,我再以google將之翻譯成中文。譯文可能不佳。看不懂中文的話,請讀左方英文原文。最好是看影片,因自動生成的英文也可能有錯。)

All right, time now for our media show. Scoop: two pillars of any news outlet—credibility and accountability. The former, built on a history of accuracy and impartiality; the latter, from admitting when you make a mistake.好的,現在是我們的媒體秀時間。獨家新聞:任何新聞媒體的兩大支柱-可信度與可靠性。前者建立在準確和公正的歷史基礎上;後者是在犯錯時承認錯誤。
On the night of November 7th to 8th, there were clashes in Amsterdam before and after a football match between Ajax and Maccabi Tel Aviv. There were anti-Semitic attacks and attacks by Israelis on locals, with tension over the war in the Middle East boiling over.11月7日晚至8日,阿姆斯特丹阿賈克斯隊與特拉維夫馬卡比隊的足球比賽前後皆有衝突。包括反猶太人的攻擊事件及以色列流氓攻擊當地人,實肇因於中東戰爭的緊張局勢愈演愈烈。

Here is the CEO of Maccabi Tel Aviv: "This was, this was not connected to football, and thats why youre all here to report—because lots of people went to watch a football game, to support Maccabi Tel Aviv, to support Israel, to support the Star of David. And for them to be running into rivers, to be kicked while defenseless on the floor, to be trying to suggest and beg people to believe that theyre not Jewish, that's very, very sad times for us all, given the last year that we've had to experience."

Though some international media were heavily criticized, accused of telling a one-sided version of events, heres Theos media:儘管一些國際媒體受到嚴厲批評,被指責片面報道事件,但西奧的媒體如下:
Hanan: erupted in Amsterdam this weekend when what started as a soccer match between Maccabi Tel Aviv and Ajax devolved into violent chaos across the city. Headlines poured in about anti-Semitic attacks in Amsterdam, but these stories largely overlooked, on camera, blatant anti-Arab racism from Maccabi supporters well beforehand. And yet, it was barely a footnote in the coverage.哈南:本週末在阿姆斯特丹爆發了一場衝突,當時特拉維夫馬卡比和阿賈克斯之間的足球比賽演變成整個城市的暴力混亂。關於阿姆斯特丹反猶太主義攻擊的頭條新聞紛至沓來,但這些故事在鏡頭前很大程度上忽視了馬卡比支持者事先公然的反阿拉伯種族主義。然而,這只是報道中的一個註腳。
In Britain, Sky News made a curious blunder. They managed to file a correct report first, then re-edited it inaccurately. Take a look: Maccabi fans were seen attacking locals as a police car can be seen driving by. A video posted on social media shows a large group of hooded men, dressed in black, running down the street and striking people at random.在英國,天空新聞台犯了一個奇怪的錯誤。他們先是提交了一份正確的報告,然後又重新編輯,成了不準確的報告。看一下:有人看到馬卡比球迷攻擊當地人,同時可以看到一輛警車駛過。社群媒體上發布的一段影片顯示,一大群身穿黑衣、蒙面的男子在街上奔跑,隨意毆打行人。
And here, the footage youre looking at on your screen was used and misused by international media, including us here at France 24, and we apologize for that.在這裡,您在螢幕上看到的鏡頭被國際媒體使用和濫用,包括我們法國 24 小時台,我們對此表示歉意。
One partial explanation is that Reuters distributed the clip, which was filmed by Dutch photographer Annette de Graaf. Heres a correction from The New York Times, explaining that with the video, the news agency had included a script about Israeli fans being attacked. Reuters has since issued a correction, saying it is unclear who was depicted in that footage. De Graaf maintains that the people she filmed, who were doing the attacking, were Maccabi supporters, and she provided this context to international media. But she said that many outlets were ignoring it.部分解釋是路透社發布了這段由荷蘭攝影師 Annette de Graaf 拍攝的剪輯影片。以下是《紐約時報》的更正,解釋說該通訊社在影片中添加了有關以色列球迷遭到襲擊的腳本。路透社此後發布了更正,稱目前尚不清楚影片中描繪的是誰。de Graaf 堅稱,她拍攝的襲擊者是馬卡比的支持者,她向國際媒體提供了這一背景。但她表示,許多媒體都忽略了這一點。
Heres Owen Jones speaking to De Graaf:

"So what they did in the second version is just completely erase what the hell was actually happening. They just said so it makes it look ambiguous, so it could be local residents attacking Maccabi fans. I mean, what do you think about that? When you saw this, what were you thinking?"

"I was shocked. I was really shocked," De Graaf says.

"Its shameful that Sky News still has not issued an apology."





Our guest is Mark Owen Jones, a professor and disinformation expert at Northwestern University in Qatar. Hello to you, Mark. At the top, I just want to say we condemn anti-Semitic violence, all racial and ethnic violence, even hooliganism. This is an analysis of the challenges and errors of reporting on a topic that is highly sensitive.我們的嘉賓是卡達西北大學教授兼虛假資訊專家馬克·歐文·瓊斯。你好,馬克。首先,我想說,我們譴責反猶太暴力、所有種族和民族暴力,甚至流氓行為。我們要分析的是報導敏感主題時遇到的挑戰和所犯的錯誤。
Mark, last I saw, your breakdown of the Sky reports was closing in on three million views. Can you take us through it?馬克,我上次看到,你對天空新聞報道的詳細分析已經約有三百萬次觀看。你能帶我們經歷一下嗎?
"Yeah, so, as you mentioned in your package, Sky basically put out a decent, accurate report. They took it down, and then they put up another one, and then they said that the former report didn’t adhere to appropriate standards of impartiality. However, the one that they put up afterwards was edited to such an extent that instead of trying to explain both sides of the violence, it exclusively focused on anti-Semitism. So even the caption, instead of just talking about violence, talked about anti-Semitic violence. They inserted an interview with the Dutch prime minister condemning anti-Semitism. They edited the voice-over, as you just showed in your show, to say that the video filmed by Annette de Graaf was not of Maccabi Tel Aviv fans but of hooded men. They also inserted a Vox pop, an injury or victim statement, from a Maccabi Tel Aviv fan but not a Dutch resident, or indeed an Arab or a Muslim.

「是的,所以,正如你提到的,天空電視台基本上發布了一份準確的報告。他們把它拿掉,然後又放了另一份,說前一份報告不符合標準。然而,他們後來提出的內容經過編輯,並未說明參與暴力的雙方人士,而是專門關注反猶太主義,所以即使是標題,也不僅僅是談論暴力,他們插入了對荷蘭首相的採訪,譴責反猶太主義,就像你剛才在節目中展示的那樣,他們編輯了語音,說Annette de Graaf 拍攝的視頻中人物不是特拉維夫馬卡比球迷。他們還插入了Vox 流行音樂、及以色列傷者或受害者的聲明,但非荷蘭居民,也不是阿拉伯人或穆斯林的聲明。

In the end of the original Sky News package, the Sky News reporter mentioned that media had not actually focused on much of the anti-Arab racism that motivated these attacks. In the second version, they then deleted that word. So the edit was very clear—the edit was to remove the ambiguity about the violence, minimize anti-Arab racism, and focus exclusively on anti-Semitism."在最初的天空新聞報導的最後,天空新聞記者提到,媒體實際上並沒有太多關注引發這些攻擊的反阿拉伯種族主義。在第二個版本中,他們刪除了那些字眼。因此,編輯的內容非常明確——編輯的目的是消除有關暴力的模糊性,減少反阿拉伯種族主義,並專門關注反猶太主義
"And as you said at the beginning of this show, yes, you condemn anti-Semitism, but anti-Arab racism should also be condemned equally."“正如你在節目開始時所說的那樣,是的,你譴責反猶太主義,但反阿拉伯種族主義也應該受到同樣的譴責。”
"Indeed, youre not in Skys newsroom. Why do you think they made these editorial changes?"“確實,你不在天空電視台的新聞編輯室。你認為他們為什麼要做出這些編輯上的修改?”
"I think there must have been a call behind the scenes because the original video was accurate. It gave both sides, it was impartial. The new edit then appeared to resemble a press release. The only reason I can think that there was some change is that someone, somewhere, was unhappy with its coverage—maybe the editorial director or something—and they instructed the editors to change this footage. But what was very striking about it is that the new edit that Sky put out resembled a lot of the international coverage of it, which was to lead with a focus exclusively on anti-Semitism that minimized, again, accusations of anti-Arab racism or pro-genocidal chants. I don’t... I’ve never seen this happen in history, where you’ve seen such a quick turnaround and edit to change the editorial line of a package that was previously more accurate. I mean, that’s what’s so shocking about it. It really is."「我認為幕後一定有一個電話,因為原始視頻是準確的。它雙方都報導了,它是公正的。然後新的剪輯看起來像新聞稿。我認為變化的唯一原因是某個地方的某個人對它的報導不滿意——也許是編輯總監或其他什麼人——他們指示剪輯師修改這段視頻,但令人震驚的是,天空電視台發布的新剪輯與很多國際報導的內容都很相似,都是集中在反猶太主義上,再次最小化了對反阿拉伯種族主義或支持種族滅絕的口號的指控……我從未見過這種情況,這種快速更改以前更準確的報導,我的意思是,這確實是令人震驚的。
"And weve seen not many, not really anything coming out from Alice Porter in regards to that. She was a correspondent that filed that report in Amsterdam."“我們從愛麗絲·波特那裡看到的關於此事的報道並不多,也沒有真正的任何內容。她是在阿姆斯特丹提交該報告的記者。”
"Mark, Skys not alone, though. Many other media misuse this video. Some of them maybe had excusable reasons, like Reuters mislabeling it initially, but the point is, some media are still continuing to make these mistakes even after we’ve learned the context. Why do you think that is?"


"I mean, in my experience, I think theres been a general predisposition to minimize anti-Arab sentiment in Europe. I think reportage is generally less sympathetic."“我的意思是,根據我的經驗,我認為歐洲存在一種盡量減少反阿拉伯情緒的普遍傾向。我認為報道文學通常不太有同情心。”
I also think there is an unwillingness for certain organizations, particularly in maybe North America and Northern Europe, to accept the fact that these Israeli fans could be the ones engaged in the violence. I also think that to be accused of anti-Semitism—which I think many of these organizations would be, had they not covered it in this way—is also such a stigma that it would be a massive PR disaster for them.我也認為某些組織,尤其是北美和北歐的組織,不願意接受這些以色列球迷可能參與暴力的事實。我還認為,被指控為反猶太主義——我想如果這些組織沒有以這種方式報道的話,他們中的許多組織都會被指控——也是一種恥辱,對他們來說將是一場巨大的公關災難。
I think, generally speaking, media in Northern Europe and Western Europe has been far more sympathetic to Israel, and the emphasis on violence against Arabs is, I don’t think, conducive to the narrative that Israel is the sole victim in what’s going on in Gaza. While we see Israeli victims, we also see 40,000, 43,000 Palestinian victims. For me, it resembles a strategic narrative that seeks to minimize Israeli responsibility and violence.我認為,總的來說,北歐和西歐的媒體對以色列更加同情,而且我認為,強調針對阿拉伯人的暴力行為不利於以色列是正在發生的事情的唯一受害者的敘述在加薩。在我們看到以色列受害者的同時,我們也看到 40,000 名、43,000 名巴勒斯坦受害者。對我來說,它類似於一種戰略敘述,旨在盡量減少以色列的責任和暴力。
In Europe, I also think European countries are more sensitive to their history of anti-Semitism, and this is often mobilized against them. But it does distract from the instances of anti-Arab, Islamophobic violence that we are seeing.在歐洲,我還認為歐洲國家對其反猶太主義的歷史更加敏感,並且經常動員起來反對他們。但這確實分散了我們所看到的反阿拉伯、仇視伊斯蘭的暴力事件的注意力。
Yeah, and the war is obviously making the situation very tense. There’s a lot of polarization. If you’re pro-Palestinian, some people will call you anti-Semitic; if you’re pro-Israeli, they say you support genocide. So it’s a very tense situation.是的,戰爭顯然使局勢變得非常緊張。有很多兩極分化。如果你支持巴勒斯坦,有些人會稱你為反猶太主義者;如果你支持以色列,他們就會說你支持種族滅絕。所以這是一個非常緊張的情況。
This unrest we saw in Amsterdam also illustrates how international outlets rely on agencies for breaking news. Established trust so often works, but there are times when there’s a breakdown like this, and it comes at a peril when someone is either careless or has an agenda. What I want to know is: Some of these videos were removed that had inaccurate labeling, but they could have just been corrected, and we could keep those videos online. That’s curious, isn’t it?我們在阿姆斯特丹看到的這場騷亂也說明了國際媒體如何依賴機構來發布突發新聞。建立的信任通常是有效的,但有時也會出現這樣的崩潰,當有人粗心或有目的時,就會面臨危險。我想知道的是:其中一些影片因標籤不準確而被刪除,但它們本來可以被糾正,我們可以將這些影片保留在網路上。這很奇怪,不是嗎?
Yeah, that’s very curious. I mean, I think the New York Times is a particularly important example of that. They not only determined that the video taken by Anagraph was true and showed Maccabi Tel Aviv fans attacking locals, but they chose to remove it. The article that they chose to remove it from didn’t change the editorial line either. So, there are two points here: Not only could they have recaptioned it to accurately convey what it conveyed in accordance with what the photographer saw, but they did not change the editorial line—they removed it.是的,這很好奇。我的意思是,我認為《紐約時報》是一個特別重要的例子。他們不僅確定 Anagraph 拍攝的影片是真實的,顯示特拉維夫馬卡比球迷攻擊當地人,而且還選擇將其刪除。他們選擇刪除它的文章也沒有改變編輯路線。所以,這裡有兩點:他們不僅能夠根據攝影師所看到的內容準確地再現它所傳達的內容,而且他們沒有改變編輯路線——他們把它刪除了
So, I think what this shows me is that there is a desire, in some news organizations, to have a particular editorial line irrespective of the facts. I want to quote a New York Times journalist who earlier this year criticized the New York Times’s coverage of the tensions on U.S. campuses when she said that in a Slack group where they often discuss stories, the name of the Slack group was actually "Anti-Semitism on College Campuses," and she accused the people in the group of creating the name of the group before anyone had taken a train downtown to see what was going on.所以,我認為這表明,在一些新聞機構中,無論事實如何,都希望擁有特定的編輯路線。我想引用《紐約時報》的一位記者的話,她今年早些時候批評了《紐約時報》對美國校園緊張局勢的報道,她說,在一個經常討論故事的Slack 小組中,Slack 小組的名字實際上是“反-大學校園裡的猶太主義”,她指責該組織的成員在有人乘坐火車前往市中心看看發生了什麼之前就創造了該組織的名稱。
My theory is that there is an editorial bias that seeks to promote a particular narrative, irrespective of the facts, even with video evidence contradicting those things.我的理論是,存在一種編輯偏見,試圖宣揚某種特定的敘述,而不管事實如何,即使影片證據與這些事情相矛盾。
Yeah, and that’s happening in the newsrooms. Meanwhile, on the ground in the Netherlands, tensions have been high. Back in World War II, three-quarters of the Jewish people in the country had been killed. Today, Amsterdam has a large Muslim community. There have been more than 2,200 protests against the war in Gaza so far this year. So, this is an explosive topic around the world, but particularly there.是的,這正在新聞編輯室發生。同時,荷蘭當地的局勢十分緊張。早在第二次世界大戰期間,該國四分之三的猶太人就被殺害。如今,阿姆斯特丹擁有龐大的穆斯林社區。今年迄今為止,加薩已經發生了2,200多起反對戰爭的抗議活動。因此,這在全世界都是一個爆炸性話題,尤其是在那裡。
Yeah, I mean, absolutely. But, you know, I think Arabs, or Arab residents of Amsterdam, should not necessarily be held responsible for the sins of Europe’s past. The anti-Semitic attacks, the Holocaust, and the Kristallnacht that we saw in the 30s were abhorrent, right? But why are immigrants necessarily the ones being held responsible for things done by Europeans 70 years ago?是的,我的意思是,絕對是如此。但是,你知道,我認為阿拉伯人或阿姆斯特丹的阿拉伯居民不一定要對歐洲過去的罪惡負責。我們在三十年代看到的反猶太主義攻擊、大屠殺和水晶之夜都是令人憎惡的,對嗎?但為什麼移民一定要為歐洲人 70 年前所做的事情負責呢?
I think this is part of the problem. Yes, we are seeing increases in anti-Semitism across Europe and the world, but with the rise of the far right in Europe, we’ve seen it in Southport and the Netherlands with the election of Geert Wilders. These are right-wing parties that have been demonstrably anti-Arab. So, I think we need to factor in the fact that there is this rising anti-Arab, anti-immigrant sentiment in Europe, which is also contributing to this toxic mix of violence occurring in the streets.我認為這是問題的一部分。是的,我們看到歐洲和世界各地的反猶太主義有所增加,但隨著歐洲極右翼勢力的崛起,我們在紹斯波特和荷蘭看到了基爾特·威爾德斯的當選。這些都是明顯反阿拉伯的右翼政黨。因此,我認為我們需要考慮到這樣一個事實:歐洲反阿拉伯、反移民情緒不斷高漲,這也導致了街頭發生的有毒暴力組合。
Mark, I want to thank you for your time and your analysis. Marco and Jones, a professor from Northwestern University in Qatar, thank you. Thank you.馬克,我要感謝您的時間和分析。卡達西北大學教授馬可和瓊斯,謝謝你們。謝謝。
And that brings us to the quote of the week. We did reach out to Sky News with a series of questions to understand the editorial decisions on such a polarizing, sensitive subject, and they replied basically verbatim to the editor’s note that they issued one week ago, which was, "This is a re-edit of a previous video that did not meet Sky News’s standards for balance and impartiality." Make of that what you will.這就是本週的引述。我們確實聯繫了天空新聞,提出了一系列問題,以了解編輯對這樣一個兩極分化、敏感話題的決定,他們基本上逐字回復了一周前發布的編輯說明,即“這是影片不符合天空新聞的平衡和公正標準時,重新剪輯,以符標準。真是隨心所欲。
That’s it for this edition of Scoop. Thank you very much for watching, and please stay tuned to France 24.這就是本期《獨家新聞》的內容。非常感謝您的收看,請關注《法國24小時》。
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下一則: 烏克蘭在西非做什麼?

迴響(3) :
3樓. 郁勝
2024/12/13 11:31
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2樓. 米若絲
2024/12/13 05:44
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1樓. 旭日初昇
2024/12/02 12:35




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