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再訪瑞士Zermatt高山滑雪-Hotel Omnia
2009/04/16 05:18

策馬特Zermatt是瑞士聞名全世界的滑雪勝地,四月初雖是春暖花開的季節,然而伴還是忍不住抓緊了這最後的滑雪季尾上山。這是B家兩人組第四次上Zermatt滑雪,2006年寫過一篇滑雪遊記(雖然那時拍的影像少說可以寫上4’ 5篇);所以有關Zermatt村的描寫和介紹就不再重述,請自行點入Zermatt高山滑雪記參考。

下面B一口氣上傳了64張攝影並加註文字解說,是第一天上Zermatt的行車過程和身臨見聞與Hotel Omnia的介紹。慢慢欣賞或許能多少了解一點點瑞士的山情與雪境風光?最後另附一篇B在世界性的旅行網站Tripadvisor發表的英文旅館Critique,有興趣的不妨順便看看,如果有有心人願意幫B改改錯字和句子不甚理想的地方,那B會很感激喔!

這是2006年住Hotel Mont Cervin Palace時,從5樓客房的陽台拍得的Zermatt早晨村景錄影。片中頭尾那座位於最高的多玻璃窗建築,剛好就是我們上個禮拜住的Hotel Omnia。

可不費力氣從Zermatt轉搭2次纜車,半小時內即可輕易抵達的冰宮,位於海拔3883公尺的Matterhorn Glacier Paradise。台灣眾多的高山峻林如果也能有像瑞士這般先進又密集的纜車設備,不知觀光的景相會如何?


The Omnia: Traveler Reviews
 Disappointed with the room A

Save Review
3 of 5 stars
Apr 13, 2009 New
  • Room A, I wonder if it has 37m2
  • bathroom

As Swiss we all know staying in an high mountain resort for winter skiing is far more expensive then other seasons, and in order to insure having a sunny weather we took our chance to book 3 nights in Omnia at last minutes (due to the global recession? During high season for this category of hotels in Switzerland, usually need to reserve long time ahead). After reading all the good critiques about Omnia, we were very excited to go for CHF750/US$656 per night a double Room - 37m2, balcony with view to Zermatt or the rock-west side, king size bed, bathroom with shower and WC as Omnia website described. 

But what we got as room-A (Omnia is proud there is no number indicated the room, but using alphabet instead) in realities? Even though my husband did ask a room with a good view when he booked. The hotel public area and our room are nicely designed, but the furniture lay out in the room is not so practical - specially for watching TV. A wall size floor to ceiling window with balcony is facing closely to the hill with other houses near by, no any privacy(need to pull the curtain on for changing outfit) and never get any sun light (neither in the room) all day. The bathroom is small but lovely has 3 sides sunny bay widow, but no shower facility as hotel website mentioned. A quick shower? We need to hand hold the shower handle standing in a bathtub, as a result there was water all over on the floor. 

Perhaps due to tiredness of travelling to the high mountain, I had a short nap after checking in but was woke up because feeling cold in the room. (We have been in Zermatt over 10 times even the coldest month in January I was never feeling cold in any of hotels) so I called the reception and ask if there was a way to set the room temperature higher? We didn't get any answer even till we returned from our dinner in the hotel and I was feeling cold again when I entered our room (specially I wouldn't even consider to take a quick shower before going to bed). Because of my complaint, my husband went to the reception and came back with anger. I sensed this matter must went so wrong, so I went to the reception right away to cool down both sides and a short while later a small heater was delivered to our room.

Next day we saw a friendly letter from the hotel manager (who we never saw during our entire stay) placed in our room with explanation of floor heating require hours to raise the room temperature, and the temperature has been raised to 24C. Since most of newly built Swiss house using floor heating system (same as we have at home), but I still wondered why we couldn't control the room temperature individually? and I need a small plug in heater during all our stay in the bathroom? 

In general, we prefer a good small modern design hotel then a big 5 star traditional hotel for vacation (Relais & Chateaux is our favour) that's why we choose Omnia this time. Omnia is well located (but not so great with ski boot and carry the ski walking down a short distance to the main street for taxi) and provides excellent service on receiving guest at taxi/train terminal and arrival at hotel. The food in its restaurant is the best we have tried in Zermatt (better then Grand hotel Shonegg GaultMillau 15/20 which is possibly highest rated in Zermatt). The breakfast choice is limited compare with 5 star hotel, but with fresh good quality. 

In whole ask me if I would go back? My answer would be never with its high season price. With our experience for winter ski? I prefer Hotel Mont Cervin Palace in Zermatt and the Grand Hotel Kronenhof in Engadine, both hotels have spectacle indoor swimming pool jacuzzi spa facilities, which Omnia is too far to compete. And in term the quality/price for the room we got, both were better then Omnia too (specially with sunny and stunning views)

  • My ratings for this hotel are:
    • 3 of 5 starsValue
    • 3 of 5 starsRooms
    • 5 of 5 starsLocation
    • 5 of 5 starsCleanliness
    • 5 of 5 starsService
  • Date of Stay: April 2009
  • Visit was for: Leisure
  • Traveling group: With Spouse/Partner
  • Member since: August 14, 2008
  • Would you recommend this hotel to a friend? No

引用文章: Zermatt高山滑雪記

迴響(5) :
5樓. 王尚智
2009/04/18 15:37

好命? 掌控多半在自己,沒有體過苦,相對的難嚐得甘甜的“滋味”。。。
B2009/04/19 16:17回覆
4樓. Rinka
2009/04/16 19:16



B2009/04/17 16:29回覆
3樓. niki在斯里蘭卡
2009/04/16 16:01
我這熱帶動物---一定會成冰雕, 身上的油脂也會結凍, 嘻----
呵呵。。。所以冬天,B也跟著冬眠或者跑回亞洲。。。 B2009/04/17 16:22回覆
2樓. taiwanmickey
2009/04/16 10:46

B2009/04/17 16:20回覆
B2009/04/17 16:34回覆
1樓. 成吉思汗的媽
2009/04/16 09:54
旅館管理最有名不是在瑞士嗎?  希望下一次換別家時不會再有這樣的經驗.  
This is a complaint at high level... 呵呵。。光線和溫度?
B2009/04/18 15:58回覆
