I very much hope to return to the family home in Canada, please help me .
I very much hope to return to the family home in Canada, the strong request for help!http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/15148203
Since June 24, 1997, I have not seen my son and two daughters for 17 years. http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/14612099
If anyone can tell me that they are living well, I would appreciate it.http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/14540549
I have immigrated to Canada, 17 years ago my family and property in Canada disappeared.http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/13161059
Why am I on the status of education in Canada disappointed expectations judicial ends of justice!http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/7502003
Please help us once again happy reunion will be when appreciate it . http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12473710
Prevent Child Abuse America- arrest USA-new-jersey/clark-chang is wanted http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/14682822
4616 Halley Avenue Burnaby, British Columbia V5G 3E1產權登記資料(證1, 證2).http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/10928254
My house in Canada (4616 Halley Ave Burnaby B.C. Canada V5G 3E1) was sold stealthily and torn down without my own awareness in 14 Jan.1998 . http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12478755
Request immediately arrest- USA-new-jersey/clark-chang is wanted abduction of children. http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12224607
Vancouver, Canada, Multiple Realty Paul Chang Pseudo-witness information http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12620687
Request immediately arrest-CANADA Vanouver Multiple Realty Paul Chang is wanted abduction of children. http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12225067
Please try to help spread the separation I was looking for more than sixteen years, is known as the information hidden in Vancouver abducted three biological children (To My dearest son( Derrick )and daughters( Denise & Angela ), http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12356256
Please help us to vigorously assist and now his son and two daughters in Vancouver they have been separated from my sixteen years, and three children of their own who has been brainwashed, hoping that they will change their mind as soon as possible so that I can be the father and son and two daughters, we once again close to the heart, happy reunion will be when appreciate it. Sincerely Lord DEREK HSU http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12473710
I have immigrated to Canada, 16 years ago my family and property were lost in Canada.http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/11033849
CANADIAN Possessions stolen and sold internationally abducted children evidence was submitted to Burnaby RCMP Detachment Cst Travis MORTON (travis.morton @ rcmp-grc.gc.ca) investigating at the request of 17JAN2013 http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12227853
Request screenwriter, director, reporter great help, and my past experience in the future should the story twists and turns is a wonderful material
alpineatks 主內許登昭(Derek Hsu)敬上,Canadian Immigration (18Dec 1991)Canadian social Insurance#729-111-039,CareCard#9134-814-575;Tel:886229132633;Fax:886229132640;Cell#:0886939191134,FaceBook:alpineatks,SKYPE:alpineatks,E-mail:alpineatks@gmail.com;http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks;
台灣住處:新北市新店區(231)百忍街6號2樓drk_hsu@yahoo.ca; ADD:2F.,No.6,BairenSt.,SindianCity,TaipeiCounty 23149,Taiwan
- ChatGPT:心存善念;每天念誦;結合行善;楞嚴咒核心偈語'清淨本然,周遍法界,不動不搖,湛入涅槃!'功德:自心清淨;增長福報;子孫受益;佛菩薩護持!
- ChatGPT:台灣國防部已啟動'戰備操演'並在戰略要地加強戒備以應對解放軍在'灰色地帶'部署:約100艘海軍與海警艦艇多數為'軍艦'的挑釁行為,確保台灣安全和區域穩定!
- Liner Basic:共產黨權貴英國帝國學院環境工程博士陳吉寧作為中共下一代領導人的熱門人選,具有重要的背景和意義,涉及其專業知識,政治經驗,政策績效以及外部關注等多方面的因素!
- '就地推翻共產黨起義'攜手從無到有共創願景計畫;將致力匯聚多方力量,運用科技與智慧,探討實現和平影響力的社會變革;全都需要參與熱情與行動來共同創造奇蹟!
- 懺悔是改錯,要有誓不再犯的決心!懂得懺悔的人,就是懂得改變因果,改變命運的人;改變心態,改變因果,改變命運,改變一切的一切,都離不開懺悔,只有通過懺悔,最終才能徹底圓滿!
- 智慧和悟性:我相信那人;他肯定在說什麼好笑的事,當一個人必須笑時,為何要笑在最後呢?為何不首先笑呢?當人必須笑時,就該大聲地笑;這又不要花錢,而我也自娛自樂!
- 1樓. 許登昭2016/02/17 06:38我很關切於1997年6月24日自台灣住家被拐離出國18年知現在溫哥華的我三親生兒女們身心靈和就學或就業等生活資訊
溫哥華慈濟人Vancouver Canada Multiple Realty Paul Chang(888lumberking@gmail.com,Tel:0021-604-434-1431,FaX:0021-604-434-9433,Cell:00217788895306)Pseudo-witness information http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12620687
My house in Canada (4616 Halley Ave Burnaby B.C. Canada V5G 3E1) was sold stealthily and torn down without my own awareness in 14 Jan.1998.http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12478755
Request immediately arrest-CANADA Vanouver Multiple Realty自稱溫哥華慈濟人Paul Chang is wanted abduction of 3BC Canadian children. http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12225067
Request arrest-USA-new-jersey/自稱溫哥華慈濟人clark-chang is wanted abduction of 3BC Canadian children. http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12224607
RCMP Detachment Cst Travis MORTON (travis.morton@rcmp-grc.gc.ca)investigating at the request of 17JAN2013.http://classic-blog.udn.com/alpineatks/12227853