英國重金屬天團[威豹]──華麗金屬/硬式搖滾──[Rock of Ages/搖滾時代]
Gunter gleiben glauchen globen
All right
I got somethin to say
Yeah, its better to burn out
Yeah, than fade away
All right
Ow gonna start a fire
Come on
Rise up gather round
Rock this place to the ground
Burn it up, lets go for broke
Watch the night go up in smoke
Rock on Rock on
Drive me crazier, no serenade
No fire brigade, just pyromania, come on
What do you want, what do you want?
I want rock n roll, yes I do
Long live rock n roll
Oh lets go, lets strike a light
Were gonna blow like dynamite
I dont care if it takes all night
I gonna set this town alight, come on
What do you want, what do you want?
I want rock n roll, alright
Long live rock n roll
Rock of ages, rock of ages
Still rollin, keep a-rollin
Rock of ages, rock of ages
Still rollin, rocknrollin
We got the power, got the glory
Just say you need it and if you need it
Say yeah
Heh heh heh heh
Now listen to me
Im burnin, burnin, I got the fever
I know for sure, there aint no cure
So feel it, dont fight it, go with the flow
Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme one more for the road
What do you want?
What do you want?
I want rock n roll, You betcha
Long live rock n roll
Rock of ages, rock of ages
Still rollin, keep a-rollin
Rock of ages, rock of ages
Still rollin, rocknrollin
We got the power, got the glory
Just say you need it and if you need it
Say yeah
Say yeah
Were gonna burn this damn place down
Down to the ground
自1980年推出兩張大碟後, 英國搖滾樂團威豹(Def Leppard)並未能在歌壇受到商業肯定
1983年1月 威豹發行第三張大碟[Pyromania]
仍由Robert John ‘Mutt’ Lange製作
這也是吉它手Phil Collen 取代原來的Pete Willis(但仍參加部分演奏), 首度參與的專輯
大碟受到高度評價 滾石雜誌便給予四顆星讚譽
首支單曲[Photograph/照片]登上美國告示牌單曲榜#12 副榜──主流搖滾榜六週冠軍 一舉打響威豹的名氣.
1983年6月,威寶乘勝追擊,推出第二單曲[Rock of Ages/搖滾時代]
由Joe Elliott,Steve Clark,Robert John "Mutt" Lange創作,
據聞樂團當時正在一間錄音室,主唱Joe Elliott偶然發現一本剛使用過錄音室的兒童合唱團成員留下的讚美詩集。
在書中,他看到了’Rock of Ages’三個字,這促使他寫下歌詞。
[Rock of Ages]以“Gunter glieben glautengloben”開頭,這是一個有德國血統的Mutt Lange 引入的類似德語的無意義短語。根據 Def Leppard解答:
「Gunter Glieben Glauten Globen」是什麼意思?沒什麼特別的(儘管樂隊有時開玩笑地聲稱這意味著“默默地穿過森林”)。
這是製作人 Mutt Lange 在錄製[Rock of Ages]時說的胡言亂語,而不是常規的一、二、三、四。
Robert John "Mutt" Lange將其製作一首華麗金屬/硬式搖滾曲,
[Rock of Ages]登上美國單曲榜#16 副榜──主流搖滾榜冠軍,鞏固威豹在美國人氣.
大碟銷售扶搖直上 升到美國榜亞軍 光在1983年便賣出600萬張 至今超過1000萬張 拿到鑽石唱片
Japan Live
Live Audio
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