每年八月都是享譽國際的蘇格蘭愛丁堡藝術節(Edinburgh Art Festival),當中又有一項節目同樣享譽國際,也是我們這些管樂愛好人士一直都想前往的,那就是愛丁堡軍樂節(Edinburgh Military Tattoo),這已經在本分類中介紹過了,現在介紹是今年演出的曲目,詳情如下(預計DVD會在十一月出爐):
The Edinburgh Military Tattoo Programme 2006
Fanfare for the Scottish Soldier 蘇格蘭士兵信號曲 |
The Gathering |
The Massed Pipes and Drums 鼓號齊鳴 |
The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards The stirring sight and sounds of the world-famous Massed Pipes and Drums 聞名世界的蘇格蘭風笛齊奏,演出單位來自大英國協各地軍樂隊 |
Watoto Children’s Choir |
A soulful blend of African rhythm, contemporary gospel music and 來自非洲的烏干達Watoto兒童合唱團 |
The Band and Pipes and Drums of the Royal Gurkha Regiment |
Accelerando 皇家廓爾喀傭兵軍樂隊(來自尼泊爾的善戰傭兵) |
Massed Highland Dancers |
The Edinburgh Military Tattoo Highland Spring Dancers 愛丁堡與南非的蘇格蘭高地舞蹈 |
The New Zealand Army Band |
Talent, diversity and humour 紐西蘭陸軍樂隊 |
Jiangxi Xishan International School Kung Fu Group |
In their first visit to the UK, 60 young Chinese students provide 中國江西西山國際學校功夫表演團 |
Concert Band of the Army of Chile |
Chile’s finest Military Band accompanied by cultural dancers from the 智利陸軍軍樂隊與國家舞團 |
Top Secret Drum Corps |
Contemporary and traditional percussion from Switzerland’s awesome drummers 來自瑞士的「極機密」鼓樂團 |
The Massed Military Bands |
A display of music and marching 軍樂隊聯合行進演出 PERFORMED BY: Tribute to the Scottish soldier 前半段:冷溪衛隊軍樂隊與蘇格蘭衛隊軍樂隊 JOINED BY: 後半段加入: 蘇格蘭步兵團軍樂隊、廓爾喀軍樂隊、紐西蘭陸軍樂隊、智利陸軍樂隊 ACCOMPANIED BY: 合唱:Kevock合唱團 |
The Massed Military Bands and Massed Pipes & Drums |
600 musicians create the renowned Tattoo sound The Lion King |
Finale 尾聲 |
Featuring the 1,000-strong cast with the Guard of Honour formed by National Anthem 所有演出單位一同齊聚演奏 Lone Piper - Highland Cradle Song 風笛獨奏 |
March Out |
Scotland The Brave 行進出場 |
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