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寫於希臘公投之前 On Greek Referendum
2015/07/02 17:43


希臘,尤其是其首都雅典,一直擁有『西方文化發源地』的美譽。誠然Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Hippocrates,Sophocles,Herodotus諸人在哲學、科學、醫學、戲劇及史學等範疇的斐然成就是劃時代的。約3400年前以雅典作為楷模的City States城邦更被視為現代西方民主的鼻祖(雖然女人及奴隸都沒有公民權利)。此一時彼一時也,昔日古埃及、巴比倫兩河文明亦曾盛極一時,而今安在哉?今天的希臘人或許覺得舉債度日不正是西方世界的新常態。當今世上唯一超強美帝的雙赤(財政赤字及貿易赤字),與其軍事強勢等量齊觀獨步天下。這幾十年來美帝同樣以發行國債來維持其巨大雙赤。美帝能,希臘也能然乎?只要我們祖國及世界第三大經濟體日本都願意無限量購買希臘國債。美帝本來早已破產,但自從(余認為是)最了得的美國總統Nixon尼克松於1971年撕毀Bretton Woods金本位體系,美帝已立於永不會破產之地,因為祂可以無限量印發全球的流通貨幣。

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迴響(7) :
2015/08/17 00:05
I didn’t study the Greece’s particular case in deep. But I am curious how Greece’s creditor would justify to lend to Greece. Apart from the low cost lending, possibly, they want to keep Greece in Eurozone (i believe there are gd reasons). Hey~ This is no longer a pure economic decision. Then, do we still have a pure right or wrong economic answer here?!

In fact, Greece was indeed able to obtain the cheap loans during the 2000-2008 time. It’s looked very much like the house buyers in US, right?! (but in US, the lenders also bet on the ever rising property market.) Ok, 2008, global meltdown, boom, Greece was unable to cover its shit.

To me, the problem is not on the citizen, but the Greece’s gov (whose politician wanted to keep their own popularity?! surely, it’s easier to borrow on behalf of the gov than think). A citizen has no say on whether they want the cheap loan. (I believe there is not a vote on every everything.) But of course, they enjoyed the benefits from the cheap loan.

On the other hand, Greece was not in a good shape even before they joined Eurozone (partly because of their polarised politics). Possibly because of this, their join date was not 1999, it’s later. Still having Greece to join the Eurozone, would they give up so easy now?!
6樓. PL
2015/07/23 13:57
Germany's debt after WWI

How soon we forget history.  Look what happened to Germany when the victors forced harsh terms on the Germans with the Treaty of Versailles after WWI.  The harsh and humiliating treatment played a key role in the rise of Hitler and the Nazi party who constantly reminded the Germans on how they had suffered under the victorious powers.  What do you think Greece and its proud people are going to respond?  Greece is already reaching out to Putin’s Russia for help.
What a mess! read this link

it's good to read that the link u provided was giving a balanced picture with views from opposing sides. Yale's Guninnane is correct in saying geopolitics is just “partly” the reason why Germany 60 years ago & Greece today are getting different treatments from the creditors.
Reparation payments from germany for both european wars were “capital account” in nature, whereas Greece today & probably in the foreseeeable future has an ongoing “current account” deficit. Even all old debts r forgiven, Greece's banks still don't hv the liquidity to operate normally. Unlike any other debtors or mortgagee who repay their loans regularly with interest and a certain amount of principal, Greece is unable to repay just the interest portion, let alone repaying the principal proper. It is running both fiscal deficit & trade deficit on a perennial basis, net of interest payment & loan repayment.
Germany's case in the early '50s was like light is being seen at the other end of the tunnel, greece today is is digging a hole ever deeper into the ground, not drilling a tunnel through a mountain of known distance.
Last week I read somewhere that, as soon as Greece was admitted into the Euro zone, its then govt exemplified pork-barrel politics by irresponsibly raising the wages of its blue collar workers, an example cited was the train drivers were paid 100k Euros(or US$130,000) per year, on par with airline pilots. Greece surely is one big victory for populist democracy, achieving ideals that Mao could hardly dream of.

zhangWL2015/07/23 22:15回覆
5樓. So
2015/07/07 16:57




4樓. PL
2015/07/03 15:08
Greece is a very touchy situation
Greece is a very touchy situation and despite all our predictions, we will never be able to fully anticipate what is going to happen.  The global system has been desgined to take advantage of the “weaker” countries in order to maintain dominance of the existing powers – goes back for centuries, not unlike the colonial/imperialist system.  Germany may take a tough stance at the moment and may even allow Greece to fall as an example to other countries who don’t toe the line and play by the rules that were put in place by the great powers.  All part of realpolitics.

With the growing mess in the Middle East and rise of Islamic extremists, it is not unlikely that the U.S. will stand by idly and allow an ally, who has granted American many military base rights, to fall.  But, yet, they feel that an example will be necessary in order to ensure that all understand and acknowledge the system that has been put in place.  Look what happened to Spartacus when he led a slave rebellion against Rome.  Look what happened to those in Hong Kong who speak out against the hypocrisy of democratic rule under the PRC.

Though we feel somewhat powerless, a lone voice that makes no difference, do not let this stop you from voicing your own opinion.  If this happens, it will be the end of us.

Keep up the interesting dialogue. 
3樓. Frankie
2015/07/03 15:07
settlement one way or the other

I agree that there will be a settlement one way or the  other. EU is very delicate. It can’t afford to lose any member. Germany has a deep pocket. However, Germany can’t help all those troubled countries. Anyway, this matter is too big.
My concern is my coming vacation to Santorini. News is saying that Greece is now a cash only country. I prefer not to carry too much cash in a troubled country.  Hopefully the matter will be resolved soon. My wife will be very disappointed if we have to cancel the trip.
Other than my trip, a resolution to the matter will certainly help the stock market. Most of everybody will be a happier man.

2樓. Gulliver
2015/07/03 11:41
Greek default
A little idea on the Greek default , many countries default on their debt , they got down graded on their rating , Russia , cypress , South America  , the Japanese , china before the communist etc,

EU is a political union , Greek can exit the eurozone only , a monetary union , just like UK , Poland n Belgium , 

Greek is strategically located between the east n west , invaded n conquer by rome n Turkey before, it has less debt than the cash in Apple bank account , small population , oil reserve n great agriculture n tourist islands etc  

Greek just need a good n strong leader to unite the people and bring the country forward for prosperity , if Greek leave , other southern countries might follow , I think they can come to a settlement 

Today is D day for china stock market , a fight between king Xi n ex king Jiang , this is much worst than Greek default , an hour trade lose more than what Greek owe , people are jumping off building n losing their life saving with debt , 

China internal struggle is the big problem now , went into financial warfare to turn the people against the government , Xi shaking hand with moustache Tsang is a fighting back , stop the market for a week n wipe out the short seller

Big fight today , beware
Gulliver, many thanks for ur insightful response. indeed many people r v sympathetic towards the Greeks, incl our ex-editor-in-chief classmate & at least a couple of Nobel economics laureates. their view is not invalid in that the lenders r less than prudent in lending to Greece in the 1st place & keep on doing so, while they do know better Greece may not be able to repay just the interest much less the principal, as is the situation today.
some also think Greece can exit from Euro but remain in EU. i just wonder whether their way of life of paying more welfare than collecting tax revenue is viable, whether the currency used is euro or drachma or whatever ?
zhangWL2015/07/03 15:37回覆
1樓. Amy
2015/07/03 10:34



