聯合國新戰略的目標是打擊病毒仇恨,COVID-19陰謀論,祕書長說,敦促世界團結起來對付病毒以下是聯合國祕書長安東尼奧·古特雷斯今天在紐約發表的關於COVID-19和誤報的視頻信息:當世界與致命的COVID-19流行病作鬥爭時——這是自二戰以來我們面臨的最具挑戰性的危機——我們也看到了另一種傳染病,一種危險的誤傳。 世界各地的人們都很害怕。 他們想知道該做什麼,該往哪裏尋求建議。這是一個科學和團結的時代。 但是,全球"錯誤信息流行病"正在蔓延。 有害的健康忠告和蛇油方案正在泛濫。 虛假的謊言充斥着廣播。 荒誕的陰謀論正在感染互聯網。 仇恨正在病毒化,誣衊和詆譭人和團體。世界也必須團結起來反對這種疾病。 這種疫苗是值得信賴的。 第一,信任科學。 我向記者和其他事實致敬,看看堆積如山的誤導報道和社交媒體帖子。 社會媒體公司必須做更多的工作來根除對COVID-19的仇恨和有害的斷言。其次,對機構的信任——基於反應迅速,負責任,基於證據的治理和領導能力。 彼此信任 相互尊重和維護人權必須成爲我們渡過這場危機的指南針。讓我們一起抵制外面的謊言和胡說八道。 今天,我宣佈一項新的聯合國通信反應倡議,在對抗日益嚴重的錯誤信息災難的同時,將事實和科學淹沒互聯網,這種毒藥正在讓更多的生命受到威脅。有了常識和事實的共同理由,我們可以戰勝COVID-19——建立一個更健康,更公平,更公正和更有韌性的世界。 謝謝,謝謝你公開資料
Following is the text of UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ video message on COVID-19 and misinformation, in New York today: As the world fights the deadly COVID-19 pandemic — the most challenging crisis we have faced since the Second World War — we are also seeing another epidemic, a dangerous epidemic of misinformation.
Around the world, people are scared. They want to know what to do and where to turn for advice. This is a time for science and solidarity. Yet, the global “misinfo-demic” is spreading.
Harmful health advice and snake-oil solutions are proliferating. Falsehoods are filling the airwaves. Wild conspiracy theories are infecting the Internet. Hatred is going viral, stigmatizing and vilifying people and groups.
The world must unite against this disease, too. The vaccine is trust.
First, trust in science. I salute the journalists and others fact checking the mountain of misleading stories and social media posts. Social media companies must do more to root out hate and harmful assertions about COVID-19.
Second, trust in institutions — grounded in responsive, responsible, evidence-based governance and leadership.
And trust in each other.
Mutual respect and upholding human rights must be our compass in navigating this crisis. Together, let’s reject the lies and nonsense out there.
Today, I am announcing a new United Nations communications response initiative to flood the Internet with facts and science while countering the growing scourge of misinformation, a poison that is putting even more lives at risk.
With common cause for common sense and facts, we can defeat COVID-19 — and build a healthier, more equitable, just and resilient world.
Thank you.
- 2樓. pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )2020/04/15 11:27聯合國
- 1樓. 瑩雪2020/04/15 11:11
有高度的聯合國。 pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO ) 於 2020/04/15 11:28回覆