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閱讀賞析---The Templar Legacy (聖殿騎士的遺產)
2008/09/24 08:28

The Templar Legacy ( 殿騎士的遺產 )

Now, a new thriller tries to follow in the steps of The Da Vinci Code. This is a real page-turner that can guarantee you amount of good time in the summer afternoon no doubt.

現在,一部新恐怖小說設法跟隨 ” 達文西密碼 ” 的腳步到來。 這本書 無疑保證能讓人享受一段夏日午后的美好時光,且能 引人入勝、叫人愛不釋手 。


The ancient Order of the Knights Templar possessed untold wealth and absolute power, until the Inquisition destroyed them, and their riches were lost forever. The whole story is centered around the mysteries related to the so-called wealth.

這個古老騎士教團擁有了無限的財富以及絕對的權 力, 直到這個由教宗派出的偵訊團澈底毀滅了這個宗教組織,也使他們的財富被隱藏起來,全篇小說就是靠著一堆迷團來解構寶藏的出處,以及隨之而來的財迷心竅等等的問題。

Ex-agent Cotton Malone used to work for Stephanie Nelle in the Us Justice Department. Now she seeks his help again to crack a series of puzzles that have confounded experts for centuries – and could lead to the legendary lost treasure of the Knights.

前美國司法部專員綽號棉花的馬龍曾為上級長官 Stephanie Nelle 底下ㄉ 12 人小組工作過。她再度尋求他的幫助期望解開困惑了專家幾個世紀的一系列的難 題- 最後能將故事領至騎士的遺失傳奇珍寶。

But Malone soon realizes someone else is on the trail – someone prepared to commit the ultimate crime in pursuit of the ultimate prize. Malone and Nelle find themselves in a heart-stopping race through the villages, castles and cloisters of Europe in pursuit of a secret that, in the wrong hands, could bring the world to its knees.

但 Malone 很快體會別人是在足跡 - 某人準備犯最後罪追求最後獎。 Malone 和 Nelle 發現自己在心臟停著的種族通過歐洲村莊、城堡和修道院追求 , 在錯誤手 , 能帶來世界給它的膝蓋的秘密。

Adopted from the Booklist of Amazon online shop by Ilene Cooper

The Knights Templar, a small monastic military order formed in the early 1100s to protect travelers to the Holy Land, eventually grew and became wealthy beyond imagination. In 1307, the French king, feeling jealous and greedy, killed off the Templars, and by 1311, the last master, Jacques de Molay, was burned at the stake. The whereabouts of the Templars' treasure--and their secrets--have been the subject of legend ever since.

殿騎士 ,原先只是一個小修道院的軍事武裝組織,在 1100s 的初期形成主要目的是要保護去聖地的旅客。最後卻變得富裕到無法想像的地步。到了 1307 年, 法國國 王, 感到嫉妒和貪 婪, 殺害了 殿騎士 ,甚至最後到了 1311 年,當時殿堂 最後大師 Jacques de Molay 被燒死在木樁上。至此殿堂騎士的珍寶的下 落 - 和他們的秘密 — 自那以後就是整本傳奇故事的主題。

There's a secret about early Christianity at the core of Berry's Templar Legacy, but he dispenses the clues too slowly. The cat-and-mouse game between Cotton Malone, a former Justice Department agent, and a modern-day order of Knights Templar is weighed down with too much confusing backstory about the Templars' connection to Rennes-le-Chateau and the mystery that surrounds it. (The real-life town plays a part in The Da Vinci Code as well.) Like Dan Brown, Berry draws on the seminal nonfiction work Holy Blood, Holy Grail for many of his themes. After nearly grinding to a halt through all the premise building, the novel finally gathers steam in the last 100 pages or so, concluding with a revelation that seems refreshingly clear after the many convoluted twists that precede it. Until the next Dan Brown opus is released, this should hold devotees.

殿騎士的 遺產 核 心是 有一個秘密是關於早期的基督教 , 但作者慢條細理的給線索吊著大家的胃口。看小說中的棉花馬龍就像在看貓和老鼠在比 賽, 一個前司法部代理專 員 和 殿騎士 之間,無論是在過去或現在故事都充斥著太多背後混淆的線索,全都拉回跟這個城堡 Rennes-le Chateau 和圍攏在它周圍的奧秘的 殿騎士 有關。 ( 就像達文西密碼一樣故事也是有真實地點為依據 的。 ) 像丹?布朗 ,作者也是以追尋聖血與聖杯這類 非小說作品為他許多的題材。在幾乎無止靜地著墨於建構故事背景 下, 小說最後的 100 頁像蒸氣般極速地動作著,看似清楚但又在許多複雜的轉彎之後,直洩而下全部密謀與寶藏的揭露百般屈折的情節。在丹?布朗的電視劇還沒被發行前,這本小說應該拿來暫時獻寶一下。

Other works also by the same author:

Praise for Steve Berry
The Amber Room
“Sexy, illuminating . . . my kind of thriller.”
–Dan Brown, author of The Da Vinci Code
“Magnificently engrossing, with wonderful characters and a plot that speeds, twists, and turns. Pure intrigue, pure fun.”
–Clive Cussler, author of Sacred Stone
The Romanov Prophecy

“Perfect for thriller fans and history buffs alike. Fabulous plot twists.”
–David Morrell, author of The Protector
“Compelling . . . adventure-filled . . . a fast-moving, globe-hopping tale of long-lost treasure and shadowy bad guys.”
–San Francisco Chronicle
The Third Secret

“Controversial, shocking, explosive . . . rich in a wealth of Vatican insider knowledge and two thousand years of Virgin Mary visitations. The Third Secret will change our view of the relationship between religion and wisdom.”
–Katherine Neville, author of The Eight

這三本小說除了 The Amber Room 還沒時間拜讀,其於兩本早於這本 The Templar Legacy 前就讀完。我本人比較偏愛 The Third Secret 和 The Templar Legacy 這兩本。作者 Steve Berry 是個律師,但是偏愛歷史故事,所以他的小說都建立在椑官野史上。也就是說都有此一說,讓你看了標題心理就癢癢的想去買來看。雖然他的幾部小說目前只有 The Templar Legacy 被翻譯成中文 “ 殿騎士的 遺產, 他的其他小說還是值得你的關注,就練一下你的英文吧,把剩下的小說找來看看,比方說就從 The Third Secret 開始吧。


After reading this fantastic novel by Steve Berry, who is a lawyer, the most interesting information I gathered from here is that I know where and when the “Black Friday” came ---- it happened on the date: October 13th, 1307 in Europe (mostly in France.) On that day, lots of Knights of the Templar (the follow soldiers of Christ and the Temple of Solomon) were arrested by the King of France who conspired with His Holiness then, Clement V.

在讀完這本意想不到的小說以後,我收集到最有趣的資訊 是, 我知道 " 黑色星期五 " 的由來了 ---- 它發生在歐洲 ( 主要在法國 ): 1307 年 10 月 13 日。在那天 , 許多 殿騎士 ─ ( 基督和所羅門王寺廟的戰士門徒 ) 被當時的法國國王以及教宗密謀後全面逮補與謀害。

From 博客來書店的簡介



馬隆自美國司法部的祕密特務單位急流勇退之後,與長官史蒂芬尼一同捲入一場驚心動魄的跨世紀追逐賽,歷經了高度懸疑、死而後生的險境、暴力叛變以及權力 鬥爭交織而成的迷宮,橫越了歐洲村落、城堡、修道院,與各方勢力爭奪對峙,出生入死的程度無與倫比。而最後的戰利品相當於歷史的命運。本書中譯本《聖殿騎士遺產》由「時報」出版。


史帝夫.貝利(Steve Berry



史帝夫很感謝教會學校的修女們,因為寫小說和尋找出版商都需要磨練。他擁有精巧寫作和尋找出版社的紀律,他將此歸功於耐心教導他天主教流派的修女們。他 曾屢遭退稿,在Ballantine Books買下他的一本原稿之前,在12年間,他有5本不同的原稿,遭到85次退件。如他所說:「沒有做不到的,我就是最好的例子。」

他的《琥珀室》(The Amber Room)和《羅曼諾夫預言書》(The Romanov Prophecy)皆為國際暢銷書。《第三祕密》精裝、平裝本皆榮登《紐約時報》暢銷書排行榜。《聖殿騎士遺產密》是他的第四本書,也在《紐約時報》、 《今日美國》(USA Today)、《出版人週刊》、獨立書商協會(Book Sense)等各大媒體的暢銷書排行榜上。另外著有暢銷作品The Alexandria LinkThe Venetian Betrayal The Charlemagne Pursuit等。



