這是一部德國拍攝的電影.影片的原始素材,來自於其往年自編自導的現代德國史詩《故鄉》三部曲劇集,這部大氣磅礴的史詩,則被搬到了電影銀幕上.導演 愛德嘉·萊茲Edgar Reitz 以強烈的黑白影像風格與冷峻的筆調,通過一個德國農村里農民生存的故事,向我們展示了德意志民族的人性、歷史、文化等方方面面.靜心感受一次滌蕩靈魂的淨化之旅,絕對會讓你受益良多,更何況還有另一位德國電影大師赫爾佐格的友情出演.
Edgar Reitz wanted to tell primarily a story about the wave of emigration in the Hunsrück of the 19th century with the "other home". The use of "Schabbach" and the Simon family was rather means and not an end for him. In a press conference in April 2012 Reitz expressed that he does not necessarily want to tell the history of the Simon family. Reitz called it nevertheless advantageous when fans of the home trilogy has therefore go to the cinema alone because they expect from the film to see the ancestors of Simon. [3] A history of the village Schabbach the film tells anyway only to part because many places and locations that are known from home 1 to 3 and were then rotated in the neighboring village Woppenroth, no longer appear in the film (eg. as the church, the Wiegand house, the Schirmer-house, the hall and the grocery store). The hitherto known Schabbach is in the "other home" only recognizable in the Simon Forge.
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- 1樓. 萬國衣冠2015/01/31 15:40其实德国近代是满悲惨的
黃平 於 2015/01/31 17:58回覆