2014 借閱記錄
2015/01/30 12:22
- 低眉集 : 臺灣文學翻譯、遊記與書評 / 許俊雅著
- 海嘯 / 林宜澐著
- 公東的教堂 : 海岸山脈的一頁教育傳奇 / 范毅舜作
- 王大閎 : 永恆的建築詩人 / 徐明松著
- 地址 : 威尼斯 / 韓良憶著
- 我在法國西南,有間小屋 / 韓良憶著
- 拉達克之旅 / Andrew Harvey ; 趙惠群譯
- 獨居時代 / Eric Klinenberg ; 洪世民譯
- 小鼯鼠的看法 / 劉克襄著
- 為真實世界設計 : 人類生態與社會變遷 / Victor Papanek ; 楊路譯
- 點子都是偷來的 : 10個沒人告訴過你的創意撇步 / Austin Kleon ; 張舜芬, 錢佳緯譯
- 彩墨.千山 馬白水 / 席慕蓉著
- 人與土地:阮義忠攝影集 / 阮義忠著
- 人間風景陳映真 / 陳映真等著
- 老. 臺北. 人 / 張照堂等撰文
- 李坤山攝影集 : 眾生 (1980-1995臺灣篇) / 李坤山作
- 廢島 : 臺灣離島廢墟浪遊 / 姚瑞中文字.攝影
- 歲月的詩情 : 翁庭華攝影作品集 / 翁庭華作
- 頂尖主廚法式甜點代表作 / 永瀨正人編著 ; 蔣佳珈譯
- 法國麵包基礎篇 / 法國藍帶東京分校編 ; 野上智寬翻譯
- 法國糕點基礎篇 (Le reve de sabrina) / 法國藍帶東京分校編 ; 曾美子翻譯
- 深夜烘焙坊 : 凌晨零時の暖心配方 / 大沼紀子著 ; 王蘊潔譯
- 只吃好東西:前蘋果日報美食組長教你挑好食 / 張瑀庭著
- 手指操的驚人效果 : 提升智能、學業、記憶力,活到100歲都不痴呆 / 白澤卓二監修 ; 安珀譯
- 脊近完美:從脊椎保健找回自己的健康 / 孫明豪著
- 萬病從根治 : 祛濕、清熱、化寒,老毛病不來煩 / 余浩, 鄭黎著
- 家庭中醫芳療全書:中醫與芳療的30個DIY處方箋 / 有藤文香著 ; 蔡青雯譯
- 茉莉花開 (Jasmine women) / 侯詠導演
- 王文興 : 尋找背海的人 (The man behind the book) / 林靖傑導演
- 林海音 : 兩地 (Home in two cities) / 楊力州導演
- 音樂人生 (KJ) / 張經緯導演
- 秋刀魚之味 (秋刀魚の味) / 小津安二郎導演
- 東京家族 (Tokyo family) / directed by 山田洋次監督
- 你所不知道的不丹 : 不丹的秘密 (Bhutan's secret) / directed by Jon Garano
- 你所不知道的不丹:雷龍之國 / directed by Jon Garano
- 夏日時光 (Summer hours) / directed by Olivier Assayas
- 我和我的小鬼們 (The class)
- 香料共和國 (A touch of spice) / directed by Tassos Boulmetis
- 午夜.巴黎 (Midnight in Paris) / directed by Woody Allen
- 愛在黎明破曉時 (Before sunrise) / directed by Richard Linklater
- 愛.慕 (Amour) / directed by Michael Haneke
- 再見了, 拉札老師 (Monsieur Lazhar) / directed by Philippe Falardeau
- 白色緞帶 (The white ribbon) / directed by Michael Haneke
- 維納斯 (Venus) / directed by Roger Michell
- 人間.四季.侯麥:春天的故事 (Contes des quatre saisons : conte de printemps) / directed by Eric ohmer
- 窗外有藍天 (A room with a view) / directed by James Ivory
- 北非謎情 (The last flight) / directed by Karim Dridi
- 愛在彈指間 (Populaire) / directed by Régis Roinsard
- 愛在日落巴黎時 (Before sunset) / directed by Richard Linklater
- 廣島之戀 (Hiroshima mon amour) / directed by Alain Resnais
- 史楚錫流浪記 (Stroszek) / directed by Werner Herzog
- 小小攝影師的異想世界 (Born into Brothels) / directed by Ross Kauffman, Zana Briski
- 我的瘋狂書迷 (Un chat un chat) / directed by Sophie Fillières
- 窗邊上的玫瑰 (The Flower of my serect) / directed by Pedro Almodovar
- 謊言的烙印 (The hunt) / directed by Thomas Vinterberg
- 烈愛重生 (Rust and bone / directed by Jacques Audiard
- 破碎的擁抱 (Broken embraces) / directed by Pedro Almodovar
- 文生去看海 (Vincent wants to sea) / directed by Ralf Huettner
- 凝視瑪莉娜 (Marina Abramovic : the artist is present) / directed by Matthew Akers
- 風帶著我來 (The wind will carry us) / directed by Abbas Kiarostami
- 羅馬假期 (Roman holiday) / directed by William Wyler
- 浮光掠影 : 每個人心中的電影院 (Chacun son cinema) / directed by Tsai Ming Liang
- 威尼斯早晨 (Monday morning) / directed by Otar Iosseliani
- 天使熱愛的生活 (La VieRêvée DesAnges)
- 舞舞舞 (Rumba) / directed by Bruno Romy
- 沒有過去的男人 (The man without a past) / directed by Aki Kaurismaki*
- 薄暮之光 (Lights in the dusk) / directed by Aki Kaurismaki*
- 奧斯卡媽媽 (Mamma gogo) / directed by Fridrik Thor Fridriksson
- 更好的世界 (In a better world) / directed by Susanne Bier
- 遇見幸福 (Lucky) / directed by Avie Luthra
- 四百擊 (The 400 blows) / directed byFrançois Truffaut
- 印象雷諾瓦 (Renoir) / directed by Gilles Bourdos
- 秋天裡的春光 (Autumn spring) / directed by Vladimir Michalek
- 馬內的繆思 (Berthe morisot) / directed by Caroline Champetier