Manga artist falls for fake Mark Ruffalo, loses $500,000
The latest work from veteran manga artist Chikae Ide follows her common theme of romance and relationships, but “Poison Love” is quite different than her previous pieces.
First of all, it is based on a true story about a lovestruck woman in an international romance who gets swindled out of 75 million yen ($523,200).
And secondly, the protagonists are Ide herself and a man she believed was Mark Ruffalo, the Hollywood actor who plays the Bruce Banner-Hulk character in the “Avengers” films.
Ide, 74, says she hopes her latest work, a confession of sorts, will help others avoid being scammed in online international romances.
fall for someone:片語,1)對某人傾心,迷戀某人。例句:She totally fell for the guy she only met once. (她徹底迷戀上那個她只見過一次的男人。)
swindle (one) out of (something):片語,從某人身上詐騙/騙取某物。例句:The broker tried to swindle millions of dollars out of his clients.(這名仲介企圖從客戶身上騙取數以百萬計的金錢。)
The Old City of Dubrovnik
In 1979, Dubrovnik became a UNESCO World Heritage site because of its historical importance. In recent years, Dubrovnik began receiving lots of attention for a completely different reason. It was selected by the creators of HBO s Game of Thrones as a place to film many important scenes. In the series, Dubrovnik represented King s Landing, the center of power in Westeros. Since the port city was already surrounded by walls, the show s producers didn t need to make any changes or use special effects to improve the scenery.
1979 年,杜布羅夫尼克因其歷史重要性成為聯合國教科文組織世界遺產。近幾年,杜布羅夫克由於一個迥異的原因獲得大量關注。它被 HBO《權力遊戲》的製片方選為許多重要場景的拍攝地。在這影集中,杜布羅夫尼克代表了維斯特洛的權力中心──君臨城。由於這個港口城市已經被城牆環繞起來了,節目製片不需做任何變動或使用特效去優化場景。
historical a. 歷史的,史學的
completely adv. 完全地
creator n. 創作者
scene n. 景色,景象(可數)
scenery n. 風景(集合名詞,不可數)
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