- 2010/03/04 14:51
Και συ τέκνον?
瀏覽:3,314迴響:2推薦:56 - 2010/03/02 01:12
引用文章-Uncle-上任副市長 System Review
瀏覽:944迴響:0推薦:9 - 2009/08/24 08:29
Garden I: incomplete or impacted fracture, in which the trabeculae of the inferior neck are still ...
瀏覽:838迴響:0推薦:7 - 2009/06/03 17:21
1. A = Airway 2. B = Bones 3. C = Cardiac silhouette 4. D = Diaphragm 5. ...
瀏覽:894迴響:0推薦:6 - 2009/06/03 17:11
T1 - 4 cm T4 - > 4 cm, invasion of the base of the tongue or invasion of the mandible N0 - 無淋巴侵犯 N1...
瀏覽:841迴響:0推薦:2 - 2009/05/27 20:48
AMI Pulmonary Embolism Aortic Dissection Pneumothorax
瀏覽:843迴響:1推薦:3 - 2009/05/15 10:20
原文整理自此 Do not stand at my grave and weep 根據是1932年,美國馬利蘭州巴爾的摩市, 一位名為Mary Elizabeth Frye的主婦所寫 Do not s...
瀏覽:745迴響:0推薦:5 - 2009/05/12 22:23瀏覽:709迴響:0推薦:5
- 2009/05/10 23:29
引用文章 ABay祝福天下的母親幸福美滿
瀏覽:668迴響:0推薦:6 - 2009/05/06 23:19
(140-Age)xBody Weight CCr = -------------------------------- ( x 0.85 if women) ...