An engagement in the First Opium War (1839-42), showing the ‘Nemesis’ (right background, in starboard broadside view) attacking a fleet of Chinese war junks in the middle ground
.The signing and sealing of the Treaty of Nanking..
《南京條約》(:Treaty of Nanking),又稱《江寧條約》或「《萬年和約》」,是清朝首個因對歐美國家戰敗而簽訂的條約。主要條款是清朝割讓香港島和開放五口通商(廣州、福州、廈門、寧波和上海)。
Chinese and English Pages, Treaty of Nanking.
The Treaty of Nanking was the peace treaty which ended the First Opium War (1839–1842) between Great Britain and the Qing dynasty of China on 29 August 1842. It was the first of what the Chinese later termed the "unequal treaties".
In the wake of Chinas military defeat, with British warships poised to attack Nanjing (then romanized as Nanking), British and Chinese officials negotiated on board HMS Cornwallis anchored in the Yangtze at the city. On 29 August, British representative Sir Henry Pottinger and Qing representatives Keying, Yilibu, and Niu Jian signed the treaty, which consisted of thirteen articles.
The treaty was ratified by the Daoguang Emperor on 27 October and Queen Victoria on 28 December. The exchange of ratification took place in Hong Kong on 26 June 1843. The treaty required the Chinese to pay an indemnity, to cede the Island of Hong Kong to the British as a colony, to essentially end the Canton system that had limited trade to that port and allow trade at Five Treaty Ports. It was followed in 1843 by the Treaty of the Bogue, which granted extraterritoriality and most favoured nation status.
莫忘鴉片戰爭後簽訂的南京條約,開放5口通商廣州就是其中之一,由英國人霸佔獨享碼頭區倉庫區,經營權,並且不繳納關稅給中國,5口通商廣州就是其中之一,太古 SWIRE GROUP.太古集團(Swire Group),1816年成立於英國利物浦,起初公司名稱叫利物浦進出口公司,創辦人是(John Samuel Swire)和理查·巴特菲爾德(Richard Shackleton Butterfield),歷經兩個世紀的發展.英國人霸佔中國人的資產,如今廣州市政府正式收回,開放民間投資,成為新型倉庫綜合使用區,有餐廳,酒吧,書店,各行各業的小商店,人民光顧此地區消費,彷彿歷史的傷痛早已成為歷史記憶,永遠封鎖在官方的檔案中,令人感嘆,滄海桑田,人事變遷,今非昔比,太古碼頭區歷經.183 年之後又重回中國廣州市.