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中國第六代殲轟26 隱形戰鬥機試飛成功? The CHINA JH-26 fighter-bomber fly test OK ?
2024/12/25 18:34


Chinas JH26 exposure, the sixth-generation stealth fighter-bomber, variable cycle engine, super bomb firepower up to Guam.Recently, Chinas science and technology stage has made waves again, and an exposure news about JH26 has attracted international attention. As the sixth-generation stealth fighter-bomber, the JH26 has sparked speculation and discussions. From the variable-cycle engine to the high firepower, the characteristics of this fighter-bomber seem to herald a huge leap in Chinas military technology..


JH26: A new chapter for Chinas stealth fighter-bomber

As Chinas new generation of stealth fighter-bomber, JH26 has attracted close attention from the international media. The US "1945" website has repeatedly published articles about JH26, highlighting the USs high concern for Chinas new military technology.


.Chinas sixth generation warplane New JH-26 fighter bomber, targeting US  aircraft carriers

The 2024 DOD China Military Power Report - Federation of American ScientistsThe 2024 DOD China Military Power Report - Federation of American ScientistsThe 2024 DOD China Military Power Report - Federation of American ScientistsThe 2024 DOD China Military Power Report - Federation of American Scientists.unmanned aerial systems rapidly, matching U.S. standards. In 2023, the PLA transferred
significant portions of PLAN shore-based, fixed-wing combat aviation units, facilities, air
defense, and radar units to the PLAAF. Given time, this shift will probably enable better
command and control over the PRC’s integrated air defense systems as well as the network of
ground-based air domain awareness radars supporting the PRC’s national integrated air
defense system network.




美國軍事情報分析認為,J-20.J-35.為當前中心空軍的主力戰鬥機但是2030 年之後,中國空軍第六代隱形戰鬥機正式服役,JH-26.J25(GB).就是可能性的超越美國空軍的主力戰鬥機.北約的軍事戰略學者專家分析認為,中國的國防科技實力已經趨近成熟發展階級,有關軍用飛機的研究發展,勢所難免的有創新突破性的發展製造,第六代的戰鬥機與轟炸機,是正常的發展,不必大驚小怪,換句話說中國的國防工業升級版的表現,就是第六代戰鬥機與轟炸機的出現,2024.中國珠海航空展示會的"白帝",第六代戰鬥機只是發展項目中的一項產品而已,20241207-31.這段期間美國派遣3艘航空母艦戰鬥群與中國海軍90 艘戰艦,對峙於太平洋第一島鏈保衛戰,實兵實彈大演習,勝,負,優,劣,早已有答案,紅星照耀太平洋(RED STAR OVER THE PACIFIC.)一書的描述場景將逐漸的實現,中國海軍空軍的強勢崛起將勝過美國,也終將成為事實...





JH-26: The New Era of Supersonic Stealth Fighter-Bombers..




Blurry image of an aircraft, suspected to be the legendary JH-26.

The announcement of the JH-26 supersonic stealth fighter-bomber is imminent. News about the JH-26, a sibling of the J-20, has been circulating since the end of last year, and its official release is expected soon. Here, we provide a brief introduction. The designation JH-26 originates from a long-standing legend, as its combat radius reaches 3000 kilometers, akin to the DF-26 ballistic missile. Until its official model name is released, we will continue to use the designation JH-26. The continuous test flights of the dual-seat J-20 models and the integration of WS-15 engines in recent years indicate that the JH-26 has the necessary technological foundation..

Significance of Supersonic Stealth Fighter-Bombers

The design of stealth combat aircraft revolves around internal weapon bays. For air combat-focused models, the internal weapon bay cannot be too large, as it would affect speed, maneuverability, and other performance metrics. Examples include the J-20 and F-22. Conversely, for ground-attack models, the weapon bay space needs to be larger to carry more munitions, which can compromise speed and maneuverability. The F-35A/C, for instance, is designed for ground attacks and can carry two 907 kg guided munitions in its weapon bay, but this makes it bulkier and relatively less agile.

.Non-stealth fighters do not face this limitation; all munitions can be externally mounted, allowing for mission-specific loadout changes. This flexibility enables non-stealth fighters to perform dual roles, but stealth fighters cannot do this. Hence, the optimal approach is to have distinct models for air combat and ground attack missions. Originally, the F-22 was used for air superiority, and the F-35 for ground attacks. However, this combination is now challenged due to the limited number and aging of F-22s, which are declining in combat effectiveness. Pushing the F-35 into an air superiority role is somewhat of a mismatch.

.The JH26 is a large fighter-bomber similar to the F111. The latter has a maximum take-off weight of 45.3 tons, a length of 22.4 meters, and a wingspan of 19.2 meters. Therefore, it is expected that the maximum take-off weight of the JH26 can reach about 50 tons, its body shape is much larger than that of the F35, and the bypass ratio of the turbofan 15G can reach 0.8 or even 1.

Design Features and Capabilities of the JH-26

The JH-26 needs a dual-seat configuration due to its long-range capabilities, allowing for over 8 hours of flight time. For single-seat fighters, continuous flight exceeding 4 hours leads to significant physical and mental exhaustion for the pilot. However, dual-seat fighters, with one pilot responsible for flight control and air combat and the other focusing on radar, electro-optical target detection, tracking, and weapon control, can alleviate this issue. This division of labor allows the JH-26 to quickly identify and destroy enemy targets in complex battlefield environments. Additionally, the JH-26 is equipped with a more powerful phased-array radar and comprehensive electronic warfare systems, capable of long-distance reconnaissance and electronic interference.

In the future, the JH-26 will also undertake more command and control tasks for unmanned combat aircraft. As combat platforms become increasingly automated and information-driven, future battlefields will rely more on unmanned combat aircraft. The JH-26, as a heavy stealth fighter-bomber with high automation and informatization levels, needs to effectively command and control various unmanned combat aircraft, enhancing the combat effectiveness of the entire aerial combat system.

The stealth design, dual-seat configuration, and increased range of the JH-26 require larger internal fuel tanks, increasing the wing area. For reference, the F-111’s maximum internal fuel capacity is 14.5 tons, with a maximum internal fuel range of 6000 kilometers and an operational radius of over 2100 kilometers. With aerial refueling, the range can extend to 10,000 kilometers, with a combat radius of over 3000 kilometers. Assuming an empty weight of 20 tons, an internal stealth payload of 4 tons, and 15 tons of fuel, the JH-26’s maximum stealth takeoff weight would be close to 40 tons, with non-stealth configurations reaching over 45 tons. The combat radius would not be lower than the F-111, but with superior speed and maneuverability.

With increased size and weight, the JH-26 will face engine thrust limitations. According to available data, the WS-15 high-thrust engine has officially entered service, providing a maximum thrust of 16 tons and an intermediate thrust of 10 tons in its first phase, achieving a takeoff thrust-to-weight ratio of 0.8.

.The H-6K variant of Chinas main strategic bomber..

.The H-6K variant of Chinas main strategic bomber..

The H-6K variant of Chinas main strategic bomber.2030.年代將由於JH-26.取代?


美國國防部公布的2024.中國軍力報告(2024.CHINA MILITAARY POWER),中國解放軍疑似成功研發新型殲擊轟炸機「殲轟-26 」,並認為其可能打擊美軍建立在「第二島鏈」的軍事基地。有中國專家認為,殲轟-26 很可能變成解放軍的「第二島鏈殺手鐧」,是中國的「王牌」之一。

「殲轟-26 」是中國空軍新一代的空中作戰平台,能在裝載一定量空戰載荷的情況下,飛至 1,500 公里外的地區作戰,具有確保 1,500 公里範圍內制空權的能力,也能負擔中國解放軍空軍的空中戰鬥、巡邏等工作。

「殲轟-26 」可以針對美軍位於「第二島鏈」的軍事基地,例如天寧島、塞班島、關島與帛琉等地進行打擊,並可能透過射程 1000 公里的空對地導彈增加作戰半徑。「黃阿原」也進一步指出,與解放軍先前的殲擊轟炸機相比,「殲轟-26 」具有更大的作戰半徑、機體空間以及機身彈艙,可以攜帶大量的彈藥,並可著重參與制空作戰等任務。



The JH-26 fighter-bomber has recently received extensive attention. It has successfully completed its maiden flight and become the worlds first fighter-bomber with stealth and supersonic cruise capabilities. The design of the JH-26 integrates the multifunctional performance of early warning aircraft, fighter jets and bombers. It has powerful firepower output and can meet the needs of modern air combat, especially anti-ship operations. The maximum takeoff weight of the JH-26 is 50 tons. It is equipped with two turbofan/turbojet variable cycle engines.

The maximum range is between 6,000 and 7,000 kilometers. The maximum bomb load is 15 tons. The concealed bomb bay in the fuselage can carry a variety of weapons, such as long-range air-to-air missiles, short-range dogfight missiles, hypersonic ballistic missiles, and other precision-guided bombs and rockets. The design of the JH-26 adopts advanced stealth technology, making it have low detectability within the enemys radar detection range and improving the aircrafts survivability. Its supersonic cruise performance endows it with rapid response and maneuverability, providing more tactical options. Equipped with advanced electronic equipment and sensors, it has a high situational awareness ability, can monitor the battlefield situation in real time, and transmit intelligence through a high-speed data link system..


The JH-26 retains supersonic combat capabilities, leveraging stealth to swiftly maneuver on the battlefield, using synthetic aperture radar to search for ground targets, and employing electro-optical systems for identification and tracking, guiding drones or precision-guided munitions for strikes.

全站分類:時事評論 國防軍事

迴響(2) :
2樓. sigmachen
2024/12/26 16:06




.China Unveils World’s First Tactical Stealth Bomber: Long Ranged ’JH-26’ Breaks Cover.This will allow the aircraft to engage targets across the second island chain, as well as in the Arctic and Indian Ocean, with only limited support from aerial refuelling assets so that USA is over.可能是飛機的圖像 red square 1232024/12/27 17:25回覆
1樓. ABCDEF(翠雲)
2024/12/26 10:28
從火星看地球,地球像雞蛋大小,而且已證實有外星人的存在,我們都是地球人,地球只有一個,大家有甚麼好爭的,想想看秦始皇統治六國,最後還是亡國,慈禧太后多麼尊嚴,曝屍荒郊,中共國一直要和美國拚輸贏,好像只在戰爭武器上努力,沒有去深入看看人家是靠什麼強盛? 還有為什麼中共國的人民很多一邊罵美國一邊移民到美加,一邊恨日本一邊移民到日本。對台灣稱同胞,卻一邊文攻武嚇,恐嚇台灣人,其實無論台灣啥黨執政,我認為他們的支持者大多不喜歡被壓迫,表面上國民黨親共,事實那些以前統治者遺孽最不甘心最恨的是~~優勢不見了,它們最想回到從前,不得不親共。狐假虎威想利用中共來恐嚇台灣人,奪取統治權,事實早年至今,台灣的移民數以~~為了逃避匪禍跟著逃亡政府來台灣的人多,為何? 因為怕中共來統治台灣。我是嫁給第二代,所以我很清楚。

China air foces .J-36 Serial number 36011, a 6th Generation fighter jet developed & designed by CAC .It's noteworthy that J-36 has 3x engines, moreover this isn't a UCAV/Unmanned platform, as cockpit can be clearly seen in the picture given below.


red square 1232024/12/28 12:35回覆