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魔愛 El amor brujo (Saura + Falla + Gardes) 2011.11.11
2011/11/11 23:12
■引用文章哥雅的最後歲月Goya in Bordeaux ■引用文章Let’s Tango『情欲飛舞』2003,10.23 Antonio Gades

除了1996, 2010《佛朗明哥:傳奇再現》年兩部Flamenco片, 索拉Flamenco三部曲 Trilogy ( 1980s)包括:

  1. 血婚(adaptation of Federico Garcia Lorca's play Blood Wedding詩人羅卡劇本, Bodas de Sangre (Blood Wedding),1981
  2. 卡門(馬拉美 Prosper Merimee 小說Carmen), 1983
  3. 魔愛(El amor brujo法雅作曲為主), 1986  

幾首觸動心弦的歌曲與幾齣一向喜愛的電影風格謝謝你見我衝動購買保持一貫不干涉態度謝謝你主動提議陪著我看完。主角與編舞都是Antonio Gades

Antonio Gades ~ Bodas de Sangre ~ Cristina Hoyos ~ Carlos Saura

Antonio Gades (November 14, 1936 - July 20, 2004) was a Spanish flamenco dancer and choreographer (born Antonio Esteve Rodenas in Elda, Alicante, Spain). Gades also co-founded and became the artistic director of the Spanish National Ballet. About six weeks before his death, he had been decorated with the "Order of Jose Marti", one of the highest honors of Cuba, by the Cuban leader Fidel Castro, in Havana, Cuba. 

He died in Madrid after a long battle with cancer.這可能是1986年他在魔愛中憂鬱得如此真實,忽然面露老態之故嗎?話說回來,他那時50歲,女主角Cristina Hoyos40歲,還得演出激烈的愛恨,的確辛苦。 

魔愛片首與片尾兩度出現的妖火之歌Cancion del fuego fatuo ('Song of the will-o'-the-wisp')深得我心。下為電影原唱,吟詠出對愛情的無奈無力與同歸於盡的氣勢。 


Lo mismo que el fuego fatuo,
lo mismito es el querer.

Lo mismo que el fuego fatuo,
lo mismito es el querer
le huyes y te persigue,
le llamas y echa a correr.
Lo mismo que el fuego fatuo,
lo mismito es el querer.

Malaya los ojos negros
que le alcanzaron a ver

Malaya los ojos negros
que le alcanzaron a ver

Mal haya el corazon triste,
que en su llama quiso arder.
Lo mismo que el fuego fatuo,
se desvanece el querer.


Like the wisp,
the very same thing is wanting.

Like the wisp,
the very same thing is to wish
I run away and chasing you,
call him and runs.
Like the wisp,
the very same thing is wanting.

Malaya black eyes
he caught sight
Malaya black eyes
he caught sight

Mal has a heavy heart,
that the flame would burn.


El Amor Brujo (Saura), Reunion, Antonio Gades, Cristina Hoyos一段不錯的編舞


最常被聽到的當屬火祭之舞〈為驅除惡魔而舞〉Danza ritual del Fuego (Para ahuyentar los malos espiritus)('Ritual fire dance')


魔愛電影終舞 El amor brujo, finale, Antonio Gades, Cristina Hoyos, Laura del Sol, Juan Antonio Jimenez (The end of El amor brujo, manuel de falla -


Danza del juego de amor (from ''el amor brujo'') 愛情遊戲之舞Danza del Juego de amor  ('Dance of the game of love')


終曲:晨鐘Final, Las Campanas del Amanecer('Finale – the bells of sunrise')


In 1986, Spanish director Carlos Saura directed "El amor brujo"( 魔愛)based on the ballet, starring, and choreographed by, Antonio Gades. It was the third in his trilogy of dance films, following Bodas de sangre (Blood Wedding) and Carmen. The film filled out the story with spoken dialogue, but nevertheless used the entire score of the ballet, along with additional songs and dances performed by characters in the film. The Orquesta Nacional de Espana was conducted by Jesus Lopez-Cobos, and the cante jondo singer heard on the soundtrack was the late Rocio Jurado. A soundtrack album, now out of print, was issued by EMI. 

魔愛 El amor brujo (Love, the Magician, rarely translated as Wedded by Witchcraft) is a piece of music originally composed by Manuel de Falla for a chamber group, then re-scored as a symphonic suite, and eventually as a ballet. The texts were by Gregorio Martinez Sierra. 

The work is distinctively Andalusian in character with the songs in the Andalusian Spanish dialect of the Gypsies. The music contains moments of remarkable beauty and originality; it includes the celebrated Ritual Fire Dance, Cancion del Fuego Fatuo (Will-o'-the-Wisp) and the Dance of Terror. 

故事大綱: El amor brujo is the story of a young Andalusian gypsy girl called Candela. Candela falls in love with a man called Carmelo, after her unfaithful husband, whom she had been forced to marry, had died. The dead husband's ghost returns to haunt Candela and Carmelo. To rid them of the ghost, all the gypsies make a large circle around their campfire at midnight. In this circle Candela performs the Ritual Fire Dance. This causes the ghost to appear, with whom she dances. As they whirl around faster and faster, the magic of the fire dance causes the ghost to be drawn into the fire, making it vanish forever.

法雅芭蕾音樂「魔愛」El amor brujo, by Manuel de Falla

 1 序曲與情景Introduccion y Escena('Introduction and scene')

 2 洞窟之夜En la Cueva (La Noche) ('In the cave')

 3 苦惱的情歌Cancion del amor dolido  ('Song of suffering love')

 4 幽靈El Aparecido  (El espectro) ('The apparition')

 5 恐怖之舞Danza del Terror ('Dance of terror')

 6 魔圈:漁夫的故事El Cirudo Magico (Romance del Pescador)

 7 午夜:作法A Media noche (Los Sortilegois) (Romance del escador) ('The magic circle')

 8 火祭之舞〈為驅除惡魔而舞〉Danza ritual del Fuego (Para ahuyentar los malos espiritus)('Ritual fire dance')

 9 情景Escena ('Scene')

 10 妖火之歌Cancion del fuego fatuo ('Song of the will-o'-the-wisp')

 11 啞劇Pantomima ('Pantomime)

 12 愛情遊戲之舞Danza del Juego de amor  ('Dance of the game of love')

 13 終曲:晨鐘Final, Las Campanas del Amanecer('Finale – the bells of sunrise')

Bavat Marom sings Manuel de Falla's "El amor brujo"

1. Cancion del amor dolido (0:00-1:44苦惱的情歌
2. Cancion del fuego fatuo (1:44-3:24妖火之歌
3. Danza del juego del amor (3:24-6:10愛情遊戲之舞
4. Final: Las campanas del amanecer (6:10-7:24終曲:晨鐘

Bavat Marom: contralto
The Israel Sinfonietta Beer Sheva, conducted by Doron Salomon
Recorded live in concert in Beer Sheva, Israel 31.10.09



血婚精采片段 Bodas de sangre (Saura), Antonio Gades, Cristina Hoyos (1980)  

卡門 精采片段CARMEN FILM di CARLOS SAURA ~ 這是三部曲中最喜歡的舞段, 可惜無法嵌入


另: Saura 的Flamenco (1995) 也是很棒的舞碼, 雖非電影, 段段迷人, 視覺上更見精湛....... 

Flamenco - Directed by Carlos Saura


Joaquin Cortes en la pelicula "Flamenco"
2010, Saura又導演了"Flamenco, Flamenco" (佛朗明哥:傳奇再現), 更上層樓囉!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!