http://blog.udn.com/albertine4proust/5556499 聽見Bloomsbury 們的笑語
http://blog.udn.com/albertine4proust/5541050 Mrs. Dalloway 的文字與影像
http://blog.udn.com/albertine4proust/5538402 時時刻刻之後
http://blog.udn.com/albertine4proust/5538355 誰怕吳爾芙
電影『美麗佳人歐蘭朵』也是改編自吳爾芙( 照片見下右)1928的作品『歐蘭朵』Orlando,『歐蘭朵』是Woolf 和小她十歲的美麗女詩人及作家Vita Sackville-West ( 照片見下左) 談戀愛而激發的作品, 後者同性戀史不斷, 還包括愛德華七世情婦的女兒, 兩人甚至相約棄夫私奔 ,因雙方夫婿懇求而阻止。Vita 的祖先是在Kent 郡的Knole 家族, 她繼承了此Knole 城堡,悠遠的貴族史與其特殊的氣質是Woolf的此書靈感所在。2002年底出版的新書『找不到出口的靈魂』(左岸出版),作者 Nigel Nicoleson 是著名的英國傳記作家,也是Vita 之子,他溫情而細膩地描繪出他自小眼中看到的Virginia,自然比啃讀Virginia書信猛猜測她內心的其他傳記作家真切許多。
死前不久, 即便對戰爭與靈感漸失的絕望,Woolf 都還信心滿滿地在日記中寫著 :「我還是會克服它, 並且燦然飛翔...... 」 。然而在1941年3-28,59歲的VW 還是把口袋裝入一大塊石頭,自溺於她Sussex home附近的river Ouse。VW 其實會游泳,此事件數天前,她也曾全身濕漉漉地返回孟克小屋,自稱無意失足落水。事後,家人才懷疑,之前那次恐怕已經是在嘗試自殺。她把兩封遺書(另一給畫家姐姐Vennesa)放置於花園的寫作小木屋內,帶著手杖,越過草原,沉入自己選擇的墓場。
在寫給丈夫Leonard Woolf 的信中,她說到自己"理性" 的決定。”Dearest, I feel certain I am going mad again. I feel we cant go through another of those terrible times. And I shant recover this time. I begin to hear voices, and I cant concentrate. So I am doing what seems the best thing to do. You have given me the greatest possible happiness. You have been in every way all that anyone could be. I dont think two people could have been happier till this terrible disease came. I cant fight any longer. I know that I am spoiling your life, that without me you could work. And you will I know. You see I cant even write this properly. I cant read. What I want to say is I owe all the happiness of my life to you. You have been entirely patient with me and incredibly good. I want to say that - everybody knows it. If anybody could have saved me it would have been you. Everything has gone from me but the certainty of your goodness. I cant go on spoiling your life any longer. I dont think two people could have been happier than we have been. “
4-18,三週之後,她的遺體才被戲水小孩 在下游發現,原本,她意圖讓肉身「石沉大海」。
誰能不為之動容 ?她的自殺不是放棄,, 在那個對會幻聽的精神病(應是Maniac-depressive Psychosis)缺乏適當藥物的時代, 她只是想在"自己"還完整時把"故事"劃定句點。
她是永遠的、不死的 Orlando。
雖然1912 Leonard Sidney Woolf ( 1880-1969) 娶了深愛的 Virginia ( 1882-1941),伴她至死,然而他是否曾真正觸及這個女子的內心,是個不解之謎。他的goodness 感動了她,然而隨著Mrs. Dalloway 的出版,她與生活週遭的疏離昭然若揭。
Leonard 也是Virginia 在Bloomsbury Group 的舊識,畢業劍橋大學,在Virginia 與此團體另一成員Lytton Strachey (他是gay)於1909解除婚約維持二十四小時的婚約後,自錫蘭當行政官員歸國的Leonard 向她求婚,時年她三十,受到老她許多的劍橋大學國王學院講師Walter Headlam熱烈追求,並遊戲於與Bloomsbury Group成員Hilton Young欲擒故縱的虛偽愛情中。Leonard 是個經濟學作家與評論家,即使蜜月看似幸運愉快,繼1895那次喪母發病後,VW再度於1915 病發,Leonard 形容她 "She talked almost without stopping for 2 or 3 days, paying no attention to anyone in the room or anything said to her ... Then gradually it became completely incoherent, a mere jumble of dissociated words." ,他仍然以深情見證參與了這位才女的後半生,並於她死後整體其散文日記出版。兩人早期的性關係使Virginia發現她無法從中得到期望的感受,這對夫婦逐漸捨棄肉體關係而成為真正的「靈魂伴侶」。
1917 年兩人共同成立Hogarth Press,並同時活躍於Bloomsbury Group聚會中,她的作品除前兩本外全由Hogarth Press出版。Bloomsbury Group始於1904,一群劍橋大學畢業生好友於敦倫此地定期每週四聚會飲酒談論,成員另有Lytton Strachey, Leonard Woolf(Virginia 夫), E. M. Forster, Vita Sackville-West, Roger Fry, Clive Bell(姐夫), and John Maynard Keynes (經濟學大師)。此團體自識甚高、立場左傾、並嚴格唾棄各領域任何代表封建保守勢力的圖騰,舉凡宗教、藝術、社會、性別議題皆然,此討論約延續至二次大戰左右,是1920年代英國文化界的特異份子。
有些人認為Leonard Woolf 應該為沒有預防到Virginia 的自盡負責,然而今日我們應該瞭解,對於躁鬱症患者而言,支持可能永遠不能完全避免悲劇,而Leonard長年默默伴隨,已屬不易。在Mrs. Dalloway 書裡,Virginia 已借女主角之意識說明,死亡只是維持人生命的完整與價值的陳述方式( Woolf saw death as a way to make a statement and a way to maintain the integrity and worth that is essential to giving life meaning. Death was a preservative in which to submerge the person when he might be compromised by the inanities and contamination of always bending to society.)
她的自盡早已自我預示,朋友凋零、靈感漸失,只是催化其步履。墓誌銘引用了1931出版的The Waves最後第九章Night 裡的一句話:Against you I will fling myself, unvanquished and unyielding, O Death!