(CSI) 紐西蘭生活日記(89) (CSI)
案發地點 : School/Room 6
案發時間 : 2009/六月二十六號/星期五/下午1:05
受害者 : Tristin Harris(half kiwi half south african)
施暴者 : All the Room 6 except for Tristin
一整個早上數學課, 英文課, morning tea 氣氛都是和樂愉快. 直到 lunch time............
我, Sukhjit, Michael, Adam.........and Tristin 吃完午餐後回到教室玩. 跟平時一樣, 我們打打鬧鬧玩摔角. 突然, Tristin 可能玩得有點熱, 不知不覺的拿掉, 他戴了一整天的帽子, 然後..................
..............Bad Haircut............
"Laughter came pouring down like a heavy rain"
班上有 20 張誇張的笑臉, 一張哭泣的臉
As the judge has said:
"I, hereby, find you Room 6 guilty and in favour of 1 week of rubbish duty and a letter to your parents"
Case Closed
Sukhjit says "What a crybaby." as he leaves the classroom
Hannah says "I'm getting my lawyer! . .Oh wait, I don't have one."
Attachment :
Friday 26th June
Dear mum,
I have laughed at Tristin at school today. I laughed at him because he's got a haircut.
I need to think about what I am going to say and what I am going to do next time before I do it. I need to think from others point of view.
From Justin
- 6樓.2009/07/21 16:05抗暖化
OK啦 清爽還可以抗暖化耶 0.< - 5樓. Ricardo2009/07/02 10:24Oh well
The hair cut is not too bad. All he needs is a good hair gel and make it stand like a...rooster?
My nephew just had a strange hair cut, everyone calls him "cone head", and he is so proud of it.
- 4樓. 不能正經2009/06/29 14:31哈哈~
這讓我想到上國中時初次理個大平頭的感覺...哈哈,現在想想還挺不賴的嘛~ - 3樓. 老宅男 / 兄弟年度勝率第一2009/06/28 11:09有一句俗語
還有 不要笑別人,
因為 總是會 輪到你被剃頭,
報應 終將來臨
看書 , 是閱讀世界。
喝茶 , 是品味生活。
走路 , 是歷練人生。不只呆三日
( p.s. 我也被取笑過. Mrs. Shilton 上回也笑過 Ella )
賈媽 於 2009/06/28 12:12回覆 - 2樓. 螞蟻2009/06/28 08:16信
- 1樓. Apple *2009/06/27 22:16Haircut
If Apple were the judge, the punishment for the class would be:
Everyone gets a bad but free haircut;
and the judge will perform the duty.