Did you find the secret behind the cover design?
Let’s make your first menu together !
1. Take off the book clothes, cut 2 sides
2. Fold into 8 parts
3. Fold again (vertical direction)
4. Cut 1/2 part of the middle (only cut in half, not all!)
5. Hold them and refold cleverly
» Your hand-made menu is done!
» What’s For Today?
::: Appetizers :::
paprika chou a la creme : 甜椒慕斯泡芙
terrine of foie gras : 鵝肝醬陶罐派
::: Main Dishes :::
plum duck dressing potato salad : 梅香燻鴨蕃茄沙拉
sautéed beef : 溫野菜嫩煎牛排 (Shinshu special-Japanese beef of Nagano)
::: Desserts & More :::
hormard avocado : 螯蝦佐酪梨塔塔醬
strawberry vacherin : 野莓開心果雪酪
» Enjoy your day, both eating & reading :)))
» Special thanks: Florian Wiencek (original score)
«Nagano: French cuisine, Friendship!»
Denmark design, Berlin record, Global on sale.
access: http://www.books.com.tw/products/0010723715
books: http://veronica010687.wixsite.com/fionnhan/vol3--vol4