
- 28樓. 寄居者2008/10/28 13:05我們家也常發生這種雞同鴨講
家庭溝通,是大學問 - 27樓. 黃彥琳~~ 溫泉公園賞秋行2008/10/09 19:53不素啦
- 26樓. 小帥哥~女人可以這樣過日子2008/09/16 01:19很棒的兒子啦!
- 25樓. 相視而笑,莫逆於心....2008/09/13 14:43真的是過來人
只有自己當了媽以後, 才能了解當媽咪的辛苦......
妳寫的好棒喔, 我現在也是跟妳同樣的處境, 兒子真的是惜字如今......不過, 最近我也會了少理他, 裝酷一點.....他便會主動靠近我.......說的太多只顯得自己很無聊.....
天寬地遠 雲淡風清 - 24樓. 雪人娘2008/08/16 08:53How long should I keep waiting?
I'm waiting for the A++ mom of the A+ boy to write a new aritcle.
What's wrong with your computer? Can't you fix it? Or, just buy a new one.
Now you know how impatient I am.
How have you been? Busy?
No Chinese, no article.
西岸魚。。。 於 2008/08/17 14:35回覆
See your guest book. - 23樓. 黃彥琳~~ 溫泉公園賞秋行2008/08/11 09:03心存大問號?
Is blood type A that good?
西岸魚。。。 於 2008/08/15 02:50回覆
I'll make a guess.
Your husband has blood type A, right? - 22樓. Berkeley妹妹2008/08/08 07:33我兒子
是魚兒這種test result vs positive and plus....還是,
珍珠媽咪的那種east vs yeast 的發音笑柄呢?
When holding the new born boy in my arms long ago,
西岸魚。。。 於 2008/08/09 16:29回覆
I wondered what a person he would be.
But, followed by the busy schedule of taking care of him,
the thing I worried most was how many ounces he took for his meal.
Haha, I learned to take one day at a time.
The kids nowadays are much brighter than before.
Your challenge will come eventually.
For now, just relax and take care of yourself.
No matter what, your love for him will grow more as time goes by. - 21樓. faith信心2008/07/31 07:10^^
兒子長大了 , 為娘的可得記住
別哪壼沒開 C ; 妳提了哪壼
妳兒子也沒說錯啦 Positive(陽性) 大都指醫學方面
妳可能太專注於兒子的功課上了 , 所以反射性的連想到成績
You are right, when the kids are older,
it is not easy to let them listen to what the parents say. 西岸魚。。。 於 2008/08/02 02:22回覆 - 20樓. 稀有動物--稀有的 隨想隨寫--母愛篇2008/07/28 12:33Ha Ha Ha
Since a O type person(For example~She) can always convince a A type person(For example~Your Son), your son is more likely to merry a girl with O type blood.
Well, it has long way to go since this guy is just a teenager.
西岸魚。。。 於 2008/08/02 02:19回覆
But I doubt that my son will care to know the blood type of his future mate.
In his mind, the personality related to blood type is just the nonsense.
(Big sigh!) That is another culture gap between mother and son. - 19樓. 西岸魚。。。2008/07/27 02:47Sorry
My own computer is dead for an unkown reason.
After a week, the problem is not diagnosed yet.
Sorry to those who responded below, I can only reply in English by using my son's computer.