To the Year 2010
2010/01/01 16:10
Year in and year out,
To the Lord will ll I still shout,
Though from time to time I may have doubts.
Life itself isn't easy,
But since it can be greeted with joy,
Why should we sit back lazily?
Come what may,
For the beautiful things lying ahead,
Come on and let's just celebrate!
To the Lord will ll I still shout,
Though from time to time I may have doubts.
Life itself isn't easy,
But since it can be greeted with joy,
Why should we sit back lazily?
Come what may,
For the beautiful things lying ahead,
Come on and let's just celebrate!
迴響(2) :
- 2樓. 新天新地2010/01/03 14:25新詩
在新的一年 吟新詩 嚐新意 也願上帝賜予新的豐盛給掬馥謝謝新天新地的祝福
也祝你在新的一年以恩典為年歲的冠冕:) 掬馥 (外出,遲覆,祈諒) 於 2010/01/03 23:33回覆 - 1樓. ☆↘醉星↗★2010/01/01 19:46是英文詩啊 ^^
謝謝茶不嫌棄:) 掬馥 (外出,遲覆,祈諒) 於 2010/01/01 20:25回覆