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2014/05/24 11:43
摩門聖殿的重覆洗禮和恩道門,不止是過去完成式, 在科技進步的資訊時代, 還是現在進行式!
以下是美國一位主教團擔任聖殿工作人員時的自白:摩門聖殿的重覆洗禮和恩道門是摩門教會高層蓄意為之, 而且還承認會把在A聖殿作過的重覆洗禮和恩道門的死者名單再送到 B聖殿去重覆洗禮和恩道門!

摩門成員,你可以直接去問你的聖殿會長就會知道真象! 唯一的問題是: 盲信者不想追求真理.

At this time I was also serving in the Bishopric and we had as many problems in the temple as we did in our ward.

I had worked there for one year when I was called to the position of assistant supervisor over our shift. That required more meetings and more responsibility. One of my jobs sometimes was to gather up the used name tags that the patrons wore with the name of the dead person for whom they were going through the temple as proxy. These tags contained the name of the dead person so that temple workers could read the name off the tag when needed at various places in the ceremony. I would return the used name tags to the temple office, but then I found that the same names were used a second day, and to my amazement the same names were used for a third day. I thought, What is happining here? Why do they use the same names three days in a row? I asked my supervisor about it and he told me that they always used the names of all persons submitted to the temple for temple work for those three days consecutively, and then they are sent to another temple and used again the same way and so on and so on. I thought that this was very odd. It was as though they did not have enough names for patrons to use fresh names each day. Why would they waste the time of each member going through the temple for the same person for three days in a row, when the ceremony had already been done for that person the first time?.
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迴響(4) :
4樓. Frank
2014/06/09 17:22
空洞夢囈,於事無補! 我知道摩門教會這幾年在臺灣從3 個傳道部減至2 個傳道部, 從102 個分支會減至100個分支會. 神的事工不會挫敗, 但摩門教會正在臺灣挫敗! 在日本韓國歐美挫敗更大! 如果我說的是錯的假的,就用真理來駁斥我,我就拿掉它們! 免得這些繼續阻礙摩門傳教事工! 法蘭客2014/06/09 22:43回覆
3樓. pxcal
2014/06/01 06:20


結論,Frank, be like man! 男子漢大丈夫,敢作敢當。下次發文時,請附上教會的官方回應。再來就是,那位(那幾位)十惡不赦的教友,到底對你做出了什麼傷害,具體說出來讓大家幫助你,無論是在心靈上,或是法律上,讓你得到真的解脫。記住,那些害你的人,現在可能正在害其他的人,應該將這些人一個一個揪出來,只要你敢講,我相信教會不會縱容。

最十惡不赦的教友,就是斯密約瑟和楊百翰, 他們假冒神的先知, 誘騙像你這樣天真無知的人! 另外就是現在這些敢自稱自己是先知使徒的摩門領袖們,他們今年偷偷在LDS網站上承認我在此Blog上所揭露關於第一次異像和摩門經的翻譯等不實之處; 另一方面卻繼續叫傳教士教導這些編纂的福音教義. 非常不道德!
我相信你能讀英文, take a look at yourself:


1. First Vision Accounts

2. Race and Priesthood

3. Plural Marriage and Families in Early Utah

4. Book of Mormon Translation

5. Book of Mormon and DNA Studies 法蘭客2014/06/01 08:31回覆
2樓. pxcal
2014/06/01 05:53

2. 強化或注重一些理論,但在美國這邊不是很重視的。


1. 是那位仁兄告訴你,教導你,十一奉獻必須是以稅前為標準的?還是完全出於你自己的揣測?

2. 如果真有這一位仁兄,他今天還是這樣告訴大家,十一必須是稅前的嗎?如果完全出於你個人的揣測,告訴我,你現在還認為十一如果不是稅前的話,神是會不高興的嗎?

4 And after that, those who have thus been tithed shall pay one-tenth of all their interest annually; and this shall be a standing law unto them forever, for my holy priesthood, saith the Lord.

見LDS網站 法蘭客2014/06/01 08:16回覆

Although that is the "official" definition (no definition), members are often told that tithing is to be paid on gross income (before taxes). Although in some foreign countries with very high taxation, they have specifically said that members in those countries should pay tithing after tax.

Right from the Church's website, is a direct quote from the Family Home Evening Lesson on Tithing:

Discuss the following attitudes and decide on the right solution:

1. A man once said, "I pay tithing on all my salary after deductions, since I don't get the money that is taken for taxes." Is he correct? (Tithing is one-tenth of all our interest or increase, before anything else is taken out. See D&C 119:4.)[4] 法蘭客2014/06/01 09:02回覆
1樓. pxcal
2014/06/01 05:41





1. 教會並沒有這樣教導過。

