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2009/09/28 10:08


.....;中新社報導說,許多大陸的職場新鮮人發現,他們在面試時,面試官問的一些問題,經常讓他們無言。 有人說,他們遇到長官問他,如何教他奶奶使用「Word」,這名年輕人說,他奶奶活了大半輩子,也沒用過「Word」,所以會不會用「Word」,對他奶奶其實沒差,而且更關鍵的是,他奶奶早就過世了,他說他無法回答這個問題。 .....另外還有...面試問題則是:在「笑傲江湖」裡,令狐沖為什麼要對岳不群那麼好,這個年輕人只好說,他在學校用功讀書,不看武俠小說。

  • If I were your supervisor and asked you to do something that you disagreed with, what would you do? 如果你的主管要你做件你不同意的是,你要怎麼辦?怎麼辦?就是要幹…………活啊!
  • Do you think a leader should be feared or liked? 你認為一個領導者應該是被「敬畏」,還是被「喜愛」?別傻了,閒閒沒事幹,誰要「愛」你呀?
  • What's the most difficult decision you've made in the last two years? 過去兩年來,你做過最困難的決定是什麼?減肥!
  • What do you like to do for fun? 你喜歡做什麼「取樂」?嫖妓囉!
  • Why are you leaving your present job? 你為什麼要離開現在的工作?當然是因為你要花錢挖我跳槽啦!
  • What do you do in your spare time? 你平時作何消遣?販賣人口!
  • How do you feel about taking no for an answer? 當人家拒絕你(說no)的時候,你如何自處?好女就怕賴漢磨!賴久了,人家就會答應你了!
  • What was the most difficult period in your life, and how did you deal with it? 你人生最困難的是哪一階段?你怎麼度過?最困難的是「沒錢」的時候;因應之道:欠帳是也!
  • What is your favorite memory from childhood? 你最愉快的童年回憶是什麼?做夢夢到在水溝尿尿的時候?
  • Give me an example of a time you did something wrong. How did you handle it? 舉例說明:當你做錯某件事的時候,你怎麼處理?廿年前求婚時,忘記把口袋裡的鑽戒拿出來…彌補之道:此後廿年,天天都得罰跪懺悔說:「老婆,下次不敢了」
  • Tell me one thing about yourself you wouldn't want me to know. 告訴我一件你不想讓我知道關於你的事?你…你…你這不是在說廢話嗎?
  • Tell me the difference between good and exceptional. 告訴我什麼「好」跟「非常好」的差別在哪?替貴公司上班是「好」,替「google」上班,是非常好!
  • Why did your choose your major? 你為什麼選擇你當年的主修科系?啊知!就「電腦」撿的呀!
  • What are the qualities of a good leader? A bad leader? 什麼樣的特質是好的領導?什麼是壞的領導?把「沒關係」放在嘴邊的「領導」就是「好領導」;老是問人家「尿尿」有沒有黃的領導,就是「壞」領導!(噓!你知道我在說誰嘛!)
  • What is your biggest regret, and why? 你最大的遺憾是什麼?為什麼?最大的遺憾:不是金城武!為什麼?靠一張臉就可以賺這麼多,你還問我「為什麼」?
  • What are three positive character traits you don't have? 請敘述三種你沒有的正面性格?厚顏、無恥、耍大牌
  • What irritates you about other people, and how do you deal with it? 別人做什麼會讓你發火?你怎麼應付?問白癡問題的人最讓人受不了,怎麼應付?簡單!把ㄊ當白癡就成了啊!
  • If you found out your company was doing something against the law, like fraud, what would you do? 你如果發現你的公司涉入違法行為時,如詐欺時,你怎麼處理?蒐集情資.......準備勒索囉!
  • How many times do a clock's hands overlap in a day? 一天之內,長短針交會幾次?你是要當那個專問白吃問題的「討人厭」嗎?你一天之內噓噓幾次,長短針就交會幾次囉!
  • How would you weigh a plane without scales? 你如何不用磅秤來測量一台飛機的重量?就直接瞎猜啊!
  • What assignment was too difficult for you, and how did you resolve the issue? 什麼樣的任務指派給你會太困難?你會如何克服這個問題?要做到超過下班時間的「任務」都太困難!這種事最簡單的解決方式就是「擺著不理它,讓它自然發酵」!
  • If I were to ask your last supervisor to provide you additional training or exposure, what would she suggest? 如果要問你上一個主管:你最需要的額外訓練或經歷,你認為她會如何建議?啊知!我又不是她肚裡的蛔蟲!
  • If you could choose one superhero power, what would it be and why? 如果你能選擇一種超人的能力,你會選什麼?為什麼?X光透視眼!因為可以看到每個美女內衣的顏色!
  • What's the best movie you've seen in the last year? 你去年看過的電影中,那部片子最好? 「二郎神大戰金瓶梅」,毫無疑問!
  • Describe how you would handle a situation if you were required to finish multiple tasks by the end of the day, and there was no conceivable way that you could finish them. 如果你碰到一個狀況:必須在當天結束前,完成數項工作,而你知道那是不可能時,你會如何處理?如何處理?簡單啊!收工,回家!
  • What techniques and tools do you use to keep yourself organized? 你利用何種技巧跟工具來保持自己有條不紊?把當天做不完的事通通丟到垃圾桶!
  • If you could get rid of any one of the US states, which one would you get rid of, and why? 你如果可以剔除美國一個州,你會選擇哪一州,為什麼?美國華府,因為沒了華府,美國就是一盤散沙!
  • With your eyes closed, tell me step-by-step how to tie my shoes. 閉起你的眼睛,請告訴我如何一步步地綁好我的鞋帶!你聽過「魔鬼氈」嗎?哈!
  • if you had to choose one, would you consider yourself a big-picture person or a detail-oriented person? 如果必須二選一的話,請告訴我:你是大處著眼的人呢?還是小處著手的人?我是大小通吃的人,厲害吧!
  • If selected for this position, can you describe your strategy for the first 90 days? 如果你接受了這個職位,請形容你在最初九十天的策略?按兵不動,好好領錢!
  • Who are your heroes? 誰是你的英雄?鹹蛋超人
  • Tell me 10 ways to use a pencil other than writing. 請告訴我鉛筆除了用來「寫字」外的十種用途。一、挖鼻孔;二、當飛鏢;三、當筷子;四、抽籤;五、籌碼;六、鼓棒;七、桿麵棍;八、攪拌棒;九、sun dial;十、只利用尾端的橡皮擦。
  • 有誰推薦more
