~學習HOP Grade 2, Blue level Workbook oo sounds and ending sounds igh & ind
練習發音的單字: oo 像長U的聲音
zoo, moon, cool, too, zoom, hoop, noon, tooth, goose, loop, room, smooth, soon, boot, scoop, broom, food, spoon
練習發音的單字: oo 像長O的聲音
book, cook, wool, look, crook, shook, good, hoof, foot, took, hood, stood, wood, hook, brook
練習發音的單字: igh 像長I的聲音
high, night, sigh, thigh, sight, fight, tight, flight, might, fright, bright, right, slight, light
練習發音的單字: ind 像長I的聲音加nd的發音
find, mind, grind, winding, blind, kind, rind, bind
短文分享: The Seeing Eye Dog
Midnight is a big, smart dog.
He likes helping the kind man.
The man is blind and cannot see.
The man loves the dog.
He pats Midnight and smiles.
"You are my best pal."
Midnight helps the man find his way.
He stops at the street corner.
Are cars near? Midnight looks to see.
Midnight gives the man the gift of sight.
That is why we call him a "seeing eye dog."
閱讀: HOP Book 28, Mother Night