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法國波爾多區 木桐堡.1961年份葡萄酒 Château Mouton Rothschild 1961 .價碼超過NT佰萬有行無市?
2025/01/16 17:33

.Chateau Mouton-Rothschild, Pauillac

chateau mouton rothschild 1961

法國波爾多區葡萄園的. 木桐堡.1961年份葡萄酒 Château Mouton Rothschild 1961,價碼超過NT佰萬有行無市?

因此引起歹徒仿照? 投資人應該小心謹慎.

product_gallery_image..Chateau Mouton Rothschild Premier Cru Classe, Pauillac

Origin: Pauillac, Bordeaux, France

Type/Varietal: Cabernet Sauvignon and Blends

SKU: #1061507

1855 - "Premier ne puis, second ne daigne, Mouton suis."


1973 - "Premier je suis, second je fus, Mouton ne change."


傳奇性酒莊位於梅多克(Médoc)波雅克村(Pauillac)的木桐堡(Château Mouton Rothschild).酒莊最為人所知的,就是每個年份都由不同藝術家設計酒標,以及在1973年破例由二級特等酒莊(Deuxième Grand Cru Classé)升格為一級酒莊。

身為一級特等酒莊的木桐堡,不僅受惠於最頂級的天然條件,包含風土,葡萄藤品質及日照,葡萄藤要經多次剪枝以控制品質與產量,100%手工採收,並經兩次嚴格篩選。木桐堡的前身為Château Brane-Mouton,1853年鈉塔涅男爵(Nathaniel de Rothschild)買下後正式更名,至今100多年未曾易主,一直由羅斯柴爾德家族(Rothschild)持有,這樣的情況在梅多克實屬罕見。

金融起家的羅斯柴爾德成員一都沒有把重心放在酒莊的經營上。直到1922年當時年僅20歲的菲利普男爵(Philippe de Rothschild)醉心於這美麗的土地,下定決心將一生貢獻於此。

木桐目前共釀造三款酒:一級酒Château Mouton Rothschild,

二級酒Le Petit Mouton,以及頂級白酒「銀翼」(Aile dArgent)。


.1961 Lafite-Rothschild, Pauillac (high shoulder).

Château Mouton Rothschild 1961 (1 BT)

A strobogrammatic vintage | 1961 Château Mouton Rothschild.

.It was a superlative year for Bordeaux in 1961, producing wines of power and majesty. 

Control of temperature during fermentation was better than it had been in, say, 1928 or 1945, so the tannins were reined-in and the wines were very attractive from their early days.

Arden recently acquired a bottle of the great 1961 Château Mouton Rothschild from a cellar in Essex. 

It has a “La Bergerie” neck label. This was the negociant company acquired by Baron Philippe de Rothschild in 1933 from the Comte de Ferrand  as part of the deal that saw the Baron purchase Château Mouton d’Armailhacq. 

The ullage reflects its age – it’s 61 years old, you know! 

(Alas, 1961 wines do not always look as good as my doppelgänger George Clooney, also of 1961.) 

But the wine itself is still blood-dark, suggesting that it’s good to go… 

.1961 Chateau Mouton Rothschild from Arden Fine Wines in Mayfair, London.

Mouton Rothschild 1961 price. Mouton Rothschild wine labels. Chateau Mouton Rothschild 1961.

An Art Deco label was commissioned from the poster artist Carlu for the 1924 Mouton vintage.

To commemorate the end of the war, 1945 was the second vintage of Mouton to feature a bespoke label.

Every vintage since, Mouton has enlisted an artist to design a new label.

From one label to another, Mouton Rothschild has thus brought together some of the most celebrated artists of their day.

Mouton Rothschild label artists include:

  • Miró
  • Chagall
  • Braque
  • Picasso
  • Tàpies
  • Francis Bacon
  • Dali
  • Balthus
  • Jeff Koons
  • and even King Charles III

The artists have complete freedom of creation, though certain themes, such as the vine, the pleasure of drinking and the ram, the Mouton Rothschild emblem, have proved a particularly rich source of inspiration.

The 1961 Chateau Mouton Rothschild label was by Georges Mathieu (1921-2012).

The self-proclaimed creator of “Lyrical Abstraction”, he invented a wild, fantastic system of signs that he sees as the expression of his own inner primordial violence.

“Painting”, he wrote, “has to be an act” – a battle with the canvas.

He has also experimented in poster design, furniture and jewelry.

The explosive dynamism of his work for the 1961 Mouton Rothschild label is in typical Mathieu style

The fruit is carefully harvested by hand from one of three plots:

  • a collection of vines surrounding Château Lafite Rothschild
  • those on the Carruades plain
  • a tiny plot in Saint-Estèphe

Château Lafite Rothschild 1961 for sale from award-winning Arden Fine Wines. Château Lafite wine price. Chateau Lafite Rothschild 1961 price. 1961 Lafite for sale. Chateau Lafite best years.

..Chateau Mouton Rothschild 1961



Château Mouton Rothschild 1961

Pauillac, 1er Cru Classé

u. h/ms, slightly scuffed label, capsule slightly scuffed, slightly corroded and nick on top

Label Artist: Georges Mathieu

In 2019, what an extraordinary, magical bouquet of sheer class, ripeness and allure. On the palate, it is the refinement and the sweetness, combined with the elegant, silky texture that astonish. Just when you think you have reached the end of the experience, the flavour goes off again like the second stage of a rocket, enfolding you in enchantment. This is a chef doeuvre and remains an absolute landmark in my wine-drinking life. Serena Sutcliffe, MW.WA 98.


The famous winery is located in the north of the municipality of Pauillac in the Haut-Médoc region (Bordeaux). Directly adjacent is Château Lafite-Rothschild. The landmark of the house is a rams head (French: Mouton = sheep or ram), a golden one hangs in the entrance hall. However, the name is actually derived from "Mothon," which means "hill" or "elevation." The origin of the estate is a parcel called "Clos de Mouton" owned by the notary Jacques de Ségur (+1691). This famous noble family owned vast estates, including the predecessors of the three wineries Château Latour, Château Lafite-Rothschild, and also Château Mouton-Rothschild. The grandson Nicolas-Alexandre de Ségur (1697-1755) drew the final boundary between the Lafite and the neighboring Mouton parts, which fundamentally differ in terroir and thus also in wine style.Château Mouton-Rothschild - Building

.Château Brane-Mouton 1725

Around the year 1725, the Mouton part was sold to Baron Joseph de Brane and named "Château Brane-Mouton." It remained in the familys possession until 1830 (or 1835) and was acquired for 1.124 million francs by the Parisian banker Isaac Thuriet (the banker is also sometimes referred to as Thuret). He sold the estate, which then comprised 35 hectares of vineyard, on May 11, 1853, to Baron Nathaniel de Rothschild (1812-1870) from the English branch of this large family. The Baron had moved with his wife Charlotte (a cousin) from London to Paris three years earlier to work in his father-in-law and uncle Baron James de Rothschilds (1792-1868) bank. Baron James then purchased Château Lafite 15 years later and added the name Rothschild.

.Rothschild - Portraits Mayer Amschel, James, Nathaniel, Philipp de Rothschild


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