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俄羅斯舉辦「大洋- 2024」戰略演習."Russian Ocean-2024" strategic exercise.
2024/09/14 13:31


.俄圖-142 - 俄羅斯衛星通訊社, 1920, 14.09.2024


Russian Ocean-2024 naval exercise poses no threat to US and NATO.

. Sept. 10 - Russias ongoing Ocean-2024 strategic command and staff exercise poses no threat to the United States and other NATO countries, Pentagon spokesman Patrick Ryder said.

"He poses no threat to the American homeland or to the NATO alliance. The U.S. has been monitoring this planned exercise for some time and will continue to monitor our NATO allies and partners and maintain close communication with them." said, adding that despite the Russian statement, Washington believes that "China will be the only real participant, with a few other countries just watching."

Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, Admiral Alexander Moiseev earlier in the day saidthat 32 representatives from foreign countries have been invited as observers to monitor the exercises, which involve more than 90 000 troops and more than 400 warships and auxiliary vessels, including three Chinese ships and 15 aircraft.

"It should be noted that we have resumed the practice of such large-scale naval exercises. And I am confident that all the objectives of these exercises will be achieved," he stressed.

俄羅斯20241010 日 啟動「大洋- 2024」戰略演習,範圍擴及太平洋、北冰洋、波羅的海、裏海、地中海等多個水域進行。 這是俄國軍隊30 年來首次舉行如此大規模的海軍演習。
「大洋 - 2024」是自蘇聯解體以來俄國「最大規模的海軍演習」,普丁藉此警告美國不要試圖擊敗俄羅斯。
本次演習分兩個階段進行,在 3 個戰略方向上的 13 個海域開展,共有 9 萬多名官兵、400 多艘艦艇、125 架飛機、7500 多件武器裝備參演。演習第一階段,俄軍事指揮機關將演練在指定作戰訓練區域部署部隊; 第二階段,參演部隊將參與打擊假想敵戰略目標和兵力的「作戰行動」。 中國人民解放軍派出艦艇、飛機等參加有關演習,15 個國家的代表作為觀察員參加俄羅斯太平洋艦隊的軍事演習...
Five PLA vessels transit Tsushima Strait on Sept. 7-8 for Exercise Northern/Interaction-2024 to be held by China in Sea of Japan/ Sea of Okhotsk. China & Russia will hold fifth joint patrol, and China will join Russian Ocean-2024 strategic exercise.

Massive naval exercise "Ocean-24" is underway in Russia together with China.


.Exercise "Ocean-24" covers the Pacific and Arctic Oceans, the Mediterranean, Caspian and Baltic Seas and involves over 400 warships, submarines and support vessels, more than 120 aircraft and helicopters and over 90,000 troops, the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement. The manoeuvres will continue until 16 September, the ministry said.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, in comments to military officials, said the war games were the biggest of their kind in 30 years and that Chinese warships and aircraft were also taking part. China confirmed the news on Monday, adding that the navies of the two countries would cruise together in the Pacific, but gave no details.

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