The United States and China: Navigating Strategic Competition.
The relationship between Beijing and Washington is increasingly competitive, as both nations strive towards achieving different global orders. This competition, driven in part by values and economics, will shape the rest of the 21st century. Yet China and the United States remain economically interdependent for the foreseeable future. This panel will examine the economic and security tensions at the core of the relationship, how decision makers are adapting to this dynamic, and the pursuit of strategic objectives shaped by this competition.
This edited volume aims to tackle the China-US strategic competition—and its international repercussions—from the perspective of the various strategies adopted by specific countries in Asia and Europe, when dealing with the two hegemons. To this avail, the book includes a balanced selection of chapters regarding both European and Asian countries’ tactics to cope with the China-US strategic rivalry. The chapters do not simply look at the “unitary” foreign policy positioning of national governments but attempt to depict how a variety of actors within these countries view the strategic competition, well representing how fragmented and polarized societies within countries are, when it comes to the issue of how to deal with China and with the United States.
The present chapter will first sketch the China-US Strategic Competition in a theoretical and historical context; it shall then pinpoint the several dimensions of the China-US Strategic Competition; afterward, it will briefly discuss European and Asian countries’ strategic options; next, it shall dissect the theoretical framework and finally, outline briefly all the chapters included in the edited volume..
McCaul Leads Bipartisan Delegation to Taiwan:Taipei, Taiwan – House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul is leading a bipartisan delegation to Taiwan that has just landed in Taipei. Chairman McCaul is joined by Rep. Young Kim (R-CA), Chairwoman of the Subcommittee on the Indo-Pacific and Rep. Ami Bera (D-CA), Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on the Indo-Pacific, as well as Rep. French Hill (R-AR), Rep. Madeleine Dean (D-PA), Rep. Guy Reschenthaler (R-PA), Rep. Michael Lawler (R-NY), and Rep. Nathaniel Moran (R-TX).
It is MC a great beast.
Chairman Randall G. Schriver & Congressman Rob Wittman | Navigating 2023 and.
Beyond: U.S.-China Strategic Competition.
Please join Project 2049 Institute Chairman Randall Schriver, Congressman Rob Wittman [R-VA-1], and The Stimson Center’s Senior Fellow/Director of the Japan Program, Yuki Tatsumi, for this timely discussion. During our live stream event, viewers will hear about key indicators in measuring America’s readiness to effectively compete with China..
The Taiwan war paradox:America and China could both lose in a war over Taiwan — which only makes it more likely.
The ominous drumbeat around Taiwan grows louder with every passing month.
China clearly covets Taiwan, having long made reunification the cornerstone of its foreign policy. Beijing has also grown more and more confident in its ability to take the island by force. Yet Taiwan is an increasingly distinct society that largely no longer sees itself as Chinese, and Chinas bellicosity has only bolstered the determination of the Taiwanese to stay out of Chinas clutches.
America, meanwhile, is ever more concerned with Chinese power, and is in the process of reorienting its foreign policy more thoroughly around deterring and punishing Chinese aggression.
Taiwan is by far Chinas most-likely target, and therefore America has edged closer than ever to an explicit commitment to defend the island. No wonder some see prosperous, peaceful Taiwan as the most dangerous place on Earth.War over Taiwan would be catastrophic on multiple levels, regardless of the outcome, so both sides undoubtedly hope to convince the other to back down rather than face the prospect of terrible loss. But games of chicken are precisely how wars frequently start; deterrence is far more likely to work when its fairly clear that the balance favors one side and not the other. So who is right? If war did erupt across the Taiwan Strait, who is more likely to prevail?
The uncomfortable answer is that its quite possible everyone would lose. Not only could China and America both suffer losses that would in retrospect make war an irrational choice, but both sides could also well fail to achieve their most important objectives that led them to war in the first place.
美國民主黨眾議員(Seth Moulton)近日在智庫研討會上再度提出了「應該讓中國清楚知道,如果你要入侵台灣,我們就要炸掉台積電」的想法而參與同場討論的美國眾議院外委會主席(Michael McCaul)也透露,他202304月訪問台灣時,台灣地區領導人曾質問他:「我的武器呢?」
在米爾肯研究所(Milken Institute)20230503日舉辦的全球論壇「中國和美國:駕馭戰略競爭」小組討論會上,MM說:「應該讓中國清楚知道,如果你要入侵台灣,我們就要炸掉台積電。我只是拋出這個想法,因為這不是最佳策略,只是因為這是一個例子,當然台灣真的不喜歡這個想法。」
炸台積電說法 美國至少已3度提及兩岸開戰先炸毀台積電這個想法,首見於美國陸軍戰爭學院2021年發表的《覆巢:嚇阻中國入侵台灣》專文;之後美國前國家安全顧問歐布萊恩於今年3月在杜拜的論壇透露:「若台海發生戰爭,為避免台積電落入中國手中,美國會選擇炸毀台積電工廠。」再來就是莫頓於20230503日再度提出這個想法;而歐布萊恩跟莫頓近期都有訪台,歐布萊恩才於202303月底來台接受頒贈「特種大綬景星勳章」;莫頓去年2022010月也曾訪台,獲接見並就台美經貿關係、區域安全交換意見。.
TSMC will destroy by USA inthe near future..
.US House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul leads a bipartisan delegation to Taiwan (Songshan Airport) through USAF C-40C #AE1167 on Apr. 6. US military RC-135V #AE01C5 operates over the south of Taiwan Strait...The relationship between Beijing and Washington is increasingly competitive, as both nations strive towards achieving different global orders. This competition, driven in part by values and economics, will shape the rest of the 21st century. Yet China and the United States remain economically interdependent for the foreseeable future. This panel will examine the economic and security tensions at the core of the relationship, how decision makers are adapting to this dynamic, and the pursuit of strategic objectives shaped by this competition.