《心經》是所有佛經中翻譯次數最多,譯成文種最豐富,並最常被念誦的經典,在梵文文字般若心經最後的偈語,被視為法的精髓。這首很特別的混聲四部合唱曲 "Gate Gate",此曲中以梵文及英文演唱的詞句,即正是來自心經裡的偈語。
“Gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhisvaha”
“Yonder, yonder, cross the river, ev'ryone gone now, Hlleluia!”
「揭諦 揭諦,波羅揭諦,波羅僧揭諦,菩提薩婆訶。」
而此曲中的英文歌詞,也作了另一種簡潔卻生動的翻譯與詮釋,東方哲思裡在覺醒中體悟的喜悅該如何用英文表達呢? 此曲的作者思索著那樣的喜悅應該與西方信仰者聖靈充滿歡呼Hlleluia 的感動是一樣的吧! 於是無分宗較,無分文化的差異,每一個人在歌唱間、談笑間、行走坐臥間,只要專注體驗,樂在當下,何嘗不都是一種具有開創性的生命體驗與覺醒。所以從「走吧!」開始,我們也應該可以樂在歌唱吧!樂在歡笑吧!樂在生活中的每一個體驗,歌唱在智慧閃動的光芒裡,一同找到生命的領悟。
Gate Gate 英語歌詞/曲:Brian Tate
Gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhisvaha.
Yonder, yonder, cross the river, ev'ryone gone now, halleluia!
Gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhisvaha.
Ev'rybody singing, ev'rybody laughing, ev'rybody gone now, halleluia!
Ev'rybody talking, ev'rybody walking, ev'rybody gone now, halleluia!
Yonder, yonder, cross the river, ev'ryone gone now, bodhisvaha.
Gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhisvaha.
Ev'rybody singing, ev'rybody laughing, ev'rybody gone now, halleluia!
Ev'rybody talking, ev'rybody walking, ev'rybody gone now, halleluia!
No more tears, no more suffering, no more fears as we cross into the light!
Gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhisvaha!
Yonder, yonder, cross the river, ev'ryone gone now, halleluia!
Gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhisvaha!
Gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhisvaha!
Ev'rybody singing, ev'rybody laughing, ev'rybody gone now, halleluia!
Ev'rybody talking, ev'rybody walking, ev'rybody gone now, halleluia!
<影片取自 2013/8/28 主辦科園合唱團20週年合唱音樂會演出曲目>