參加3次George Michael演唱會
George Michael 接受 BBC radio 的訪問
2021/03/10 19:01:00

竟然找到...George Michael 接受 BBC radio 的訪問^_^
但是...鳴鳴鳴...我的英文聽力不怎樣啦>_<" span="">
網址: http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio2/r2music/documentaries/georgemichael.shtml
點網頁下方的"Listen to the George Michael on Steve Wright"就可以聽了ㄛ

2006/03/03 19:01 sarashih發表於無名小站部落格
2021/03/10           sarashih重整分享於udn部落格

PS 1 : 畢竟是2006年的採訪,我上網已經找不到這則採訪了,上傳這則訪問,只為了紀念我過去追星的時光.........

PS 2 : 我另外在網路上有找到一份也是STEVE WRIGHT採訪GM的逐字稿,提供給有興趣的粉絲回味一下裝可愛(害羞)



SW: We were just discussing if George Michael sounds as sexy as normal and

we think he does, right? Hang on, say something George.

GM: (in a very deep voice) Hello

SW: *applause* George Michael. Hes a bit late, hes just been parking the car, how are you George?

GM: How come its just the 3 of you? There were 5 people in this studio last time I met you

SW: Well Friday, were a bit depleted, but Janies not here but she sends

her very best to you obviously.

GM: Oh how is she? I saw her, doesnt she do something on This Morning now?

SW: No, she was on the Wright Stuff... Matthew Wright.

GM: Organic food... oh, thats right.

SW: And she talks about organic stuff and such.

GM: Well...good for her.

SW: Well no, not good for her George because she drives us up the wall with it every single day and its driving me nuts, to be honest with you Im fed up with hearing about organics, eating well, the kind of soap that you wanna buy... you know, enough already!

GM: Well, she came on tour with me when I was like 19 years old and there was nothing organic about her then.

SW: Did she not make you put stones under your armpits?

GM: Is she one of these people that ties crystals to her forehead?

SW: Yeah, yeah.. absolutely.

GM: Somebody had a conversation to me about that once, they said... you know what, if you tape a crystal to your forehead before you go to sleep youll have wild dreams and I said.. well dont you think that might have something to do with the fact that you only dream in light sleep and youre hardly gonna get a good nights kip with something sellotaped to your bloody forehead, are you?

SW: Im with you on this George believe me.

GM: I can be very very cynical about these things.

SW: George Michael has sold over 80, do you know how many records you sold?

GM: 80.

SW: 85 million.

GM: Well you know what.? Thats not inflated...was it 85?

SW: Million yeah.

GM: What people normally do is take all their album sales and then throw all the singles sales in as well and make it sound like they sold a lot more.

SW: Oh, its a lot though.

GM: It is a lot yeah.

SW: Now this new single which were about to play An Easier Affair, its

out on June 19th, the song, and Im quoting here, is his first new material

since the release of his last album which was of course was Patience.

GM: Thats right.

SW: Thats a couple of years ago.. and apparently is dedicated to his female fans who never realised he was gay.

GM: Thats just such rubbish isnt it? Theres nothing you can say that they cant turn around to make you look slightly dodgy. At the end of the day it references the fact that when I was younger I had a female audience and that was the audience I played to at 18 or 25 or whatever. But the songs got nothing to do with that really... overall its a kind of celebration of individuality really

SW: Who are the freaks?

GM: Well, Im being sarcy about the kind of homophobic attacks because lets be honest, anything I do whether it be having a go at Bush and Blair or parking or hitting a car or whatever it always ends up some discussion about my surprisingly colourful sexlife. With this song I just felt I needed to redress a balance and kindof stick up for people who are in any minority really.

SW: And then I suppose people will say well then why did you hide it for

so many years George?

GM: Hmm.. its irrelevant isnt it? I mean ultimately Im 42 now, I hid it for my family, and you know what.. Im glad, because in 2006 I am glad my mother didnt live to see the way I was talked about once people knew I was gay... isnt that sad though?

SW: Can I just move it on to something else and I do wanna ask you its a

very serious question...what is the problem with parking a car then? The

thing is about it George is that I do have a problem parking a car, Ive got

very bad spacial awareness, do you have it too?

GM: Well, to be honest with you Ive had so many over the years, always never anything that has been a major collision thank God, you know youve got a new warden around here. But Ive had little shuns where you get out of your car and you have to swap numbers and whatever, Ive done those forever. Its just that falling asleep in your car with, when you got cannabis in the car and the police are around that kinda leaves you pretty vulnerable to other stories, doesnt it?

SW: Now you put it like that I see what you...

GM: Do you see what Im saying, its life isnt it, its modern life...I just have to take the rough with the smooth dont I?

SW: Let me just play the single then...stay there George. George Michael is here today, well be right back, here comes the single...its really...feels good single.

GM: Feels good to me.

(An Easier Affair plays)

SW: We like that! You know, thats a song with a message, did you think that that song could have had different lyrics, you could have called it anything but you decided to make it a little bit controversial. Are you wary when you do that or are youjust thinking... well, I just..

GM: I really dont do, I swear to God, its almost always my material is autobiographical and this is an absolutely honest response to a part of society which is having a go at my sexuality constantly and I think its perfectly fair to try and say to people in general and not least young

gay people who are thinking about coming out and look at whats written

about me and look at the fuss around my sexuality, look.. you get one life,

you cannot spend it worrying about what people think of you. God knows if I did, Id never leave the house.

SW: Alright, do you know what I was thinking the other day George and I

wanted to suggest this to you.. I think it would be great if you had your

own phone in show.

GM: I think I would as well actually.

SW: On radio, your own phone in show and you could do all that stuff every day, itd be great.. I mean, Im not saying youre grumpy or anything like that, but youre provocative

GM: I think theyd take me off the air pretty quickly.

SW: Do you think so?

GM: I think George Stern.. it wouldnt work, would it really? Howard Michael.

SW: No definitely not. I remember something you said on CNN after the incident in America, or it may have been when you came out and you said: look, I just wanna say.. I cant really remember the exact quote.. to all the women that bought my records.

GM: (starts singing in a deep voice) To all the girls Ive loved before.

SW: You said something along the lines of the songs are about any kind of

couples you like.

GM: Well, I mean the reality was they were written about women, when I was seeing women.

SW: And you more or less said that..

GM: Yeah, absolutely, I mean.. it doesnt say actually I was pretty rubbish at it, but the fact is thats what I was writing about when I was 17 I wrote a song because I was two-timing the very lovely 16 year old girl I was going out with and Id met someone else who worked in Budgen.

SW: In Budgen?

GM: She was a checkout girl in Budgen.

SW: You went off with a girl from Budgen?

GM: Well, I was seeing this girl from Budgen

SW: In the Hertfordshire district?

GM: And then I started seeing someone else.

SW: Where did she work, in Bushey?

GM: No, she went to a convent school, the one.. I swear to god this is all true.

SW: You got a colourful past George.

GM: But the point is, I was being very naughty because I had gone from no girl ever looking at me, to actually having the opportunity of two-timing them.

SW: But are you aware now though George that even though you are out and you are gay and all the rest of it, women still find you attractive and...

GM: Well THAT you see is why they write these things about my sexlife because they still think that there are some things to wreck.. do you know what Im saying?

SW: Oh, I mean surely women all say, dont they... oh well, you get him with me and..

GM: Yeah exactly, he just hasnt met the right girl.. come here darling.

SW: Yeah, how does that feel?

GM: Well you know... Ill take flattery wherever I can get it.. I really will.. its someone who felt like quasimodo until theyre about 16. I will take flattery anywhere I can get it. But in reality I think women like me because of the words I write and the sound of my voice.

SW: I gotta pick up on something cos last time you were with us you said..

look, Ive had enough, Im not gonna make any more records. I said.. George, can I just ask you that again.. youre not gonna make any more records? No.....Im into downloading and this and that.. something else, Im fed up with it, dadadadada.. and here you are making another record.

GM: (in a greek accent) Iz not wat I did, iz rubbish what youre saying, iz rubbish. No, I tell you what, what I did actually say.. its the truth, which is that I had two more tracks to do for another Sony album, right...which is a greatest hits, oh no I thought it was gonna be a duets then.

SW: Right.

GM: And there were two more tracks I was contracted for and they were gonna come out on an album in this period of time anyway, theres nothing I can do about that.. and then when after the tours done, Im a completely free artist. At that point I can do exactly what I said.. and I think the tour is a really nice positive way of kindof wrapping up the commercial releases of my career... you know, 25 years and then after this Im gonna do what I said I was gonna do. I suppose other people will cover the tracks.

SW: So you wont make records after this tour then?

GM: I will make music, but I will put it on my site for free.

SW: So in an ideal world, would you like to go off to Cornwall and live

there and just surf and play golf?

GM: No, I wanna keep making music and singing and writing, I just dont want to be putting myself into the kind of industry by selling it anymore.

SW: But its like all the talk about McCartney in the papers over the last

couple of weeks.

GM: So, but look at McCartney, look at how much more pleasant McCartneys life was before he decided to get out there on tour again.

SW: Ah yeah, but what I was gonna say is..

GM: If his life with Heather had been led much like his life with Linda was, very quietly, he wouldnt be in the middle of this now. And I dont know that I would be putting up with that at 64, 65.. do you know what I mean?

SW: Surely the age doesnt matter, I mean it all depends on his mentality

and his energy levels and his creative flow and all the rest of it, but you

know...you dont have to do anything else if you dont want to.. your

contribution is right there and so is his.

GM: Absolutely.

SW: Careless Whisper is enough and youve done all the rest of the stuff.

GM: Well, I tell you what I really believe, I genuinely believe that Im very lucky in that Im quite a positive person. I have wonderful people in my life and Im constantly dealing with this entity that just feels completely divorced from me.. and the longer it goes on, the more ridiculous it seems to court it.

SW: Listen weve not even mentioned the tour in great detail.. when does

that start, where are you going, how many dates?

GM: It starts at the end of September, I start in Barcelona at the end of September which should be great because we get the last week of production rehearsals in Barcelona which should be great

SW: Great!

GM: And then I make my way around Europe and come back to England at the end of November, I think Earls Court is first, we have 4 or 5 dates in Earls Court and then I go round the country and come back to London and finish at Wembley Arena.

SW: And not toured since...91?

GM: Well funnily enough I havent toured with my own material since 88

SW: So why now?

GM: I owe people lots of money.

SW: Fair enough... lend us a fiver.

GM: No, its not true.. the reason Im doing it is just cos I feel good enough to do it. You know the 90s was horrible for me in so many ways. Somehow, miraculously, I managed to maintain a career but it was a horrible, horrible time for me and I wouldnt have dreamed of touring then. But Ive had 3 or 4 years of actually nothing terrible happening, so...I feel really really good and Ive got a bunch of new material and you know...I was sitting in my livingroom one day, watching the telly, as I do...and suddenly realised that I was gonna regret it if I didnt do it. It was really a strange thing, I kinda suddenly had a realisation that I would always feel slightly guilty for not having done it.. and actually I would regret it. So I thought...ok, well this is obviously the time to do it, Im really excited actually.

SW: Its great, and people wanna see you.

GM: And the set is gonna be absolutely phenomenal.

SW: Really?

GM: Phenomenal.. although Ive just been told its gonna cost me 15 million,so actually...

SW: Youve got that in your back pocket.

GM: ...weve worked out that... yeah, its an evenings pay...weve worked out that the tickets were far too cheap because Ive now got this really expensive set going on.

SW: Oh well that sounds great, thats gonna be good. Listen, good luck with the single when it comes out.

GM: Thank you.

SW: George Michael