Inspiring speech by HRH Prince Michael of Yugoslavia
2020/10/11 10:18:52

Hello, I am Prince Michael of Yugoslavia. My paternal grandfather was Prince Paul, the last Regent of Yugoslavia and my maternal grandfather was the last King of Italy, King Umberto. I grew up in Europe, then lived partly in the United States of America and partly in Europe.

I am delighted to support the World Environment Day, which is celebrated today June 5th, 2020. I am passionate about the environment and photography. This makes me look at the beauty of our planet. But I am saddened by the destruction we create all around us.

I wish that we, as a species, would stop behaving as if we own the planet but realized we are part of it. My master of philosophy, Mr. Alain Forget, told me that man’s level of conscience is out of the sync with his technological level. Man has not changed but his technological capabilities have. It is not a question of man and nature, as man is part of nature.

Do not contrast the one with the other. We will only stop damaging our environment once we have raised our level of consciousness. Once we have grown away from anxiety, condition by fear that makes us seek escape in an extravagant consumer-based compensation.

The higher the level of consciousness, to which we aspire, the more we will be in harmony with what surrounds us.

I am again very happy to celebrate the World Environment Day with all of you today, and I thank you for your time.