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「性的騷擾」和「非性的騷擾」Examples of Sexual and Non-Sexual Harassment
By Alison Doyle
Updated June 14, 2017
What is considered sexual harassment at work? And how does it differ from non-sexual harassment? Sexual harassment(性的騷擾) in the workplace is a form of discrimination and includes any uninvited comments, conduct, or behavior regarding sex, gender, or sexual orientation. (包括任何涉及「性」,「性別」,或「有關於性」,而未被「受害人」要求的評論,動作,或行為。)
Sexual vs. Non-Sexual Harassment
Even though it's the type of harassment that is most often reported, harassment in the workplace and in hiring isn't limited to sexual harassment.
Other actions regarding religion, race, age, gender, or skin color(註:其它涉及宗教信仰,種族,年齡,性別,或膚色的行為,也可能被視為「非性的騷擾」), for example, can also be considered harassment if they interfere with an employee's success or conjure a hostile work environment.
Examples of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Whether the offense is made by a manager, co-worker, or even a non-employee like a client, contractor, or vendor, if the conduct creates a hostile work environment or interrupts an employee's success, it is considered unlawful sexual harassment.
Sexual harassment isn't limited to making inappropriate advances. In fact, sexual harassment includes any unwelcome verbal or physical behavior that creates a hostile work environment.
Here are some examples of sexual harassment in the workplace and information on how to handle it if you have been harassed at work.
These are just a few examples of sexual harassment. Any sexual action that creates a hostile work environment is considered sexual harassment, and the victim of the harassment may not be just the target of the offense, but anyone who is affected by the inappropriate behavior.
Should you feel like you have been harmed by sexual harassment in the workplace, there are steps you can take to file a harassment claim with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). In order to successfully file such a claim, however, you have to be able to prove that a) your employer tried to correct the harassing behavior; and b) that the employee responsible for the harassment refused to cease and desist.
Thus, it is vital that you first report the harassment to your employer’s human resources department as well as taking detailed notes of the dates, times, and nature of the incidents. If attempts to remediate the situation fail, you must file your claim with the EEOC within 180 days by mail, in person, or by calling 800-669-4000.
Examples of Non-Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Behavior such as making racist or negative comments can be construed as workplace harassment. Offensive gestures, drawings, or clothing also constitute harassment. You should address this sort of workplace bullying in the same way that you would sexual harassment – by reporting it to human resources and, if nothing is done, by filing a harassment claim with the EEOC.
Instances of workplace harassment include discrimination such as:
Non-sexual harassment isn't limited to these examples. Non-sexual harassment includes any comment, action, or type of behavior that is threatening, insulting, intimidating or discriminatory and upsets the workplace environment.
It's Important to Know the Rules
When you're job searching, it's important to know that rules apply as to what employers can and cannot ask, related to some of the harassment examples listed above.
During an interview, employers should not be asking about your race, gender, religion, marital status, age, disabilities, ethnic background, country of origin, sexual preferences, or age. If this happens, it should serve as a red flag that you may not want to pursue your candidacy with this employer.
Related Articles: How to Handle Workplace Harassment Issues | Examples of Employment Discrimination
出處:Examples of Sexual and Non-Sexual Harassment https://www.thebalance.com/examples-of-sexual-and-non-sexual-harassment-2060884