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Move to St.Petersburg.
2017/04/01 00:21:13


筆者總算是因著朋友鼎力協助,幫忙移居聖彼得堡工作及生活,筆者的Blog 曾經多次攥文,報導聖彼得堡的風光,日後將陸續報導俄羅斯民族史,文化史,藝術史,當然也包括蘇聯共產黨的發展史,生活美食,俄羅斯民族應音樂,舞蹈芭蕾舞團等藝文活動,相信台灣地區的讀者們會開眼界,欣賞筆者的Blog.咱們視目待 俄羅斯.

筆者首先以FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE (新與舊)做為開幕式,熱烈迎接俄羅斯的一切,讓這隻東張西望的雙頭鷹,問候讀者們.敬請批評指教謝謝.






From Russia with love I fly to you
Much wiser since my goodbye to you
I've travelled the world to learn
I must return from Russia with love

I've seen places, faces and smiled for a moment
But oh, you haunted me so
Still my tongue tied, young pride
Would not let my love for you show
In case you'd say no

To Russia I flew but there and then
I suddenly knew you'd care again
My running around is through
I fly to you, from Russia with love


From the silvery lakes I come
to St Petersburg
Spreads a country wild and wide
Where the cossacks used to ride
Moscow is the very heart
of the Russian World.
There is so much history
You should come and see.

From Russia with love
Here's what I long to say!
A new world has come my way
I grow to love it more each day
From Russia with love
I greet the world outside,
It's beauty is clear and wide
This lovely country stands with pride
This is Russia with love.

On the coloured churches golden domes
Are shining like the sun
And through the mighty steps
big rivers flow
In this old world a new era has begun.

From Russia with love.



 Image may contain: sky