CIA 网络战的重要武器黑客工具库“宝库7号”(Vault 7)
2024/06/27 16:46:44
moved from "普京两女儿公开亮相,预示什么情况!--普京 did right thing and must be very proud of his 两女儿 especially comparing with usa masters family"
...ps 一个绰号引发CIA史上最大泄密,前雇员被判入狱40年 2024-02-02 18:11:08 来源: 北青网-北京青年报 北京 ....

一个绰号引发CIA史上最大泄密,前雇员被判入狱40年 2024-02-02 18:11:08 来源: 北青网-北京青年报 北京
CIA有一个黑客工具库“宝库7号”(Vault 7),“宝库7号”据信结合多种计算机病毒,用于侵入并破坏目标电脑和技术系统,是CIA从事网络战的重要武器。
--CIA从事网络战的重要武器 did to terrorists-so-called then usa indoors anti-wars supporters that i mentioned would happen to more and more including me-type indoors and outdoors innocent people. didnt many personal informations exposed in dark web already, especially ATT-Yahoo users? stole many data files in my HD many years, how? MS, app, and internet equips embeded millions "后门". this is why kill China excellent products because wont allow usa "后门" embeded.
--that i saw the news about what happened to terrorists-so-called and were killed or sent into black jails including driver.
--haaa 6/26/2024 quite earlier morrning tried to solve battery not charged problem (hardware test all passed) after i did MS updated on 6/25, cant but refresh battery save app and bookmarks, suddenly found one of history listing websites was 色情图像, very astonished and unbelivable. i began suspect whether it related when i Google searched fraud phone number popped all 色情图像 websites and one of showing tiktok in BG, then received blackmail email. how many victims suffer CIA fake 传输(儿童 or female)色情图像罪 blackmail ?
--i believe 舒尔特 because he did 投诉邮件 report but was totally ignored by CIA. same as Boeing case.
--really? why not investigate how many innocent anti-wars are treated as terrorists-so-called indoors ?
--same as 爱泼斯坦案, black jails case not because usa 人们 dont want 主动谈起 but it is forbidden cases or suffering severely punishments. this is why Trump delcared 公开 911 and 爱泼斯坦案, Kennedy 案真相 if elected.

ps haaa 6/26/2024 quite earlier morrning tried to solve battery not charged problem (hardware test all passed) after i did MS updated on 6/25, cant but refresh battery save app and bookmarks, suddenly found one of history listing websites was 色情图像, very astonished and unbelivable. i began suspect whether it related when i Google searched fraud phone number popped all 色情图像 websites and one of showing tiktok in BG, then received blackmail email. how many victims suffer CIA fake 传输(儿童 or female)色情图像罪 blackmail ?

-- 6/27/2024 searched and got "Laptop battery constantly toggle between plugged in and not charging (Windows 10)" as :

Hi, Ive read online on this specific issue (as per my tittle) and this issue has been happening for many people and its not hardware related and it apply to many different laptop brands. It is frustrating for windows users.
The fix is impossible for my laptop as I cannot remove the battery as per and I dont want to break my laptop to remove the battery for a software fix.
Could you please fix this issue in the latest windows patch? its very frustrating for windows users and many people were forced to purchase new batteries even tough its not hardware related.
This issue has been going on for over a year and you never fixed it. Thanks

--Obviously more and more MS users figured out this and that weird problems nothing to do HW problem but MS updated and its app-related caused horrible problems.

after i was forced to uninstall Lenovo Advantage and updated/ran Lenovo diagnostics evolution it did improve but later battery not charging again. i did notice after MS updated in task manager showed apps 6 firefox and Background also showed 7 firefox. so searched "how to delete firefox multiple process" got "

Disable Multiple Firefox Processes Running In The Background! November 23, 2022 by Sanmay Chakrabarti

Mozilla is not immune to bugs and issues. One issue that is repeatedly reported by Firefox users is that there are multiple Firefox processes running in the background. Because of this the browser reportedly becomes slow and even crashes...

Why Does Firefox Have So Many Processes?

The reason so many processes run for a single window in Firefox is that it enhances the web performance significantly. But the web performance won’t matter to the users if the browser doesn’t work in the first place. Try to disable Firefox multi-process, which has been reported to be the main fix for this issue.

If you see Firefox running multiple processes, then that’s what is creating those issues for you.

How To Disable Multiple Firefox Processes?
Method 1: Change The Content Process Limit-

Press the Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys to open the Task Manager.

Select the Processes tab and see how many Firefox processes are running in the background.

Open Firefox and click settings then Type "hardware acceleration" in the search bar.

The search result will be on your screen instantly.

In the Performance section, uncheck the Use recommended performance settings box. This will open options below it.

uncheck Use hardware acceleration when available

after that finally battery charged so far for 3 hours. would it solve not charge problem i have no confidence. just found task manager BG got 6 firefox.

6/27/2024 after i woke up my notebook was power-off by MS updated again. i turned on then the screen turned black totally. by hardware forced turn off then on it worked but cpu 100%...tried off/on or else finally got chance immediately end useless processes such as wacam, MS Edge update, tax-related update, video... now task manager showed apps(2) but firefox(6) BG firefox(8) so ended BG firefox(8) processes.

i read novel and monitor task manager but found it auto cleaned HD scared me to the death that might delete file folders/data files again. so click windows setting->storage->off

the battery stopped charge down to 77%. then 72% now. im totally exhausted.and felt MS seemed use disable battery charge to punish me-type...

step 1: i verified by cmd, type: cleanmgr.exe /sageset:1, Disk Cleanup Settings all unchecked

step 2: Click the Start menu, select “All Apps,” go to “Windows Administrative Tools,” and click on Task Scheduler.

found out MS update schedule 4:25pm everyday unbelivable, so disabled it. and also disabled multiple triggers defined. No wonder 3 days MS auto updated but any time.

6/27/2024 8:50pm whatever MS 3dys updated finally kiled my win10 notebook by malicious not charging battery which we just replaced in 2023? and did HW including battey test all passed. this quite earlier morrning charged up to 90% (Lenovo Advantage before uninstalled set 90% in stead 100%) .

searched "what happen to win10 today" shows:

The schedule is defined by Microsoft Modern Lifecycle Policy, which is documented on the Microsoft Lifecycle page: "Windows 10 will reach end of support on October 14, 2025. The current version, 22H2, will be the final version of Windows 10, and all editions will remain in support with monthly security update releases through that date."

When a Windows version reaches its end-of-support date, the software keeps working, but the update channel grinds to a halt:

--i prefer no more MS updated since the most disaster happened that this year stole/delete many my file folders and data files. but such abuse users MS wont leave us alone.

why battery charging stop ? why Microsoft Basic Display Adapter on Windows 10

not available? i was forced to uninstall during solve battery not charge problem but found out intel driver was worse. then tried to reinstall MS but not existing any more. ps we already bought another new notebook but i really hate win11. now have no choice.

6/28/2024 lucky me just before we leaving to pay computer store whether no way but external HD case for notebook inner HD. i decide to run a risk turn on the notebook that battery less than 45min ( 22%? ) and worried not enough time because when i cant but turned off it was no ending loop cant but forced shut down. when turned on it certainly continue updating looping and battery didnt charge. finally it succeeded and battery also charging(now is 25%, just turned off internet connection in case not charging happen again) without doubt already damaged battery life .

i didnt sleep because to figure out how to login and use win11 that after spouse installed the password long time no use i totally cant remember. And didnt backup in time (especially forgot important browser favorites) but very few. what miserable MS updated 3 days i began suspect previous we bought notebooks not machine died but MS updated app. caused black screen, not charging battery ......we paied at least 8 times to computer store repairing/external cases..
, they love to tell us machines were expired once over 5 years not worth but buy new. the youngest one was 2 years(warrantee just expired) old caused by screen black, technician told us either pay 50%($150-$200) repairing fee or buy new($400-$500+), so we bought new and extra fee for extension warrantee 3 times(for 3 new notebooks then stop purchase) .

6/28/2024 3:48pm the win10 notebook stop charging battery 61%, cant but turn off. And after i disconnected the win11 new notebook also found it stop charging battery 100%. whats going on? during solve not charge battery problem it gave me creepy feeling that when it charged if i did something such as open new tab, open file explorer, visited my favorites websites the charge stop. when i cant but use win11 new notebook didnt have not charge problem and always can see battery (plugin mode) until now not showing plugin mode. ps spouse notebook showed the same and told me battery with that 闪电
meant charging. my win10 3days ago when it charged showing 电插头 but these 3 days it was 电插头 later changed to 闪电 but not charging. if unplug it showed only battery (neither 闪电 nor 电插头). obviously win10 updated apps either maliciously or very careless mixed with 电插头(charging) and 闪电(not charging) together.

6/29/2024 0:03am i turned on the win10 notebook and internet disconnected few minutes later lucky me it charged again and i leave it alone not doing anything 1:43am battery charged up to 89%, 1:48am battery with 电插头(not changed to 闪电) and showing (plugin mode) ie back to previous version or due to not touch it, im so afraid touch it or connect wifi then stop charging happens again. i need to show my spouse that he forgot what win10 battery with 电插头 when charging and after fully charged. he bought win11 in 2021 and gave me his win10.
now i can see those many uninstalled app (no use to me) auto installed, the 2 display drivers and power/battery save plan i uninstalled for test not charging problems now need to re-install but they didnt exist any more. current updated version cant select sleep(power), screen adjust brightness function disappeared. KB decrease/increase the brightness wont work.
after show to spouse i would use app test KB to find out then wifi connect hoping not charge problem really solved.
6/29/2024 12:30pm the battery 89% down to 69% not charging (showing battery save) and MS continue updated, no way stop it. it seems every day MS updated. did MS tried reinstalling all then reinstall all history updated or else? 1:35pm battery down to 40% cant but turn off. i really believe MS tried kill win10 users.
the question is win11 is commercial-type product not for me-type serious users. frequently change screen contents, i cant but use win10 notepad in stead win11 weird notepad confused me a lot. looks like fancy but totally is a junky design. file explorer worse than win10 which already messed up. i hope back to MS DOS with improve size/addresses limits problems.

美国电话电报公司几乎所有手机客户通话和短信记录遭窃 2024年07月12日 20:00 央视
当地时间7月12日,总台记者获悉,美国电信运营商美国电话电报(18.8036, -0.06, -0.30%)公司(AT&T)表示,黑客窃取了几乎所有手机客户通话和短信的记录,包含2022年5月1日至2022年10月31日的数据,以及2023年1月2日的电话和短信记录。(总台记者张颖哲)责任编辑:李桐
--黑客窃取 not just ATT 手机客户通话和短信的记录 but other 手机 companies including 手机客户 bought phone service such as ultra plans or else.

ps AT&T披露遭黑客入侵细节,用户通话和短信记录被窃 2024年07月12日 20:33 界面新闻
AT&T在周五提交给监管机构的文件中表示,公司的客户数据遭到大规模黑客攻击窃取,其中包括几乎所有手机用户在2022年5月1日至10月31日期间的通话和短信记录。也有很少数量客户2023年1月2日以来的记录被泄露。该公司表示,4月获悉这些信息是从一家第三方云平台上的工作区非法下载的。相关数据虽然不包括客户姓名,但有一些“公开可用的在线工具”可以将号码与人们的身份联系起来。AT&T称 ,其认为本次泄露事件中的信息尚未被公开。(彭博)
--caught one criminal not sure is from 第三方云平台上的工作区非法下载 or inner worker.
ps 消息称AT&T向黑客支付40万美元赎金 2024年07月15日 07:53 环球市场播报
  AT&T的一位发言人拒绝就该公司是否支付了赎金来控制黑客攻击的后果发表评论 那次黑客攻击可能暴露了2022年6个月期间几乎所有无线用户的大量通话和短信记录。美国联邦调查局和司法部也拒绝就所谓的支付置评。
  黑客表示,他们提供这些信息——以及一段大约七分钟的视频,他们声称视频显示他们正在删除数据——是为了证明他们已经履行了与AT&T的协议。这位人士还说,其他黑客也参与了这次攻击。目前尚无法证实视频的真实性,以及黑客声称其他攻击者也参与了这一事件是否属实. 责任编辑:于健
ps Nearly all AT&T subscribers’ call records stolen in Snowflake cloud hack
Six months of call and text records taken from AT&T workspace on cloud platform.
from Jon Brodkin - 7/12/2024, 1:42 PM
An AT&T spokesperson confirmed to Ars that the data was exposed in the recently reported attack on "AI data cloud" provider Snowflake, which also affected Ticketmaster and many other companies. As previously reported, Snowflake was compromised by a group that obtained login credentials through information-stealing malware....
FBI and FCC comment
The FBI provided this statement to Ars: Shortly after identifying a potential breach to customer data and before making its materiality decision, AT&T contacted the FBI to report the incident. In assessing the nature of the breach, all parties discussed a potential delay to public reporting under Item 1.05(c) of the SEC Rule, due to potential risks to national security and/or public safety. AT&T, FBI, and DOJ worked collaboratively through the first and second delay process, all while sharing key threat intelligence to bolster FBI investigative equities and to assist AT&Ts incident response work.
The FBI declined to provide any information on the person who was apprehended. The Federal Communications Commission said it has "an ongoing investigation into the AT&T breach and were coordinating with our law enforcement partners."
An AT&T spokesperson told Ars that the Snowflake breach is unrelated to another recent leak involving the data of 73 million current and former subscribers.