2023/07/11 07:13:16
my mom father name is 乐长贵 who died young during 重庆大轰炸(1938年2月至194年, 大规模的无差别轰炸持续3年 1939年-1941年), her mom is 沈秀瑛. they ran from 日军鬼子占领上海(1937年7月7日-11月5日占领虹口、杨浦、闸北) 进行大屠杀 to 重庆, then ran from 重庆大轰炸 to 上海. her father 3 generations was 独子 so his name as the 3rd time 独子 didnot follow 乐姓族譜 but 6 kids(2 sons finally) then grandkids. he was tall got nickname 长脚 and worked in boats under 日鬼监控. 船公司 informed same period at least 6 were bombed and sank by usa air force 误炸. her mom with 5 kids couple months earlier left 重庆, father carried all left valuable things(to poor people everything is valuable during wars).

from "寻求郑姓族人帮助浙江(宁波)鄞县鄭國佬靠河邊完整的族谱...應大天光 世哲文明 學紹康寧 宗道守法...2023-01-08 发表于美国"

from "俄参议员列出世界主要大国间可能发生军事冲突的三个地方--乌克兰、台湾和朝鲜半岛;北约秘书长称援乌是通往和平途径,梅德韦杰夫引用名作《1984》回应"
俄副外长警告俄将采取适当反制措施阻止日本军事威胁 2023年01月03日 21:00 海外网
  原标题:俄副外长警告:俄将采取适当反制措施 阻止日本军事威胁
  海外网1月3日电 据塔斯社3日报道,俄罗斯副外长安德烈·鲁登科在接受塔斯社采访时表示,俄方认为日本政府放弃和平发展的政策是对俄罗斯和整个亚太地区安全的严重挑战,并警告说,俄罗斯除了采取适当的反制措施阻止日方军事威胁之外,已别无选择。
--very good. it is 严重挑战俄罗斯和整个亚太地区安全 but black China and 朝鲜 like masters. i wish myself were strong young man i would "voluntary" join Russia to stop it. my (mom side) grandpa was killed indirect by japan bastards bombed 重庆 on river board killed by usa air force. my grandma got bad news then serious 中风 lying on bed and they cant but live nearby public toilet place because all valuable things gone with pity grandpa. mom cant but with her brother made a living...they were under 15. my father during 上海逃难 lost his priceless 族谱. they as victims never got japan bastards appologized or 赔偿. many other victims too.
ps 1/6/2023 quite surprised younger brother remember more words for kids, grand kids... inherited 族谱 names. surprised father told brother 16 words more than i thought 8 words. i wish his kids, grand kids... continue valuable 族谱文化, maybe soon can find out the whole 族谱 in other 郑姓族人(father home town 浙江宁波鄞县)

mom studied in 上海务本女中 (her father already left home town-浙江宁波) however when we were kids mom told us she was 跳读 total 3-4 years in elementary then stop due to 上海逃难 and moved to 重庆, years later returned but her father was killed. her youngest sister was a baby.

ps mom is the eldest and grandpa was killed very young, i dont think her brother and sisters family in China ever had 族谱. when she was a kid did with parents visit twice home town in 浙江宁波(nearby? ps 1/9/2023 it is)still can see 牌坊 and big houses as her ancestors were 三代清朝高官 and related to famous 同仁堂(乐姓). her father felt shame cant let ancestors be proud so went to Shainghei, he let neighbours(or relatives?) live in the big houses without charge. when finally my parents can visit relatives in Shainghei, her younger sister wanted mom to get houses back, my mom turned down as that was their father decision, leave it alone. i wish 牌坊 and antique houses still maintain well.

she with father visited both home town and quite surprised people(族人?) lived there still recognized her.

**1/9/2023 i would say got it from "乐氏字辈、字派、派行、派语汇总"...浙江宁波乐氏字辈:“汝考定仁知光茂隆元为孝子从德文宗孙卿孟肃显达叔恭贤良敦厚谦逊雍熊寅嗣俊秀嘉美可逢思怀唯一秉信全忠存清守正道大亨通应时振起继祖昌宏经邦华国朝士恒充辅尧赞舜兆瑞麟龙宾师尚友宠锡恩荣永和安泰允吉其躬克培庆会万世遵崇” same as 通州区乐氏字辈.

another is from "宁波乐氏家族探析" 宁波遛娃旅行攻略 2021-11-08 18:30
.. 在北仑区域,存在着一个到目前为止,历史最悠久,保存最完整的宗祠:宁波乐氏宗祠。它位于宁波市北仑区大街道湖塘村,1991年被区人民政府公布为区级文物保护单位。
--could be mom childhood 记忆错误 not 三代清朝高官 but 唐朝大臣 and still "牌坊" survived? mom declared 北京同仁堂 still came and visited 宁波三代清朝高官.
ps 4/4/2023 it is 清朝 due to 同仁堂創始人是樂顯揚(乐显扬1630年—1688年康熙二十七年 号尊育,祖籍浙江宁波府慈溪县(今浙江省宁波市江北区慈城镇)曾官任太医院吏目,晋封文林郎,赠中宪大夫 .

--i love antique houses. i also realize what happened to our 古人 also happened to mom side that 富不过三代, and 感到外祖父的悲哀与压力 到头来 客死异乡 尸骨无存 fortunately his family(wife and 6 kids) survived.

ps i remember after both side can 往来(老蒋 my parents 私下 thru HK to Shainghei were allowed,小蒋? in public allowed) a young man from China wanted to visit us his name is 乐秀X we thought must be mom 同辈族人 and desired to see him but mom was afraid it might suffer politic 伤害 her kids future and safety. so she turened down. i really expect one china coming soon.

ps 4/4/2023 relatives conversation:
媽的族譜查到的是 完整的 汝考定仁知光茂隆...俊秀嘉美....萬世遵崇 雖與媽(秀字辈, her 2 younger brothers kids 嘉字辈)的爸爸名字不符(俊字辈)但這也可是正常例外
宗祠在寧波市北倉區大街道湖塘村1991 年列為文物保護單位
重要的證據是同仁堂創始人是樂顯揚 也在族譜內 ...孟肅顯達 叔恭賢良敦厚謙遜 雍能寅嗣 俊秀嘉美 可逢思懷...
we would visit moms home town 宁波乐氏宗祠(宁波市北仑区大街道湖塘村), hoping get the address and can see 牌坊 and big antique houses still existing, maintain well.
im prety sure the 乐氏族谱 because 2 of them matched mom and her sisters, her brothers and their kids.