法国政治家:朔尔茨谈由于德国经济的崩溃要结束冲突的问题--这么晚意识到这种情况已是罪孽深重了 but 美法..罪孽 not end yet...
2024/09/10 07:50
法国政治家:朔尔茨谈由于德国经济的崩溃要结束冲突的问题 2024年9月9日, 22:27
扎哈罗娃回应朔尔茨有关北溪爆炸事件调查的言论 2024年9月9日, 02:58
此前,朔尔茨在接受ZDF电视台采访时称,应该对破坏“北溪-1”和“北溪- 2”天然气管道爆炸事件进行调查,并将肇事者绳之以法。他强调,他主张不隐瞒任何事情,并追究肇事者的责任。
此前,朔尔茨在接受ZDF电视台采访时称,应该对破坏“北溪-1”和“北溪- 2”天然气管道爆炸事件进行调查,并将肇事者绳之以法。他强调,他主张不隐瞒任何事情,并追究肇事者的责任。
俄外交部:德国关于与俄方交换涉及“北溪”恐袭信息的声明是撒谎 2024年8月21日, 23:15
俄罗斯卫星通讯社莫斯科8月21日电 俄罗斯外交部发言人扎哈罗娃表示,德国外交部关于与俄方交换涉及“北溪”恐袭信息的声明是撒谎。
2022年9月26日,俄罗斯向欧洲出口天然气的两条管道“北溪-1”和“北溪-2”同时遭到破坏。德国、丹麦和瑞典不排除这是有针对性的破坏活动。“北溪”运营商Nord Stream AG公司称,天然气管道遭受的损坏前所未有,修复时间无法估计。俄罗斯总检察院对这起国际恐怖主义行为提起立案。俄罗斯总统新闻秘书佩斯科夫此前表示,俄罗斯多次要求提供“北溪”输气管爆炸的相关信息,但从未收到过。
多特康姆在美国承认破坏俄乌协议后把纽兰称作是“大屠杀的凶手” 2024年9月10日, 02:53 (更新: 2024年9月10日, 02:55)
扎哈罗娃:许多国家希望加入金砖国家集团,是因为厌倦了美国的侵略 2024年09月09日 09:07 观察者网
据TV BRICS报道,俄罗斯联邦委员会此前表示,来自世界不同地区的40个国家已准备好加入金砖国家。“今日俄罗斯”(RT)称,委内瑞拉、泰国、塞内加尔、古巴、哈萨克斯坦、白俄罗斯、巴林和巴基斯坦等国都已经正式提交申请。
美国指责因 RT 造成世界上对乌克兰缺乏支持 2024年9月14日, 02:32 (更新: 2024年9月14日, 03:29)
--i dont think so right in the beginning i suggested the actor quit and "let master-to-master talk directly". because we have long history IQ immediately knew whats going on and how to do better selection in stead die to the last man for masters war. the most important is 乌克兰 lands came from Russia and many years they are Russian including the actor. why would the actor win?
same as in usa whats good for endless masters wars but turn more americans mental illness and life in danger. if Bush can stop his wars when so many indoors anti-wars came out, today usa would be much better, not worse and the worst. YOU rotten politicians lie too much. RT just tell out what the world majority people thinking. much less the world people listen to masters groups liars since Bushs wars not because RT 宣传、虚假信息和谎言.
他指出,美国驻世界各地的外交官已经接到指示:他们应向盟国提供 “证据”,证明 RT 据称拥有哪些能力,以及该电视台如何在各国 “使用 ”这些能力。
“今日俄罗斯”国际新闻通讯社和RT电视台的主编玛格丽塔·西蒙尼扬在评论美国国务卿的话时指出:“美国情报部门挖出我们在帮助前线。我们这就是在光明正大地做,白痴!把买了多少东西、寄了多少东西的清单发过来? 如果有啥的话,我们会定期公布。”
美国财政部也宣布对 "今日俄罗斯"媒体集团和及其总裁德米特里·基谢廖夫采取限制措施。美国财政部发布通用许可证,规定在11 月13日之前结束与“今日俄罗斯”媒体集团的金融业务。
ps 西蒙尼扬在美国对RT实施制裁后表示,她这一生没有白活 2024年9月14日, 02:56 (更新: 2024年9月14日, 03:15)
美国财政部9月13日宣布对 "今日俄罗斯"媒体集团和及其总裁德米特里·基谢廖夫采取限制措施。
--Salute to her !
巴西专家:美国利用制裁“迫使媒体巨头沉默” 2024年9月14日, 15:29 (更新: 2024年9月14日, 15:30)
巴西专家:美国利用制裁“迫使媒体巨头沉默” - 俄罗斯卫星通讯社, 1920, 14.09.2024
© Sputnik
美国政府通过加大对俄罗斯媒体的制裁压力,试图“迫使媒体巨头沉默”。巴西专家Nathana Garcez Portugal在接受卫星通讯社采访时表达了这一观点。
她的同事、里约热内卢联邦大学的João Cláudio Pitillo认为,美国国务院代表的发言只是证实了美国宣传机器的失败,而好莱坞和世界主要社交网络都在为美国宣传机器服务。
--haaa many countries knew who always telling liars to cover itself wars. Trump also knew and admitted what usa real face is. Aaaa from my spouse i would say the way usa is wont be changed a bit until fall down. i kept saying some one dump big branches in our yard he wont admit those not belong to us till this month the quite heavy one left was disappeared because this time i refused to clean out the mess without him working together. our old house door bell i told him to examine, this is the 1st time came from his mouth "some one destroyed it." Cant believe over 26 years finally not cover for the unknown psycho did many bad things to us. when will americans face the truth which usa medias cover for masters wars for so long.
习近平:中方鼓励一切有利于和平解决乌克兰危机的努力 2024年9月9日, 20:27 (更新: 2024年9月9日, 20:43)
中国国家主席习近平 - 俄罗斯卫星通讯社, 1920, 09.09.2024
乌克兰 - 俄罗斯卫星通讯社, 1920, 01.09.2024
俄外长:俄方对中国提出的解决乌克兰危机倡议持积极态度 2024年9月9日, 22:33
俄罗斯卫星通讯社莫斯科9月9日电 俄罗斯外长拉夫罗夫表示,中国提出消除乌克兰危机问题根源,莫斯科对这一倡议持积极态度。
“如果乌克兰输给俄罗斯,波兰可能是下一个” 贺锦丽的话引来波兰人的强烈共鸣 时间: 2024-09-11 13:46:08
--haaa such one country to the next wars we all saw that is usa side masters did. Putin is very smart and decent type definitely wont issue bloody wars, he would rather spend time to do other things such as more colorful world in stead 让人极度讨厌主子们的一言堂. certainly those stole Russians money must chase back and else. every one knew which country is the most not welcome. Still felt the quicker Trump knew better than other rotten politicians.
铁锈地带:全球化灯塔边的灯下黑 2024-07-19 23:49发布于广东国际领域优质创作者
铁锈地带(Rust Belt)这一概念指美国中西部五大湖一带的传统重工业衰退区,包括纽约州(西部)、宾夕法尼亚州(西部)、俄亥俄州、印第安纳州、密歇根州、伊利诺伊州、艾奥瓦州、威斯康星州(东南部)等地。由于这一地理概念是基于共同的经济产业特征而非自然共性,因此其范围并没有一个明确的界定,有时候也包括了马萨诸塞州的纺织工业区、肯塔基的煤炭工业区等新英格兰和南方地区。....
--quite good paper. that showing why ILL 人口也纷纷外迁,
ref: https://usafacts.org/data/topics/people-society/population-and-demographics/our-changing-population/state/illinois/?endDate=2022-01-01&startDate=1970-01-01 1970-2022 1970 11,129,316 -1980 11,435,454 economic recession -1990 11,453,316 1997 12,185,715 - 2003 12,556,006 2004 12,589,773(7,741 more than 2024) -2013 12,895,778 (max) 人口 then down to 2022 12,582,032 (7,741 less than 2004) ie 20 years masters wars 锈到停止增长
just received mail about lead pipes related which i already gave up and called whether residents loan available and the schedule for our area but was told in 2028 or 2036 for free (need to visit township to see whether can examine indoors pipes and how much cost us, because too many fraud cant find honest handyman/company to do the job).
we did buy water filter showing 100 gal/3months. each month we only use 1-2 gals and buy water bottles since 5/11/2023 got free water test result. but 3 monts later the indicator light turned orange-red water jammed.
if im lucky would get another water test to compare 2023 whether any improvement if 2023-2024 more lead piples replaced.
the thing bother me ILL stick to 民主党, 密歇根、威斯康星 became 摇摆州 or 俄亥俄、印第安纳多次选择共和党. 威斯康星 unemployee rate quite low 2-3%, ILL is highest 5.2%. 俄亥俄 4-4.5%. do you smell it?
受害老妪爆更多华男诈骗10万元案细节 时间: 2024-09-12 23:35:10
--she got 2 deadly problems 1: 惠普笔记本电脑时突然死机 didnt tell win10 or win11, did she know battery percentage before 突然死机? my win10 today(frequently differ) 71% showing not charging, no plugin symbol but same as unplug.it down quickly i immediately turned off. Fuck every day auto updated by MS. win11 is no better and not fit the senior worker including me-type who write blog, pay online bills, maintain data files... only good for entertainment like spouse type. the weird is MS the same deadly problems sooner or later happen to every one, some got earlier some quite late. 2. must alt-del-ctrl examine any remote related processes embeded/running must disable it. 3. did she purchase MS 防病毒保费 $10 earlier/before? she should know whether ever buy and the price never so cheap. once you buy never can get any refund and the company never active call user.
--she was cheated because the man allured her by "退还她的防病毒保费" $10. 电脑死机 made her panic didnt carefully examine who and when 存入10万美元.
--dont lie but tell the truth then banker/police would help. they have more experience.
--she should have confidence that even if it happens not because she did bad things and can report to police/banker actively.
--the fraud man believe she is too old can cheat her again.
--unfortunately she still have to solve her 惠普笔记本电脑突然死机 problem if it is win10 she need go to computer store who has repairing service to backup HD and buy win11 notebook which really not easy for seniors, she better consider retire, or more frauds happen to her.
Another report to police dept and get police report copy which might can reduce 2024 tax in 2025 as business loss. verify whether her information exposed in dark web such as phone number, email address, IP address...due to companies/government data breach thru Mozilla Monitor and/or Have I Been Pwned which still not 100% cover all events. there are others https://scan.aura.com/results, dehashed.com, checkleaked.cc; uk.norton.com/breach-detection ps i didnt try because the less the better. Try free report 1st. they cant solve problems nor can prevent.
ps 华男诈骗布碌仑老妪10万元被通缉 时间: 2024-09-11 23:59:47
...根据辖管的市警84分局的公布,该诈骗案发生在今年7月9日下午2时许,案发于布碌仑菠萝街(Pineapple St.)和希克斯街(Hicks St.)附近。居住当地的一名75岁老妇接到了一名陌生男子的电话,声称她的电脑出了故障,让她从银行取出约10万现金来修理她的电脑。...
--win11 and MS 2024 updated win10 every day turn out lots problems, myself 68岁 as math and IT Background already cant deal with win10/win11 malicious bugs not mention 75岁老妇 and 78岁 spouse who cant deal any bugs and problems. myself suffered handymen 诈骗 in 2018 $800? and 2023 $2200?.
it is all about MS updating caused. why? user became white mice forced to be testing lousy app. free coolie forever.
i also received many fraud emails declared my notebook got virus can 修理 my 电脑. fortunately i tried very hard ignore and block senders. this year we both wont take any phone call (2023 a fraud banker called to get my personal informations including bank acoount number..., fortunately spouse hanged off and visited bank then report police dept and SSA website which 1st time found out we are Equifax data breach victims) ps correct 2023 Jun? received cookcounty(dupage?) health related dept data breach mail that was the 1st and only one notice letter received. Firefox free report in 2005 was the earliest data breach happened to us and the company has no relation to us not even knew the company name.
ps Cook County Health Says Information of 1.2 Million Patients Has Potentially Been Compromised Posted By Steve Alder on Nov 6, 2023
...On July 21, 2023, PJ&A notified Cook County Health that a data security incident had been detected and was under investigation. PJ&A engaged third-party cybersecurity experts to assist with the investigation and notified law enforcement, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and has been assisting the FBI with its investigation. According to the PJ&A substitute breach notice, a security breach was detected on May 2, 2023, and the subsequent forensic investigation confirmed its systems were accessed by an unauthorized individual between March 27, 2023, and May 2, 2023.
On July 26, 2023, PJ&A notified Cook County Health that patient data was stored in systems that had been accessed in the attack and that its forensic investigation had confirmed that the unauthorized individual accessed and exfiltrated the data of Cook County Health patients between April 7, 2023, and April 19, 2023. Cook County Health said it stopped sharing data with PJ&A when it was notified about the data breach and has since terminated its business relationship with the firm. A final list of the affected individuals was provided to Cook County Health on October 9, 2023. Cook County Health said it was one of many organizations affected by the PJ&A data breach.....
--9/13/2024 that is what i received data breach 2 mails sent by cookcounty and PJ&A.
i also found a weird thing that revisit Mozilla Monitor which showing:
How does Mozilla Monitor know I was involved in these breaches?
Mozilla Monitor gets its data breach information from a publicly searchable source, Have I Been Pwned. If you dont want your email address to show up in this database, visit the opt-out page.
so i wonder whether some new data breaches happened to our 3 email addresses but surprised i got : Oh no — pwned! ps the one exposed in dark web, some companies wont allow to change as user ID (email address).
Pwned in 9 data breaches and found no pastes (subscribe to search sensitive breaches)
and 2 other email addresses showing the same : Good news — no pwnage found!,
isnt very scary that no company sent data breach alert email/mail to me except cookcounty event which didnot post in Mozilla Monitor report nor recorded in "Have I Been Pwned". other companies related to us also not included.
Could be the black hands wiped off data breach file folder and data files in my HD and did the same to those data breach companies and "Have I Been Pwned"?
ps our 5 data breach cases :
iMenu360 data breach on 8/10/2022 Email 1 Phone 1
--quite weird why Domino pizza have our email, we did call less than 5? times for delivery pizza when spouse got new contract jobs and before 2013 not after.
pizza.dominos.be 2014-06-13, added to our database(Mozilla Monitor) on 2015-01-04
Gravatar data breach on 10/2/2020 Email 1
DriveSure data breach on 12/18/2020 Email 1 Password 1 Phone 1
ClearVoice Surveys data breach on 8/22/2015 Email 1 IP 1 Password 1 Phone 1
DaniWeb data breach on 11/30/2015 Email 1 IP 1 Password 1
Why am I in a data breach for a site I never signed up for?
There are many possible reasons for this including your data having been acquired by another service, the service rebranding itself as something else or someone else signing you up.
I dont recognize this company or website. Why am I receiving notifications about this breach?
There are several reasons why you might not recognize the company or breach name:
The site may have changed names or been sold to a new company.
--the only one i can see is domino pizza, the other 4 i dont think so.
Someone may have created an account for you.
The breach may be a combolist. A combolist is a collection of different data breaches. Hackers combined the passwords and email addresses from many data breaches into one single list.
A data aggregator was breached. These companies collect your information from other sources. Data aggregators compile publicly available data and buy customer data from other companies. You may have an account with a company that sold your information to a data aggregator.
扎哈罗娃回应朔尔茨有关北溪爆炸事件调查的言论 2024年9月9日, 02:58
此前,朔尔茨在接受ZDF电视台采访时称,应该对破坏“北溪-1”和“北溪- 2”天然气管道爆炸事件进行调查,并将肇事者绳之以法。他强调,他主张不隐瞒任何事情,并追究肇事者的责任。
此前,朔尔茨在接受ZDF电视台采访时称,应该对破坏“北溪-1”和“北溪- 2”天然气管道爆炸事件进行调查,并将肇事者绳之以法。他强调,他主张不隐瞒任何事情,并追究肇事者的责任。
俄外交部:德国关于与俄方交换涉及“北溪”恐袭信息的声明是撒谎 2024年8月21日, 23:15
俄罗斯卫星通讯社莫斯科8月21日电 俄罗斯外交部发言人扎哈罗娃表示,德国外交部关于与俄方交换涉及“北溪”恐袭信息的声明是撒谎。
2022年9月26日,俄罗斯向欧洲出口天然气的两条管道“北溪-1”和“北溪-2”同时遭到破坏。德国、丹麦和瑞典不排除这是有针对性的破坏活动。“北溪”运营商Nord Stream AG公司称,天然气管道遭受的损坏前所未有,修复时间无法估计。俄罗斯总检察院对这起国际恐怖主义行为提起立案。俄罗斯总统新闻秘书佩斯科夫此前表示,俄罗斯多次要求提供“北溪”输气管爆炸的相关信息,但从未收到过。
多特康姆在美国承认破坏俄乌协议后把纽兰称作是“大屠杀的凶手” 2024年9月10日, 02:53 (更新: 2024年9月10日, 02:55)
扎哈罗娃:许多国家希望加入金砖国家集团,是因为厌倦了美国的侵略 2024年09月09日 09:07 观察者网
据TV BRICS报道,俄罗斯联邦委员会此前表示,来自世界不同地区的40个国家已准备好加入金砖国家。“今日俄罗斯”(RT)称,委内瑞拉、泰国、塞内加尔、古巴、哈萨克斯坦、白俄罗斯、巴林和巴基斯坦等国都已经正式提交申请。
美国指责因 RT 造成世界上对乌克兰缺乏支持 2024年9月14日, 02:32 (更新: 2024年9月14日, 03:29)
--i dont think so right in the beginning i suggested the actor quit and "let master-to-master talk directly". because we have long history IQ immediately knew whats going on and how to do better selection in stead die to the last man for masters war. the most important is 乌克兰 lands came from Russia and many years they are Russian including the actor. why would the actor win?
same as in usa whats good for endless masters wars but turn more americans mental illness and life in danger. if Bush can stop his wars when so many indoors anti-wars came out, today usa would be much better, not worse and the worst. YOU rotten politicians lie too much. RT just tell out what the world majority people thinking. much less the world people listen to masters groups liars since Bushs wars not because RT 宣传、虚假信息和谎言.
他指出,美国驻世界各地的外交官已经接到指示:他们应向盟国提供 “证据”,证明 RT 据称拥有哪些能力,以及该电视台如何在各国 “使用 ”这些能力。
“今日俄罗斯”国际新闻通讯社和RT电视台的主编玛格丽塔·西蒙尼扬在评论美国国务卿的话时指出:“美国情报部门挖出我们在帮助前线。我们这就是在光明正大地做,白痴!把买了多少东西、寄了多少东西的清单发过来? 如果有啥的话,我们会定期公布。”
美国财政部也宣布对 "今日俄罗斯"媒体集团和及其总裁德米特里·基谢廖夫采取限制措施。美国财政部发布通用许可证,规定在11 月13日之前结束与“今日俄罗斯”媒体集团的金融业务。
ps 西蒙尼扬在美国对RT实施制裁后表示,她这一生没有白活 2024年9月14日, 02:56 (更新: 2024年9月14日, 03:15)
美国财政部9月13日宣布对 "今日俄罗斯"媒体集团和及其总裁德米特里·基谢廖夫采取限制措施。
--Salute to her !
巴西专家:美国利用制裁“迫使媒体巨头沉默” 2024年9月14日, 15:29 (更新: 2024年9月14日, 15:30)
巴西专家:美国利用制裁“迫使媒体巨头沉默” - 俄罗斯卫星通讯社, 1920, 14.09.2024
© Sputnik
美国政府通过加大对俄罗斯媒体的制裁压力,试图“迫使媒体巨头沉默”。巴西专家Nathana Garcez Portugal在接受卫星通讯社采访时表达了这一观点。
她的同事、里约热内卢联邦大学的João Cláudio Pitillo认为,美国国务院代表的发言只是证实了美国宣传机器的失败,而好莱坞和世界主要社交网络都在为美国宣传机器服务。
--haaa many countries knew who always telling liars to cover itself wars. Trump also knew and admitted what usa real face is. Aaaa from my spouse i would say the way usa is wont be changed a bit until fall down. i kept saying some one dump big branches in our yard he wont admit those not belong to us till this month the quite heavy one left was disappeared because this time i refused to clean out the mess without him working together. our old house door bell i told him to examine, this is the 1st time came from his mouth "some one destroyed it." Cant believe over 26 years finally not cover for the unknown psycho did many bad things to us. when will americans face the truth which usa medias cover for masters wars for so long.
习近平:中方鼓励一切有利于和平解决乌克兰危机的努力 2024年9月9日, 20:27 (更新: 2024年9月9日, 20:43)
中国国家主席习近平 - 俄罗斯卫星通讯社, 1920, 09.09.2024
乌克兰 - 俄罗斯卫星通讯社, 1920, 01.09.2024
俄外长:俄方对中国提出的解决乌克兰危机倡议持积极态度 2024年9月9日, 22:33
俄罗斯卫星通讯社莫斯科9月9日电 俄罗斯外长拉夫罗夫表示,中国提出消除乌克兰危机问题根源,莫斯科对这一倡议持积极态度。
“如果乌克兰输给俄罗斯,波兰可能是下一个” 贺锦丽的话引来波兰人的强烈共鸣 时间: 2024-09-11 13:46:08
--haaa such one country to the next wars we all saw that is usa side masters did. Putin is very smart and decent type definitely wont issue bloody wars, he would rather spend time to do other things such as more colorful world in stead 让人极度讨厌主子们的一言堂. certainly those stole Russians money must chase back and else. every one knew which country is the most not welcome. Still felt the quicker Trump knew better than other rotten politicians.
铁锈地带:全球化灯塔边的灯下黑 2024-07-19 23:49发布于广东国际领域优质创作者
铁锈地带(Rust Belt)这一概念指美国中西部五大湖一带的传统重工业衰退区,包括纽约州(西部)、宾夕法尼亚州(西部)、俄亥俄州、印第安纳州、密歇根州、伊利诺伊州、艾奥瓦州、威斯康星州(东南部)等地。由于这一地理概念是基于共同的经济产业特征而非自然共性,因此其范围并没有一个明确的界定,有时候也包括了马萨诸塞州的纺织工业区、肯塔基的煤炭工业区等新英格兰和南方地区。....
--quite good paper. that showing why ILL 人口也纷纷外迁,
ref: https://usafacts.org/data/topics/people-society/population-and-demographics/our-changing-population/state/illinois/?endDate=2022-01-01&startDate=1970-01-01 1970-2022 1970 11,129,316 -1980 11,435,454 economic recession -1990 11,453,316 1997 12,185,715 - 2003 12,556,006 2004 12,589,773(7,741 more than 2024) -2013 12,895,778 (max) 人口 then down to 2022 12,582,032 (7,741 less than 2004) ie 20 years masters wars 锈到停止增长
just received mail about lead pipes related which i already gave up and called whether residents loan available and the schedule for our area but was told in 2028 or 2036 for free (need to visit township to see whether can examine indoors pipes and how much cost us, because too many fraud cant find honest handyman/company to do the job).
we did buy water filter showing 100 gal/3months. each month we only use 1-2 gals and buy water bottles since 5/11/2023 got free water test result. but 3 monts later the indicator light turned orange-red water jammed.
if im lucky would get another water test to compare 2023 whether any improvement if 2023-2024 more lead piples replaced.
the thing bother me ILL stick to 民主党, 密歇根、威斯康星 became 摇摆州 or 俄亥俄、印第安纳多次选择共和党. 威斯康星 unemployee rate quite low 2-3%, ILL is highest 5.2%. 俄亥俄 4-4.5%. do you smell it?
受害老妪爆更多华男诈骗10万元案细节 时间: 2024-09-12 23:35:10
--she got 2 deadly problems 1: 惠普笔记本电脑时突然死机 didnt tell win10 or win11, did she know battery percentage before 突然死机? my win10 today(frequently differ) 71% showing not charging, no plugin symbol but same as unplug.it down quickly i immediately turned off. Fuck every day auto updated by MS. win11 is no better and not fit the senior worker including me-type who write blog, pay online bills, maintain data files... only good for entertainment like spouse type. the weird is MS the same deadly problems sooner or later happen to every one, some got earlier some quite late. 2. must alt-del-ctrl examine any remote related processes embeded/running must disable it. 3. did she purchase MS 防病毒保费 $10 earlier/before? she should know whether ever buy and the price never so cheap. once you buy never can get any refund and the company never active call user.
--she was cheated because the man allured her by "退还她的防病毒保费" $10. 电脑死机 made her panic didnt carefully examine who and when 存入10万美元.
--dont lie but tell the truth then banker/police would help. they have more experience.
--she should have confidence that even if it happens not because she did bad things and can report to police/banker actively.
--the fraud man believe she is too old can cheat her again.
--unfortunately she still have to solve her 惠普笔记本电脑突然死机 problem if it is win10 she need go to computer store who has repairing service to backup HD and buy win11 notebook which really not easy for seniors, she better consider retire, or more frauds happen to her.
Another report to police dept and get police report copy which might can reduce 2024 tax in 2025 as business loss. verify whether her information exposed in dark web such as phone number, email address, IP address...due to companies/government data breach thru Mozilla Monitor and/or Have I Been Pwned which still not 100% cover all events. there are others https://scan.aura.com/results, dehashed.com, checkleaked.cc; uk.norton.com/breach-detection ps i didnt try because the less the better. Try free report 1st. they cant solve problems nor can prevent.
ps 华男诈骗布碌仑老妪10万元被通缉 时间: 2024-09-11 23:59:47
...根据辖管的市警84分局的公布,该诈骗案发生在今年7月9日下午2时许,案发于布碌仑菠萝街(Pineapple St.)和希克斯街(Hicks St.)附近。居住当地的一名75岁老妇接到了一名陌生男子的电话,声称她的电脑出了故障,让她从银行取出约10万现金来修理她的电脑。...
--win11 and MS 2024 updated win10 every day turn out lots problems, myself 68岁 as math and IT Background already cant deal with win10/win11 malicious bugs not mention 75岁老妇 and 78岁 spouse who cant deal any bugs and problems. myself suffered handymen 诈骗 in 2018 $800? and 2023 $2200?.
it is all about MS updating caused. why? user became white mice forced to be testing lousy app. free coolie forever.
i also received many fraud emails declared my notebook got virus can 修理 my 电脑. fortunately i tried very hard ignore and block senders. this year we both wont take any phone call (2023 a fraud banker called to get my personal informations including bank acoount number..., fortunately spouse hanged off and visited bank then report police dept and SSA website which 1st time found out we are Equifax data breach victims) ps correct 2023 Jun? received cookcounty(dupage?) health related dept data breach mail that was the 1st and only one notice letter received. Firefox free report in 2005 was the earliest data breach happened to us and the company has no relation to us not even knew the company name.
ps Cook County Health Says Information of 1.2 Million Patients Has Potentially Been Compromised Posted By Steve Alder on Nov 6, 2023
...On July 21, 2023, PJ&A notified Cook County Health that a data security incident had been detected and was under investigation. PJ&A engaged third-party cybersecurity experts to assist with the investigation and notified law enforcement, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and has been assisting the FBI with its investigation. According to the PJ&A substitute breach notice, a security breach was detected on May 2, 2023, and the subsequent forensic investigation confirmed its systems were accessed by an unauthorized individual between March 27, 2023, and May 2, 2023.
On July 26, 2023, PJ&A notified Cook County Health that patient data was stored in systems that had been accessed in the attack and that its forensic investigation had confirmed that the unauthorized individual accessed and exfiltrated the data of Cook County Health patients between April 7, 2023, and April 19, 2023. Cook County Health said it stopped sharing data with PJ&A when it was notified about the data breach and has since terminated its business relationship with the firm. A final list of the affected individuals was provided to Cook County Health on October 9, 2023. Cook County Health said it was one of many organizations affected by the PJ&A data breach.....
--9/13/2024 that is what i received data breach 2 mails sent by cookcounty and PJ&A.
i also found a weird thing that revisit Mozilla Monitor which showing:
How does Mozilla Monitor know I was involved in these breaches?
Mozilla Monitor gets its data breach information from a publicly searchable source, Have I Been Pwned. If you dont want your email address to show up in this database, visit the opt-out page.
so i wonder whether some new data breaches happened to our 3 email addresses but surprised i got : Oh no — pwned! ps the one exposed in dark web, some companies wont allow to change as user ID (email address).
Pwned in 9 data breaches and found no pastes (subscribe to search sensitive breaches)
and 2 other email addresses showing the same : Good news — no pwnage found!,
isnt very scary that no company sent data breach alert email/mail to me except cookcounty event which didnot post in Mozilla Monitor report nor recorded in "Have I Been Pwned". other companies related to us also not included.
Could be the black hands wiped off data breach file folder and data files in my HD and did the same to those data breach companies and "Have I Been Pwned"?
ps our 5 data breach cases :
iMenu360 data breach on 8/10/2022 Email 1 Phone 1
--quite weird why Domino pizza have our email, we did call less than 5? times for delivery pizza when spouse got new contract jobs and before 2013 not after.
pizza.dominos.be 2014-06-13, added to our database(Mozilla Monitor) on 2015-01-04
Gravatar data breach on 10/2/2020 Email 1
DriveSure data breach on 12/18/2020 Email 1 Password 1 Phone 1
ClearVoice Surveys data breach on 8/22/2015 Email 1 IP 1 Password 1 Phone 1
DaniWeb data breach on 11/30/2015 Email 1 IP 1 Password 1
Why am I in a data breach for a site I never signed up for?
There are many possible reasons for this including your data having been acquired by another service, the service rebranding itself as something else or someone else signing you up.
I dont recognize this company or website. Why am I receiving notifications about this breach?
There are several reasons why you might not recognize the company or breach name:
The site may have changed names or been sold to a new company.
--the only one i can see is domino pizza, the other 4 i dont think so.
Someone may have created an account for you.
The breach may be a combolist. A combolist is a collection of different data breaches. Hackers combined the passwords and email addresses from many data breaches into one single list.
A data aggregator was breached. These companies collect your information from other sources. Data aggregators compile publicly available data and buy customer data from other companies. You may have an account with a company that sold your information to a data aggregator.
上一則: when i searched "today who are those mutual funds down over 8%" failed in Bing and Google but happened in 9/10/2011下一則: it's all about Chrome making money so many bad things happen frequently--redirect to suspicious website; MS use battery not charging to kill win10,win11 asap which expires 10/8/2024
- 华为鸿蒙三折 5G 手机 can replace MS windows notebook soon. prevent MS battery no charge and 以色列电池炸弹?
- 以方”干点事情”都会提前告知美方; 挪威发通缉令39岁前往美国后就消失vs 消失的Tom Taiwan didnt 发通缉令
- did taiwan not only involve to murder Hadi previous president but now 黎巴嫩和叙利亚? 别买以色列2022年幌子公司 挪威(保加利亚)匈牙利 setup 台湾日本(lied)? 台独公司/制造厂 的产品
- National Public Data breach 8/20-8/21/2024 exposed my SS# in dark web; Change Healthcare-CHC data breach found on 02/17-2/20/2024 3/7
- Finally searched others suffering what i always suffered-file folders, data files disappeared
- Microsoft Issues New Upgrade Warning For 70% Of All Windows Users--win10 unpopular end-of-life becomes reality